Sabian Symbols Study Group: Capricorn 30 - #300


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Degree: 30
Number: 300



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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i would love to discuss this synmbol, what i get from this symbol is people manipulating and controlling others. Cunning and spying in order to gain control over others.
I would love others opinion


Hmm, at first glance I see it as something stable in the midst of an ever-changing society. Tradition….a strong urge for material success. It could be time to create, plan, organize and investigate before starting something new. Finances, money, assets are top priority.

Purple_scorp’s image boasts an impressive appearance, a fierce pride of men who probably earn a higher than average income. These are definitely nuts and bolts men/women…and brilliant too! The initiative here could be to begin new projects where special care is taken to be organized and precise. And trying to get them all to agree will be a chore in itself! This could be a stately meeting or one that is enthusiastic and extremely emotional or maybe everyone’s complaining. It all depends on what they are discussing. It could be Plant hiring or maybe layoffs. Or even A critical evaluation of the business or someone.

Projects started now could be larger than they think, so they’ll have to give it time and space and let it mature. It is also important to keep these projects under wrap. The challenge is to keep confidential any important and relevant information, especially if stored on a computer or disc.

The danger here could be having to deal with jealous and negative people. Maybe those who feel they have been victimized by others.

adjustment said:
what i get from this symbol is people manipulating and controlling others. Cunning and spying in order to gain control over others.

Yes, I could see a possibility of a person wanting to spy and steal what others think has been secretly documented behind closed doors. Company’s watch their competitors like a hawk. Also Directors have been known to carry inner truths that are not spread to others. This is one way of as you say gaining power over others.

A person with this placement would be extremely businesslike and would have to learn how to balance and harmonize their personal life with their career. This may not be an issue now but it could be in the near future.

tink :love:



secret men's business, boy's clubs etc! They've always been around....that's why I chose such an old-fashioned photo for this card.

I got the impression from this symbol that something underhanded may be going down!

Okay, well maybe not underhanded, but why do these peole have to meet in secret? I take tink's point that it may be corporate integrity....nobody wants to work hard on a project to have it launched one week after your competitor has launched his project (which was stolen from you).

But, what if it was something much sillier like say for example, these grown men just want to bond with other men - away from their wife and families? Well, I shouldn't say that is silly....but if it is hidden in subterfuge and under cloak - I think it is!

Maybe they are plotting to overthrow the company CEO?

Could be anything, really? I just keep thinking about the Masons and Rotary clubs etc.....and all of their rituals and, dare I say it, funny-little games.

with love