Sabian Symbols Study Group: Libra 1 - #181


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: LIBRA
Degree: 1
Number: 181



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


  • 180.jpg
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Just copying in previous thoughts :)

huredriel said:
the words here make me think of being still ...... the butterfly is still ....... the poor thing is pinned down ....... I believe butterflies can indicate transformation ........ so perhaps this is a blockage ..... or necessary step in the self's evolution..... that needs to be worked through before moving on to the next step? Looking for perfection perhaps ........ Libra is of balance ........ I have a Libran south node ....... so one of the things I think of with Libra is of being a *pleaser* ....... trying to keep others happy ....... when embarking upon a new journey ...... sometimes others are not so happy with us for doing so ....... they have to get used to us changing ........ and we have to get used to standing up for ourselves ...... and also to be able to let go of our perceptions and *old ways*


This symbol speak to me about trying to hold into something that is gone, we are still facinated by it and we keep holding rather than letting it go. Having hard time acepting the changes that come with time.


Tara Deck said:
This symbol speak to me about trying to hold into something that is gone, we are still facinated by it and we keep holding rather than letting it go. Having hard time acepting the changes that come with time.

Hmm, without taking the time to ponder this symbol, I see it more as a transformation is that the release of old beliefs and opinions are the result of the 'penetration' of new meanings and perspectives. There is a lot of potential in this symbol if we are prepared to take action in facing the 'obsolete nature' of beliefs that keep us reacting in the same way. We need to empower ourselves instead of waiting for others approval or letting ourselves feel victimized.

tink :love:


tink27 said:
Hmm, without taking the time to ponder this symbol, I see it more as a transformation is that the release of old beliefs and opinions are the result of the 'penetration' of new meanings and perspectives. There is a lot of potential in this symbol if we are prepared to take action in facing the 'obsolete nature' of beliefs that keep us reacting in the same way. We need to empower ourselves instead of waiting for others approval or letting ourselves feel victimized.

tink :love:

I think what you suggest is very interesting can you add more insights on this symbol


Adjustment said:
I think what you suggest is very interesting can you add more insights on this symbol

When I first looked at this symbol, I first acknowledged the "1" and "181" 8 is a powerful number by itself but when flanked by two "1's" becomes dynamic! I think this is a time to pay attention to any stirrings or instinctual urges, sudden insights or new perspectives. And these different perspectives could develop very differently from what we ever thought or expected. Something is trying to wake us up!

It could also be a critical point in time when we must deal with some aspects of ourselves or others where we feel some resistance or which could be very profound or deep. Or you could find what you've always believed in, starting to shift. In any case, a new breeze is blowing in, shifting our internal and external balance. Do we have the will and the courage to step out on air and arrive at a new life so unlike the old one that we will have to find a way to adjust to this new change. Or will we can resign to our fate and "just try to make the best of our life."

Libra loves to polarize and be objective, but something is throwing it way off balance which is trying to change our outlook on life. And others won't understand what we're going through and this may make them feel insecure and defensive.

I think Huredriel's comment fits well here too.

huredriel said:
perhaps this is a blockage ..... or necessary step in the self's evolution..... that needs to be worked through before moving on to the next step? Looking for perfection perhaps ........ Libra is of balance ........ I have a Libran south node ....... so one of the things I think of with Libra is of being a *pleaser* ....... trying to keep others happy ....... when embarking upon a new journey ...... sometimes others are not so happy with us for doing so ....... they have to get used to us changing ........ and we have to get used to standing up for ourselves ...... and also to be able to let go of our perceptions and *old ways*

tink :love:


My fiirst thoughts on this symbol were of pinning down perfection. Making it appear perfect to the outside world, to others. A grand showing. Frozen beauty.

Your ideas here of being stuck, and being pierced - penetration of new meanings - transformation stymied - have hit home. huredriel's comments totally describe me. And I am mostly Libra, which makes this even more interesting. Being a "pleaser" -- psychologists expound on this idea in marriages; what happens when one partner begins to grow and change, transform into what they can become, and the other has issues so doesn't want this to rock his/her comfort zone. Then what??

Ohh ... and here I was feeling pretty happy this morning ...
But this is what the Symbols do -- dredge up and crystalize feelings. Issues. Problems. Personal world views. They are the coagulaters of our disgruntled emotions ... *bg*



Libra 1
Numerology: 181
Sabian Symbol: A butterfly made perfect by a dart through it
Marc Edmund Jones Key Word: Articulation
Jane Ridder-Patrick Healing Body Point: Renal pelvis
Crystal Element: White Opal White Opal exhibits a display of colours within a white to cream body colour. White Opal softens transformation and reconnection to the Divine.
Reflection: Spectacular play of emotion, spirit, aura and light.
Sun Focus: You observe metamorphosis inherent in life and express this principle clearly to others.
Affirmation: I look to the source of the light to provide illumination.

I find it an interesting opposition - BALANCE (LIBRA) here
transformation = butterfly, PINNED DEAD butterfly is stasis - stuck' still...
both at the same time...


I'm not really part of this study or know much about it, but I ended up in this thread anyway-

'A butterfly made perfect by a dart through it'

When I read this, a vivid memory came to me and maybe it might add something to your study.
My father was an entomologist and one of the things he did was capture and study butterflies. He would come home from a trip and put the latest batch of butterflies into the freezer for a set amount of time. Later he would take them out & put them onto a special formed block of wood. A long thin black pin would go through the body and into a groove in the board, the wings would be flat on the board and strips of special paper was put over the wings. As the butterflies warmed and dried, they would become permanent and 'perfect' in it's pose.