Sabian Symbols Study Group: Gemini 21 - #81


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: GEMINI
Degree: 21
Number: 81



Tumultuous - makes me think of unorganised, spontaneous, and overreaction.

Like when there is an outburst of outrage, but when you think of it a little bit longer, all the wind drains out of your sail because you discover there was more behind it which you had not seen and your anger is in fact object-less.

A volcano reation without thinking further than the tip of your nose, without seeing the bigger picture.

And I have an inkling that a lot of the demonstrations and the fights between (trade)unions, employers and politics are exactly that. Each party only thinks about their own benefits and forget the larger picture.

Granted, a lot of our today's comforts stem from those fights, but nowadays lots of them are just pure selfishness and driven by money.

Back to the symbol, I'd say it is a spontaneous noisy reaction to something, by feeling wronged and treated unfairly. The reaction is solely based on those feelings and is a demand for a change in treatment - the success of it depending on the background research.

Sometimes we react to something with anger, sadness, jealousy or whatever, but once we get to know the background, suddenly our reaction lacks basing...


Tumultuous: raising a clatter, a commotion, disorderly, noisy, distraught, disturbed

I see this as chaos and creativity fighting against the system. I must remember I said system (freedom from our peers) not structure. Internally, I see this symbol as something beneath the surface awakened…laboring thoughts, ideas, concepts analogies all demanding their own attention. What a commotion as these disorderly, noisy voices demand you let go, surrender and plunge into them. Pick me, no me, they all cry, their complexity so enormous one could never understand their endless intertwining patterns. They can clear or fog the mind. Without structure, chaos and creativity can scatter our energies in too many different directions. We end up doing nothing. We need the rational mind. We need structure, we need support, boxes upon boxes creating a pyramid of possibilities.

Externally…I’ll continue this another day.



As I was googling on Labor Demonstrations, I came upon some interesting information on the history and origin of Canada's Labor Day. It's fascinating how this symbol lead me here.

When a large system (government, corporate, etc.) of great magnitude (affecting the people) has failed through carelessness and/or lack of foresight…people will rally and demonstrate and express their anger. If their force is strong enough it can have a bulldozing effect….the structure and system cannnot hold, it will tumble to the ground.

If the demonstration is attacking the effect and not the cause then the change most probably won’t happen.

We can revolt against the government, against discrimination, or work related issues, in our rage we can tear things down!! But if we don’t attack the underlying form, the concepts, the thoughts and their functions within the box, it will more than likely repeat itself over and over again. Is that we call history???



There is some very interesting sites on industrialization and the testing of arm muscles. One particular site says that because it is a draft, it cannot be circulated....if you google (arm muscle measures) industrialization, this particular site should be one of the first noted. It's a fantastic study on industrialization and the many studies done with arm muscle mass.


P.S. Also it has been said that industrialization was the beginning the middle class in the early 20th century.



Dr Jones - Key Word Representation
Part of Body Arm muscles
Element Bronze (at the moment)

I think this is the yang - or is it the yin to a totally spiritual world, not everyone has a yearning for spiritual ZEN (for want of a better word). I think thats fine, these people fight the good fight for equality, money, freedom, rights - all sorts of things with a vigour and a passion, its an outlet a balance for the activity of a human - physical world...

A political statement - but also its a community of people with a like mind - much like a religion of sorts!! Everyone travels in the same direction to obtain a goal... the group having more power than the individual...



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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purple_scorp said:
I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love

This is fun! Good thing I don't have to work today! I see this picture as us being involved in a fiercely competitive world market. It's like I'm seeing a latticework of word groupings putting together a whole-brain's as if the left brain is tilting over to hear what the right brain has to say. But don't tilt too far, you could lose your balance and go overboard!



Yes, I agree Tink. Take for example that tall guy, right at the back. It's almost as if he is stretching his neck that much further to see and listen and hear what is being said, because he's perhaps more flexible in his thinking than others around him. But I also get of sense a him knowing there is power in a union.

with love


purple_scorp said:
Yes, I agree Tink. Take for example that tall guy, right at the back. It's almost as if he is stretching his neck that much further to see and listen and hear what is being said, because he's perhaps more flexible in his thinking than others around him. But I also get of sense a him knowing there is power in a union.

with love

Hmm yes I agree! I just took a double take at the picture! He definitely is craning his neck forward (giggle)!!

tink :love: