Sabian Symbols Study Group: Virgo 1 - #151


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: VIRGO
Degree: 1
Number: 151



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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Crystallized in time? Hmm, a portrait takes patience and close observation. Portraits show who we were, what we looked like at a certain time in our lives. We are immortalized into past reflections and a one-in-a-lifetime event. Purple_scorp's image of Michael Jordon talks to me of the time when he was the king of basketball and in top form. But many others have competed for this title and as they age, their past achievements will always be admired and remembered.

People who hold on tightly to that which is no longer viable, can suffer all kinds of different ailments. These are caused by holding on to thoughts, feelings, experiences, or people that need to be emotionally released.

The body part for this symbol is the duodenum.

Indigestion is the results of what we’ve taken in by our minds which worries or upsets us. The stomach reacts to these anxieties by trying to throw them off…..this is when we suffer stomach problems or other abdominal ailments. Our stomachs prepare foods to enter the intestinal tract where vital nutrients are absorbed through the body and what’s left is discarded as waste.

I don’t see this as a time to take decisive action. It’s a time to reconsider events and circumstances that have accumulated and become stored in our subconscious and emotional center. This is more an internal exploration of our thoughts and perceptions. A time to settle into our intuitive creative side, where our logical mind requires these senses to help support our physical foundation. It’s a time to acknowledge, let go of our fears and inhibitions and eventually move on.

Also, when we are determined to have things our way, our bodies constrict and become congested. We are unable to throw off waste products from the body. Our bodily process slows down and so too does our energy and vitality.

Virgo, I think, encourages us to dedicate ourselves to something that will better the world around us and this begins with ourselves.

tink :love:


Hey tink,

what an athlete....what a gentleman....and someone who has overcome of my in such admiration of him that I named my son after him (Jordan).

with love


The Jordan River -- is a river in Southwest Asia flowing through the Great Rift Valley into the Dead Sea. Historically and religiously, it is considered to be one of the world's most sacred rivers....

the 'best' in 'man' - LOVE THE NAME JORDAN!


(and more soon I promise)



Virgo 1
Birthday: August 22nd
Numerology: 151
Sabian Symbol: A man's head
Marc Edmund Jones Key Word: Character
Jane Ridder-Patrick Healing Body Point: Duodenum
Crystal Element: Malachite
Expression: Malachite is a banded, green copper carbonate. Malachite amplifies concentration and visualisation skills, promotes emotional growth.
Message: Promote understanding, lucidity and wisdom with gentleness.
Sun Focus: You exemplify dependability, intelligence, analytical insight, and discernment.
Affirmation: I encompass understanding, determination and courage.