Sabian Symbols Study Group: Gemini 15 - #75


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: GEMINI
Degree: 15
Number: 75



Why Dutch?

Children talking and studying their lessons together should be common in every nation - so why dutch?

My thoughts are - Dutch, except for the Dutch people, is a "foreign" language. As this lady who channelled the symbols :)| I forgot her name, sowwwweeeee...) was most probably not Dutch, it must have been foreign to her too.

So the thoughts about the symbol to me, could be: ah - I discover that the children of every nation are the same! They exchange thoughts, they talk, they learn together, they communicate, just as ours do! Oh, other nations are intelligent too!!

Now, I will have to ask myself (and I have no chance of answering this except by doing longish researches) - what did the Dutch stand for in the days the symbols were channelled? Somehow I am sure this has an importance! Or else, why Dutch, and not some other African, or Asian, or European country, or America, or Australia?

Nowadays, at least here, the Dutch stand for tolerance and accepting more than most other countries do, they stand for new takes on laws, and for allowing drugs (;) if you ask the common people on the street this is the first they'll come up with, although I'd rather see it as a new direction in formulating laws). They stand for cool and relaxed people, but also for being a bit tight on money (this comes from all the Dutch people coming to my little country for vacation, mainly going to campings, bringing their trailers, and apparently ordering one coke to share with the whole family, not sure if that part is true though ;) )

This last part makes me think that the Dutch are family friendly - family - kids - bringing me back to the symbol.

Maybe it also talks about being family friendly?

Hmm, but the question remains: what were they in the olden days?


Oh its all Double Dutch to me!

Sorry had to put that in,

so WHY Dutch - cause their traditional costume is SO cute - and recognisable, cause of that Amish?? you know they put themselves aside. that they live in the 'nether lands?' lots of play on words and images...
but WHY? it could be as simple as Elsie 'saw' two little Dutch children...
I used to have a little dutch dressed doll as a child, they always look so appealing.. and that little dutch boy with his finger in the dyke...

anyone else?

Dr jones - Key Word Clarification

Jane Rider-patrick body part - Scapulae
Element Dutch metal (Cu/Zn)
Discussion Dutch metal - brassy with a yellow colour simulating that of gold. Its made of copper ranges (85%) and zinc. As the zinc content becomes higher, the colour becomes paler. Highly ductile and malleable, Dutch metal is used in bronzing and in preparing imitation gold leaf. Gilding with Dutch metal is far less costly than gilding with gold, but the coating of Dutch metal tarnishes ... I have not clarified how it best works with energy and spirit, but it is a simple metal.. simple energies.


Hi Marina and Simone,

I found this article that looks very interesting in regard to the two little Dutch children. It has to do with Celiac disease which occurs mostly in whites of Northern European ancestry.

Opps I forgot to post it - silly me!

I'm going to follow my instincts with this one - I'll be back soon.



When we aren’t properly fed and nurtured (many children go to school without breakfast, some have no lunch) our brain processes do not work as well. Poor nutrition is like Alzheimer’s, we start forgetting, not thinking.

Some children are unable to concentrate because of insecurities in the home, they just can’t seem to put it all together their minds become displaced.

Then we have the x-box the p2, and goodness knows what else is out there. How many times have I come home to a child faceless behind his headset frantically pushing buttons, tilting from side to side. It's almost as if they are catatonic!

Also with this symbol I can definitely see how we all fit together and how we all affect each other.

I was a slow insecure learner in school (blush) and at that time there were many problems in my home. It showed in my school work and in the classroom. It wasn’t until high school that I finally came into my own. It was here that I realized how much care was taken into digesting the knowledge and information given. I took my time! I never was into romance novels or easy read materials, I wanted to read something that made me think.

Learning from irritated and irrational teachers was a hard one for me. I’d resist it at every call! But if a friend came over and we understood the value of exchanging information and of duality, it clarified our perspective and our understanding. The simple act of talking to each other, comparing notes, created new pieces to the puzzle. Instead of school work being a chore it became actually very stimulating.



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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purple_scorp said:
I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love

Hmmm, two minds testing one another to see if what they know holds firm. Projecting, transmitting encrypted words...rebuilding plans. Perhaps safe-guarded least for now.

My duties and responsibilities demanding me to re-focus. This has been such fun purple_scorp, it gives all of us a new perpective.

Thank you!

Love and blessings,



I don't know what happened to the resolution of this photo.....I might have to reconstruct it.

Do you know how hard it is to find photos of dutch students? lol. Alas, this is another manipulated image. It's actually the same girl, mirror imaged. I kind of wanted to convey this card as "twins" not only because Gemini astrologically represents twins, but I thought that within a community of like-minded people, there is always an underlying knowing of what the others think. Kind of telepathic. And that's something, a bond, that twins share.

with love