ROC May - CosmicBeing, Barefootlife, and LisaStarlight


Reading for CosmicBeing


Hi CosmicBeing, this is your reading. I have a lot of respect for the Les Vampires oracle cards and find that they provide some really deep messages. I've combined my intuitive take on the cards with the guidebook's interpretations. Sometimes they've meshed, sometimes the two readings were like flip sides of a coin. I hope the messages make sense in any case. :)

Position 1 is 1 Eternal Youth


The first card that I got for Position 1 – Safety – is (1) Eternal Youth. On an intuitive level, I think that this card is showing me that in order for the character in this card to feel safe, there’s a price to be paid. And it means that there are things she cannot indulge in or enjoy. And it makes me wonder if feelings of safety only arise from a deprivation of some sort? I wonder if what makes you feel safe is paying in some way for that feeling of safety. Or depriving yourself of something in order to feel safe?

This reminds me of the book, The Great Leap, and how in order to feel safe we will sometimes sabotage ourselves and not allow ourselves to have more than we are comfortable with. I wonder if this card is talking about that sort of situation.
The most relevant part of the guidebook for this card is the section Working With this Card.

Explore the blessings of the body and mind. It is time to discover what your body can do to instigate a transformation. It is time to give in to what you love and to make it a larger part of your life. It is time to eat well, drink deeply of water, and connect with new people. It is time to love being alive, for that drinking deep of the cup of life is the true fountain of youth.

This ties in with my intuitive reading by reiterating that abundance is ok and allowing yourself to enjoy the pleasures of life is ok and although it might feel unsafe it’s all about living in the moment and enjoying the moment and letting the next moment take care of itself. We can fill our inner wells with the joy of the experience of abundance and joy and being blessed.


Card No 2 is 23 Free Will and the keywords are sovereignty, independence and free spirit.

On an intuitive level, it seems that feelings of plenty and abundance might come, for you, from feeling free and being able to take care of your own needs, perhaps, without relying on someone else to meet your needs for you. You want to make your own decisions, you want to go your own path, and do it your way. And you want to be able to do that without anybody becoming an obstacle – and perhaps there is the belief that other people get in the way, and that their needs conflict with what it is you want to do and where it is you want to go. And so this idea of being independent is what makes you feel the full potential of life and the feelings of abundance.

Remind yourself of your own dreams and desires of the purpose that has asked to be expressed through you. Activate your ability to say yes and no without guilt and fear. It is safe and easy for you to express and act upon your free will.

Linking these interpretations together – the intuitive and the guidebook – it’s all about free will and perhaps there was a valid reason for you to feel that abundance comes to you when you are independent and sovereign – being in your own sovereignty – perhaps there is a reasons why this is important – so this card is saying to remind yourself of your own dreams and desires. Be able to say yes and no without guilt and fear. It is safe and easy for you to act upon your free will – perhaps this would make a good affirmation?

Your abundance appears to tie into your safety, and will make it so much easier to go with the flow but it’s a flow coming from within you rather than a flow created by others, which is what this card is about.


Position 3 – 32 Hunter. This position is about regeneration and exploring possibility.

Looking at the card, the message, from an intuitive perspective, is to go out there like a hunter and track down the possibilities. When you’ve worked with cards 1 and 2, then this is the next step on the journey, tracking down the things that you have decided are needed for you to grow and flourish. And it’s ok to do that, too.

When I read the guidebook, I’m blown away by how deep the messages are.

It is time to establish how to obtain what it is you want. You must not ask another to go after it. And while the hunt will take place on the outside, it will also take place on the inside. You must find that part of you within that has the courage to chase what you would make yours and be honest about it.

In an earlier part of this section, the text mentions that a hunter has to pick what it kills and that there’s almost an air of competition about it – You. Or Me. The guidebook says that there is no need to kill. Even though you may be feeling that it’s a case of you or the other, the guidebook says “There are other ways through to the goal you desire.” Find what it is you need deep within. Going inwards. Look within yourself. Track down the obstacles within yourself that allow you to explore the possibilities of growth and progress on the outside.


Position 4 – Hope
This position is about love in all its forms. The question asked is what does it tell you about your life right now?

The card suggests to me that there is an element of hoping within you right now looking for nourishing relationships where there is give and take. Your sense of hope has not been extinguished, but perhaps there is also a sense of passiveness or procrastination or hesitation as the character is seated rather than moving.

In the section Les Vampires speak, it says: "If this card finds you at this time, you are being asked to rise above those who are giving in to hopelessness and negativity. It does not ask you to be falsely hopeful, or put on a happy face and refuse to face what must be faced, it asks you to be hopeful. You do not yet know the outcome, you do not yet know what might happen next. But you can be assured that this hope you have will sustain you in a time of great difficulty."

You will soon have hope which will make whatever is taking place at this moment easier to bear. This hardship is impermanent and tomorrow will be better.

This suggests that in love things look bleak just now, but hang in there, because things are going to make a turn for the better.


Position 5 – (17) The Past a Prison

To me, it seems quite significant that this is a card relating to the past in a position that relates to the future. It suggests that there may be something that will not let you move forward right now, and perhaps your whole energy is stuck in the past. Remembering past hardships, and not being able or not being willing or not being in a place where you can let them go.

In the layout we’re asked to consider how position 3 relates to position 5. Position 3 was about the Hunter and going within – and the intuitive take I had was going within to look for the obstacles. Card No 5 is one of these obstacles to your moving into the future.

Working with the Hunter in whatever way you find best (meditation, visualisation etc.), track down this aspect within you that cannot let go of the past. It might be a defence mechanism to keep you safe – relates to position 1. The price to be paid for feeling safe may be an unwillingness to move into the future fully.

It also ties into card 2 Free Will – are you truly free – have you allowed all of your nature and your energy to flourish and grow and spread and see the light if you are choosing to hold onto something from the past in an attempt to be safe?

The Hunter, remember, doesn’t have to WIN. There’s no need for a win/lose situation – it’s more a question of tracking down that part and acknowledging its presence, acknowledging its purpose, and then living life without letting it into the driving seat.

I think the obstacle is part of your subconscious and that’s why the Hunter is needed to find it. It’s not something you are aware of consciously.

And again, in the guidebook, the interpretation is a flip-side.

Find those who have suffered and who have moved on, for they are the great hearts, the ones who have the most to teach, and who have the greatest souls. Find the ones who have not just forgiven but who have taken their hurt and put it to constructive purpose and helped many others.

Earlier in the guidebook, this card was about Miss Havesham from Great Expectations and how the tragic betrayal in her youth kept her locked in the past and caused her to use an innocent to wreak revenge on those who reminded her of her betrayer.

It suggests the possibility that something in your family’s past, or in an ancestor’s lifetime, has been passed down through the generations as a belief or a behaviour and the unfortunate thing about it is that the origin of the belief/behaviour was not with the intention of growth but of something else. Perhaps revenge. Perhaps justification for a way of behaving or moving through the world.

By not upholding this subconscious behaviour or belief, it could cause disruption (almost as if you’re going against a family value or standard or something of that nature) “but do your best to live your story and to distance yourself from whoever might ask you to deny your own story and live out their own again and again.
“Do not make someone else’s past your present.”

It’s a different slant on the card than my interpretation in that it relates to another – and suggests that the obstacle to moving into your future is not actually something that originated with you but with that other. They have dragged you into their story, and are not allowing you to live your own.

(Which is a lesson to me that sometimes our woes are not actually caused by something we’ve done or by who we are. Sometimes, unwittingly, we’re simply caught up in someone else’s story before we are old enough or experienced enough to realise what is going on.)

And this card relates back to Position 1 Safety – going against the beliefs and/or behaviours of loved ones or elders is not really deemed a safe way to carry on. And yet staying safe in this way has a high cost.

Taking all the cards into account, the messages appear to be centred around feeling safe and how that might be conflicting with your free will and sense of abundance, and how it is even holding you back from progressing in your life. But there are also those role models from times past that you can call on for inspiration and encouragement and determination, because they found ways to move around that obstacle. There is a brighter time ahead, hold on to your sense of hope and keep that flame alive.

So there you go, CosmicBeing. I hope this has been useful and provided some glimmers of insight here and there.


Feedback for Barefootlife

Hi Barefootlife! I'm finally getting around to leaving you feedback. I wanted to sit with the reading for a little while so I could be thorough with my feedback. Two reasons for this. 1. This is the first reading of my personal new year - you even posted it on my birthday which was a lovely surprise!! And 2. this is a Death card year for me.

Pos 1: Safety - Wisdom.
This is VERY TRUE. The unknown - whether in small situations or the larger mysteries of life - make me feel uneasy and anxious. I feel unprepared and vulnerable. The more information I have, I feel, the better decisions I'll make. I will work on learning to be comfortable in not knowing, and in the other forms of knowing; belief and feeling.

Pos 2: Abundance - Time.
This card fills me with relief! There are a number of things in my life that I've put on hold and reading that time is not an issue is so immensely reassuring. I will get round to those things again in the future. :)

Pos 3: Regeneration - Vision.
This, too, is very accurate. I'm at a bit of a standstill, I feel. Not sure where to head for because of what it might mean in terms of change and outcome. (This relates to the Wisdom card and being able to accept the unknown.)

I see I will have to do some work around cards 1 and 3. :!:

Pos 4: Love - Balance.
Again, this is accurate. In relationships of all types, it is important to me that I connect emotionally and mentally. Having good, meaningful, heartfelt conversations is important.

Pos 5: The Future - Cycle.
I see life as a spiral, too. We never come back to the same place we've been before, even if where we are looks familiar. There is progress in that respect.

I'll take on board the advice to keep trying new things until I find my niche. It's not going to be easy, but I can see that any movement in any direction at all is beneficial, as it is impossible to orient my inner compass accurately otherwise.

Movement for movement's sake, of course, is another step into the unknown, and so it links back to cards 3 and 1 in that regard.

Luckily cards 2 and 5 work well together! I can ride the merry-go-round until it's time for the more linear roller-coaster and I don't need to worry about how long the journey takes. :)

Thank you so much for the reading, Barefootlife. I have the feeling that I've still only scratched at the surface and that there's more underneath, and this is a great place to start the investigating. :thumbsup:


Posting your reading tonight barefoot.


Not complete.

Just a general, please!

May Queen
May is a time of fertility and high spirits. By Beltane, the dark time of the year is a distant memory and the possibilities of life seem sweet. Use the May Queen spread to regain or confirm a sense of abundance and safety. If you have a specific question in mind, ask it as you shuffle the cards. Shuffle the cards and place them in positions one through five.

This is going to be pretty much fully intuitive.

Position 1: Safety.*Emotional security. What you need to feel safe. Where are you secure in yourself? A seemingly negative card describes a situation that needs your focused attention. Work with the energy of that card to produce feelings of safety.
Tiger- Doing something Risky. Taking a chance

The image of a tiger brings me to be drawn to the stripes. I have heard the stripes of a tiger are not identical to the stripes of other tigers. This made me feel like on some level you feel like you are a carbon copy of everyone in some manner. Maybe you eat breakfast, work a 9to5, and upkeep the house...or everyone in your community are related, or they are all of the same spiritual faith...whatever it is you like being part of a community...being able to easily relate. But, this may also cause you the need for some individuality. Maybe one day you want to walk out and just do something out of the box. There seems to be a double edge sword in what you find a sense of comfort & security.

Position 2: Abundance.**Feelings of plenty. Abundance may encompass monetary prosperity, but it also describes the emotional breadth of your life that is full and sweet. A challenging card directs you to constricted energy flow; by releasing the block of a challenging card, emotional abundance will follow.Man- Dealing or relationship with a man
Well this doesn't exactly describe a something but a who. I immediately thought that maybe you feel there are just too many males in your life. I don't know your gender identity or sexuality. But this is also an issue for you. If you are interested in may signal an issue in being able to meet a woman through social and hobby related events. If you are interested in men it may make you wonder why there are so many men around you for whatever reasons..but i feel there is a level of romance here. I get a feeling you are single and you have a lot of male friends. How this affects you specifically i am unsure but i have a feeling it is tied to you trying to find a good life companion.

Position 3: Regeneration.**Exploring the possibilities. The bold action needed to grow and flourish. A challenging card will show you the block that keeps you from your heart's desire.
Woman-Dealings or relationship with a woman
I think you are interested in women. This position is about a bold action needed to flourish. Maybe the bold action is putting yourself in situation that are female dominated. If not that it has to do with women...some bold action is needed toward a specific female

Position 4: Love.**Emotions and relationships. All forms of love, from friendship to sexual passion. Only you know your heart. Look at the suit of the card: what does it tell you about your life right now? Flag- Do not be tempted to lower your standards
Well i dont feel i need to add more. I do think self-confidence is lacking in this may not feel good enough for the people you really are attracted to so you may heavily surround yourself with only friends OR you end up dating the wrong people who you may know deep down is not compatible with your lifestyle/personality. Approach the person you like, ask them out, if they say is not the end of the world..better to know now than to limit yourself. By knowing early you can then continue on your journey to finding the perfect someone who is equally interested in you without you having to lower your standard.

Position 5: The Future.**The present conceivable outcome based on the flow of cards one through four. What story do the cards tell? The lessons to be learned and the potential for growth. How does position three, regeneration, relate to the future
Scissors- Disappointment in some affair
well i am thinking this indicates two things...
1. You will be cutting people and beliefs out of your life.
2. If you don't allow yourself to pursue who you truly want will carry disappointment with you until you believe you are just as worthy as the next person to have what you dream of. You aren't hurting anyone but yourself by denying the type of person and love that is personally fulfilling. You live one life and you need to fully live it.

I hope this made sense...only success i have had with this tea leaf oracle is in combination readings. So be interesting to see how the intuitive worked.


May Queen
Position 1: Safety.*Emotional security. What you need to feel safe. Where are you secure in yourself? A seemingly negative card describes a situation that needs your focused attention. Work with the energy of that card to produce feelings of safety.
Tiger- Doing something Risky. Taking a chance

The image of a tiger brings me to be drawn to the stripes. I have heard the stripes of a tiger are not identical to the stripes of other tigers. This made me feel like on some level you feel like you are a carbon copy of everyone in some manner. Maybe you eat breakfast, work a 9to5, and upkeep the house...or everyone in your community are related, or they are all of the same spiritual faith...whatever it is you like being part of a community...being able to easily relate. But, this may also cause you the need for some individuality. Maybe one day you want to walk out and just do something out of the box. There seems to be a double edge sword in what you find a sense of comfort & security.

Your focus on the tiger's stripes is perceptive! Right now I'm struggling with that feeling of having a routine, unsatisfying life without feeling like I belong at all. I don't fit into the community here, and I'd very much like to get out of this box. Right now the kind of community I live in forces me to reign in my self-expression and opinions in order to not rock the boat, and it's become stifling. I find comfort amongst people with similar, or at least adjacent, life philosophies, and right now my situation has me in such an uncomfortable place that I'm almost positive that I'll be moving within the next six months.

Position 2: Abundance.**Feelings of plenty. Abundance may encompass monetary prosperity, but it also describes the emotional breadth of your life that is full and sweet. A challenging card directs you to constricted energy flow; by releasing the block of a challenging card, emotional abundance will follow.Man- Dealing or relationship with a man
Well this doesn't exactly describe a something but a who. I immediately thought that maybe you feel there are just too many males in your life. I don't know your gender identity or sexuality. But this is also an issue for you. If you are interested in may signal an issue in being able to meet a woman through social and hobby related events. If you are interested in men it may make you wonder why there are so many men around you for whatever reasons..but i feel there is a level of romance here. I get a feeling you are single and you have a lot of male friends. How this affects you specifically i am unsure but i have a feeling it is tied to you trying to find a good life companion.

There is definitely currently an overabundance of men in my life, in the form of male coworkers. I'm often the only woman in my section of the office, and these men have very certain ideas about what women should be and how they should behave. I don't fit well with those beliefs (tattoos, short hair, liberal beliefs and a wielded literature degree don't fly in TX). Men don't make me uncomfortable as a rule, but these grown-ass dudebros kind of make me want to throttle them. Not people I really want to be friends with, and definitely not romantic prospects. I'm interested in both men and women, but most of the folks I come into contact with aren't at all my type.

Position 3: Regeneration.**Exploring the possibilities. The bold action needed to grow and flourish. A challenging card will show you the block that keeps you from your heart's desire.
Woman-Dealings or relationship with a woman
I think you are interested in women. This position is about a bold action needed to flourish. Maybe the bold action is putting yourself in situation that are female dominated. If not that it has to do with women...some bold action is needed toward a specific female

I am romantically interested in women, but I think that this refers more to my tentative moving plans, where I'd be close to a cadre of female and female-bodied friends instead of being so isolated. Moving is definitely a bold move, and it has a good chance of leading to growth.

Position 4: Love.**Emotions and relationships. All forms of love, from friendship to sexual passion. Only you know your heart. Look at the suit of the card: what does it tell you about your life right now? Flag- Do not be tempted to lower your standards
Well i dont feel i need to add more. I do think self-confidence is lacking in this may not feel good enough for the people you really are attracted to so you may heavily surround yourself with only friends OR you end up dating the wrong people who you may know deep down is not compatible with your lifestyle/personality. Approach the person you like, ask them out, if they say is not the end of the world..better to know now than to limit yourself. By knowing early you can then continue on your journey to finding the perfect someone who is equally interested in you without you having to lower your standard.

Hahahaha, yep, story of my romantic life. It's part of why I've been single for years - tired of falling into these imbalanced relationships where I give so much more than I get. There's no one I'm romantically interested in right now, and I'm pretty okay with that.

Position 5: The Future.**The present conceivable outcome based on the flow of cards one through four. What story do the cards tell? The lessons to be learned and the potential for growth. How does position three, regeneration, relate to the future
Scissors- Disappointment in some affair
well i am thinking this indicates two things...
1. You will be cutting people and beliefs out of your life.
2. If you don't allow yourself to pursue who you truly want will carry disappointment with you until you believe you are just as worthy as the next person to have what you dream of. You aren't hurting anyone but yourself by denying the type of person and love that is personally fulfilling. You live one life and you need to fully live it.

I hope this made sense...only success i have had with this tea leaf oracle is in combination readings. So be interesting to see how the intuitive worked.

When you did this reading, I was right on the edge of calling it mental quits on my current job, and I've since done so. It's definitely been a disappointing experience, where I was promised a lot of work, training, and opportunity to learn, and haven't been given any of that. Emotionally and spiritually, I'm definitely not living the life I want to be living right now, and that's something I'm trying to fix.

Thanks for your reading!


Completed ~ Feedback


Hi CosmicBeing, this is your reading. I have a lot of respect for the Les Vampires oracle cards and find that they provide some really deep messages. I've combined my intuitive take on the cards with the guidebook's interpretations. Sometimes they've meshed, sometimes the two readings were like flip sides of a coin. I hope the messages make sense in any case. :)I'll have to check out these cards one day.

Position 1 is 1 Eternal Youth

The first card that I got for Position 1 – Safety – is (1) Eternal Youth. On an intuitive level, I think that this card is showing me that in order for the character in this card to feel safe, there’s a price to be paid. And it means that there are things she cannot indulge in or enjoy. And it makes me wonder if feelings of safety only arise from a deprivation of some sort? I wonder if what makes you feel safe is paying in some way for that feeling of safety. Or depriving yourself of something in order to feel safe?I suppose in some manner this is true.

I wouldn't say it is deprivation. I keep certain things very distance because I feel more safe. I mostly do this in relationships I think. I like my privacy and my own space. So I might deny emotional intimacy and other stuff because I feel safe. This might hold true in other aspects of my life. I don't think I keep a lot to myself to feel safe. So there is a level of depriving...but nothing that I want that and I feel comfortable in that manner.

This reminds me of the book, The Great Leap, and how in order to feel safe we will sometimes sabotage ourselves and not allow ourselves to have more than we are comfortable with. I wonder if this card is talking about that sort of situation.It could. I like things a certain way....I am a risk taker...but I am not the type to do risks I am not comfortable with if that makes sense. I am not sure how much sabotaging I am doing honestly.

The most relevant part of the guidebook for this card is the section Working With this Card.

Explore the blessings of the body and mind. It is time to discover what your body can do to instigate a transformation. It is time to give in to what you love and to make it a larger part of your life. It is time to eat well, drink deeply of water, and connect with new people. It is time to love being alive, for that drinking deep of the cup of life is the true fountain of youth.I suppose I need to be more social. That is the only thing I am really lacking is a social surrounding. I am pretty isolated and a loner. I don't let people close to I really don't have a social group.
I like my loner ways.

This ties in with my intuitive reading by reiterating that abundance is ok and allowing yourself to enjoy the pleasures of life is ok and although it might feel unsafe it’s all about living in the moment and enjoying the moment and letting the next moment take care of itself. We can fill our inner wells with the joy of the experience of abundance and joy and being blessed.I'll keep this in mind. I am very much a loner...I isolate myself from others mostly. I mean I am a social person...but I am still a loner. You'll never see me at the clubs or at some social event just to socialize. I am now trying to create more personal friendships.


Card No 2 is 23 Free Will and the keywords are sovereignty, independence and free spirit.

On an intuitive level, it seems that feelings of plenty and abundance might come, for you, from feeling free and being able to take care of your own needs, perhaps, without relying on someone else to meet your needs for you.
This is true. I hate relying on others.
You want to make your own decisions, you want to go your own path, and do it your way. And you want to be able to do that without anybody becoming an obstacle – and perhaps there is the belief that other people get in the way, and that their needs conflict with what it is you want to do and where it is you want to go.
Yes, I want to do what I want. I do feel this about other people right now. I haven't meant anyone with similar goals and I feel getting too involved with the person (not specific) will just hold me back. This applies more to my dating.
And so this idea of being independent is what makes you feel the full potential of life and the feelings of abundance.

Remind yourself of your own dreams and desires of the purpose that has asked to be expressed through you. Activate your ability to say yes and no without guilt and fear. It is safe and easy for you to express and act upon your free will.

Linking these interpretations together – the intuitive and the guidebook – it’s all about free will and perhaps there was a valid reason for you to feel that abundance comes to you when you are independent and sovereign – being in your own sovereignty – perhaps there is a reasons why this is important – so this card is saying to remind yourself of your own dreams and desires. Be able to say yes and no without guilt and fear. It is safe and easy for you to act upon your free will – perhaps this would make a good affirmation?
It definitely will be a good affirmation for me during the time period I am. I sometimes feel like people give me guilt for me saying yes or no to something.

Your abundance appears to tie into your safety, and will make it so much easier to go with the flow but it’s a flow coming from within you rather than a flow created by others, which is what this card is about.
I feel this is true.

Position 3 – 32 Hunter. This position is about regeneration and exploring possibility.

Looking at the card, the message, from an intuitive perspective, is to go out there like a hunter and track down the possibilities. When you’ve worked with cards 1 and 2, then this is the next step on the journey, tracking down the things that you have decided are needed for you to grow and flourish. And it’s ok to do that, too.

When I read the guidebook, I’m blown away by how deep the messages are.

It is time to establish how to obtain what it is you want. You must not ask another to go after it. And while the hunt will take place on the outside, it will also take place on the inside. You must find that part of you within that has the courage to chase what you would make yours and be honest about it.

In an earlier part of this section, the text mentions that a hunter has to pick what it kills and that there’s almost an air of competition about it – You. Or Me. The guidebook says that there is no need to kill. Even though you may be feeling that it’s a case of you or the other, the guidebook says “There are other ways through to the goal you desire.” Find what it is you need deep within. Going inwards. Look within yourself. Track down the obstacles within yourself that allow you to explore the possibilities of growth and progress on the outside.

I feel like right now I am not hundred percent sure what I am passionate about, what I enjoy, what I really want to do. Also I am in the process of figuring out what I want from others as well. So I am just exploring everything that interest me. But, there are probably also obstacles in myself that I need to work on. I think I know what it is.


Position 4 – Hope
This position is about love in all its forms. The question asked is what does it tell you about your life right now?

The card suggests to me that there is an element of hoping within you right now looking for nourishing relationships where there is give and take.
Yes this is very true.
Your sense of hope has not been extinguished, but perhaps there is also a sense of passiveness or procrastination or hesitation as the character is seated rather than moving.
True, I am pretty passive/hesitant right now because while I am looking for a more enriching nourishing relationship. But, right now what I want in someone else I need to nurture in myself. Like attracts Like.

In the section Les Vampires speak, it says: "If this card finds you at this time, you are being asked to rise above those who are giving in to hopelessness and negativity. It does not ask you to be falsely hopeful, or put on a happy face and refuse to face what must be faced, it asks you to be hopeful. You do not yet know the outcome, you do not yet know what might happen next. But you can be assured that this hope you have will sustain you in a time of great difficulty."

You will soon have hope which will make whatever is taking place at this moment easier to bear. This hardship is impermanent and tomorrow will be better.

Interesting. Maybe I'll find more people more aligned with what I want.

This suggests that in love things look bleak just now, but hang in there, because things are going to make a turn for the better.

:thumbsup: No winners right now.


Position 5 – (17) The Past a Prison

To me, it seems quite significant that this is a card relating to the past in a position that relates to the future. It suggests that there may be something that will not let you move forward right now, and perhaps your whole energy is stuck in the past. Remembering past hardships, and not being able or not being willing or not being in a place where you can let them go.

Could be true. I've had some hardships in the last 2 years. It was a hurricane of a season for me.

In the layout we’re asked to consider how position 3 relates to position 5. Position 3 was about the Hunter and going within – and the intuitive take I had was going within to look for the obstacles. Card No 5 is one of these obstacles to your moving into the future.

Working with the Hunter in whatever way you find best (meditation, visualisation etc.), track down this aspect within you that cannot let go of the past. It might be a defence mechanism to keep you safe – relates to position 1. The price to be paid for feeling safe may be an unwillingness to move into the future fully.

Definitely could. I am wanting to be more open and social where I am usually a loner. In addition I have ended a relationship with someone and in the process of still letting the person go. It may be a process still continued in the future. There are also aspects of this relationship that I am still letting go of..stuff that were major disappointments and other stuff. So it may be that as well...I'll be holding on that for a while to keep myself safe until I am ready to date again.

It also ties into card 2 Free Will – are you truly free – have you allowed all of your nature and your energy to flourish and grow and spread and see the light if you are choosing to hold onto something from the past in an attempt to be safe?

The Hunter, remember, doesn’t have to WIN. There’s no need for a win/lose situation – it’s more a question of tracking down that part and acknowledging its presence, acknowledging its purpose, and then living life without letting it into the driving seat.

I agree with this. I don't think I am doing this...I'm seeing it as a natural progression toward acceptance and then being open again will follow. But, I need to care for myself first and be selfish.

I think the obstacle is part of your subconscious and that’s why the Hunter is needed to find it. It’s not something you are aware of consciously.

Could...not sure what that is yet. I'm also trying to do some soul searching...also be getting more involved in the idea of joining a faith/church. Finding a group that think more like me.

And again, in the guidebook, the interpretation is a flip-side.

Find those who have suffered and who have moved on, for they are the great hearts, the ones who have the most to teach, and who have the greatest souls. Find the ones who have not just forgiven but who have taken their hurt and put it to constructive purpose and helped many others.

I feel this aligns more with me the italic above. I am taking a hurting to more forward and use it in a constructive manner. I am taking this time to real soul search and change whatever needs to change within myself to have more fulfilling nourishing relationships.

Earlier in the guidebook, this card was about Miss Havesham from Great Expectations and how the tragic betrayal in her youth kept her locked in the past and caused her to use an innocent to wreak revenge on those who reminded her of her betrayer.

I was majorly betrayed by someone...but I hold no malice toward the person. I just honestly don't want any dealings with them because it's not healthy association with me.

It suggests the possibility that something in your family’s past, or in an ancestor’s lifetime, has been passed down through the generations as a belief or a behaviour and the unfortunate thing about it is that the origin of the belief/behaviour was not with the intention of growth but of something else. Perhaps revenge. Perhaps justification for a way of behaving or moving through the world.

Not sure what this is....the side of my family I am close with aren't vengeful. The other side of my family I am not close to...I have no clue. The only thing is that one side of my family are major they aren't family oriented. Maybe that is something I slightly carry with me. But there is no vengeful behavior on either side of my family. I never seen vengeful behaviors.

By not upholding this subconscious behaviour or belief, it could cause disruption (almost as if you’re going against a family value or standard or something of that nature) “but do your best to live your story and to distance yourself from whoever might ask you to deny your own story and live out their own again and again.
“Do not make someone else’s past your present.”

It’s a different slant on the card than my interpretation in that it relates to another – and suggests that the obstacle to moving into your future is not actually something that originated with you but with that other. They have dragged you into their story, and are not allowing you to live your own.

I feel more like people I meet or get very close drags me into their family drama..and then kinda wants me to emotionally handle all of it. I am starting to really avoid people like this...hire a therapist or a specialist...don't drag me into it.

(Which is a lesson to me that sometimes our woes are not actually caused by something we’ve done or by who we are. Sometimes, unwittingly, we’re simply caught up in someone else’s story before we are old enough or experienced enough to realise what is going on.)

And this card relates back to Position 1 Safety – going against the beliefs and/or behaviours of loved ones or elders is not really deemed a safe way to carry on. And yet staying safe in this way has a high cost.

Taking all the cards into account, the messages appear to be centred around feeling safe and how that might be conflicting with your free will and sense of abundance, and how it is even holding you back from progressing in your life. But there are also those role models from times past that you can call on for inspiration and encouragement and determination, because they found ways to move around that obstacle. There is a brighter time ahead, hold on to your sense of hope and keep that flame alive.

So there you go, CosmicBeing. I hope this has been useful and provided some glimmers of insight here and there.Thank you very much for all the images and the amazing indepth reading. I am really touched by the time you put into it.

Well thank you very much for the reading.

The feedback I could provide is above in orange.


Thanks for the feedback, CosmicBeing. I'm glad it made sense.

There was one thing you mentioned - about vengeance - and how that didn't really appear in the family although one side were loners.

It was the origin of the family trait that may have been based in vengeance or a justification for behaviour, but that doesn't mean that the descendants are still thinking like that; just that they have inherited the behaviour, not the motivation that caused it.

(It's amazing that you can see a side of the family who have the same trait, that of being loners. It's so cool how traits run in families!)

The takeaway is that there are brighter things ahead, and that you are surrounded by ancestral support who have dealt with that family trait and not let it hold them back. You can call on their support whenever you feel the need.

Take good care of yourself, CosmicBeing, and all the very best moving forward.