Self love reading, a little help would be nice.


I've not done lenormands in a while,
I've asked am I on the right way to allowing romance into my life.

I've been doing a few self help things, lately to try and open myself up to self love.

"Am I on the right way to allowing romance into my life."

Moon, Gentleman, Ship, Ring and Tower.
We're the cards I pulled

Moon and gentleman - I feel this combination is saying yes I'm on the right way of allowing romance into my life, but more importantly I feel it's saying that there's a charming young man around me already. I feel maybe they might struggle to confess there emotions because they're quite emotional themselves. Gentlemen and ship I feel this is saying that either I may meet them when I go on a trip, or I've meet them from a festival I've attended. I feel that they might be in a different part of the country to me. Shop and Ring 💍 I'm not quite sure about this one but I feel maybe when I'm back in a differentl place to what I call home a Jonny moon period might kick off. This ones confused me, Ring and tower again I'm not quite sure
Maybe this is showing my insecurities?

My take I feel that I'm on the right path towards heading into a romance, but it could be come quite tricky as maybe other people are involved.

Any other opinions would help?


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Hi Awkward.Turtle. I feel the cards are showing good progress!

One thing I'm learning, and it seems especially so with Lenny, is to always bringing it back to the question very specifically in order to get the specific answer.

So.. Your reputation (moon) is noticed by men (man- as symbol of romance) and something is coming in (ship) from a distance ( the romance the man brings? as ship can mean longing for something as well), that is connected to your commitment (ring) to your self love. And though (tower) can show solitude I feel here it's showing your own solitude but now reflecting back to the ship (your cargo is coming in) which is man/romance and reputation/self love. This is thru your own commitment (ring) to growing. So tower would be more a higher elevated view of yourself, your status. Your position/reputation in life is elevated as you work on it 'brick by brick' in a committed way.

I'm also new with Lennie reads so keep this in mind. :) Hope this helps.
All the best- OS


Hi Awkward.Turtle. I feel the cards are showing good progress!

One thing I'm learning, and it seems especially so with Lenny, is to always bringing it back to the question very specifically in order to get the specific answer.

Yes they do, they don't tend to go into the psychological aspect of it like tarot do, I read in card combinations. The cards are showing me good processes I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees that, I think those self help videos I'm listening to before bed time must be working in some aspect.

So.. Your reputation (moon) is noticed by men (man- as symbol of romance) and something is coming in (ship) from a distance ( the romance the man brings? as ship can mean longing for something as well), that is connected to your commitment (ring) to your self love.

I hope that a romance is coming in soon, I've been really working hard on my self. I don't expect if of course, I've been self evaluating and I've be come a lot calmer within in my self and I've learnt to relax more. I do long to meet someone yes, I think we all do naturally.
I hope so I've been trying hard to commit to self loving myself.

And though (tower) can show solitude I feel here it's showing your own solitude but now reflecting back to the ship (your cargo is coming in) which is man/romance and reputation/self love. This is thru your own commitment (ring) to growing.

let's hope my cargo is coming in, as you say it's through self love I wonder if now I'm "growing." It makes me me more adaptable.

So tower would be more a higher elevated view of yourself, your status. Your position/reputation in life is elevated as you work on it 'brick by brick' in a committed way.
I'm also new with Lennie reads so keep this in mind. :) Hope this helps.

welcome to lennies they're fab honest and down to the point. 💕 I'm working on my self bit by bit as you say.

Thanks for your help, let
Me know in the future how you get on with lenormands, I find them quite down to earth.



I'm sorry to say I do not view these quite as optimistically as you do...

Moon/Gent relate to your actual question - about bringing romance or love into your life; Ship may merely mean trying to make improvements in that direction. It may also mean that there is still a long way to go to your desire to feel safely within a commitment. Ship indicates a long journey towards that Ring.

Ring and Tower mean a lonely commitment, or an empty marriage, or a lonely relationship, or a marriage of convenience (to provide protection and security, or to provide citizenship to another person from a distant land). Or no commitment forthcoming.

Or, that your attempts at commitment (Ship/Ring) do not bring the romance or love you crave, as the Tower is not a warm or loving card, and usually indicates standing alone inside a relationship question.

Tower mirrored to Moon may mean being committed to a career.


Ship standing in the middle of your spread means more work and a long way to go in this department of being open to love is required before you can fulfill your desire.

And finally, while you may indeed meet a romantic man, it might be a long-distance relationship (Man/Ship), leading you to feel lonely, or he may be so focused on his career, that you take a back seat (Ring/Tower) and are alone a great deal of the time.

I get Ring/Tower a lot in my cards; my husband is military and is away a great deal of the time, very committed to his official government career, leaving me alone to run things :/ so I don't see this pair as a close, warm and fulfilling commitment, sorry!

ana luisa

Just an added meaning for Tower that may help or give some insight: apart from the isolation, Towers may also stand for self-preservation and being on the outlook for something dangerous. Ask yourself what exactly has kept you from looking for romance for this long a while. So, in this case, Ring + Tower could also show fear of commitment.
The only question I would have is the mirroring of Man + Ring. Involvement with a man who is already committed. And since the boat is pointing left, he is coming towards you not the other way round.
Just my 2 cents.


The only question I would have is the mirroring of Man + Ring. Involvement with a man who is already committed. And since the boat is pointing left, he is coming towards you not the other way round.
Just my 2 cents.

Well, that is interesting, and would certainly make Ring/Tower a lonely and isolated experience for AwkwardTurtle. Because mistresses hang around alone till the man is available, and also don't get to appear in public with their lover.

But - I also thought that the Ring appeared *before* the Man or Lady, on the left, to indicate they were already married, whereas on the right, it would indicate they will get married...though, if your mirror goes Ring/Man, then it would certainly indicate married man or man already in a committed relationship.


I'm sorry to say I do not view these quite as optimistically as you do...

"Hey Padma that's quite all right we all have viewes to put forward, not every one is going
To see things in the same light, were all human. 💕If we did it'd be boring.

Moon/Gent relate to your actual question - about bringing romance or love into your life; Ship may merely mean trying to make improvements in that direction. It may also mean that there is still a long way to go to your desire to feel safely within a commitment. Ship indicates a long journey towards that Ring.

" I understand what your saying about ship, getting the right start and heading forwards in the right direction is a positive start non the less. I hope there still isn't a long way to go but knowing my luck there possibly is, I'll keep at those videos and improving my self confidence.

Ring and Tower mean a lonely commitment, or an empty marriage, or a lonely relationship, or a marriage of convenience (to provide protection and security, or to provide citizenship to another person from a distant land). Or no commitment forthcoming.

I'm not married, at the moment I'm only a wee one. I'm not thinking about marriage nor do I have a desire to get married. Maybe that's what the ring is signifying. I'm lonely myself I don't have a relation. I know someone who lives quite some distance from me I like :).

Or, that your attempts at commitment (Ship/Ring) do not bring the romance or love you crave, as the Tower is not a warm or loving card, and usually indicates standing alone inside a relationship question.

Tower mirrored to Moon may mean being committed to a career.

I work weekends, so for me it'd have to be someone with a simaler patten. Most of my friends are at uni or work so I can understand the commitment to a career part of it all.[/i]


Ship standing in the middle of your spread means more work and a long way to go in this department of being open to love is required before you can fulfill your desire.
And finally, while you may indeed meet a romantic man, it might be a long-distance relationship (Man/Ship), leading you to feel lonely, or he may be so focused on his career, that you take a back seat (Ring/Tower) and are alone a great deal of the time.

I feel alone most of the time when I'm not sonthet makes sense to me, I understand the long distance in my romance. I think most men I know live 5 hours - an hour away from me. Some have PhDs to focous on and degrees others do indeed have work.

I get Ring/Tower a lot in my cards; my husband is military and is away a great deal of the time, very committed to his official government career, leaving me alone to run things :/ so I don't see this pair as a close, warm and fulfilling commitment, sorry!

It is what you make of the situation I guess in those cases, sorry to hear about your husband.



Just an added meaning for Tower that may help or give some insight: apart from the isolation, Towers may also stand for self-preservation and being on the outlook for something dangerous.

Yes I like this thought, I'm always quite anxious. I have anxiety. So I'm wondering if this is interlinked with that. I'm constantly worrying about if people like me or not and I often have fears that something more dangerous is going to happen.

I think you've summed me up to a tee here.

Ask yourself what exactly has kept you from looking for romance for this long a while. So, in this case, Ring + Tower could also show fear of commitment.

I don't have a fear of a commitment as such, I just haven't found the right one and I've been hurt before. I have a fear of allowing my self to get close to others.

The only question I would have is the mirroring of Man + Ring. Involvement with a man who is already committed. And since the boat is pointing left, he is coming towards you not the other way round.
Just my 2 cents.

Ahhhhhh this intrigues me slightly, it's intriguing that you suggest he's coming to me and it me to him. X


Well, that is interesting, and would certainly make Ring/Tower a lonely and isolated experience for AwkwardTurtle. Because mistresses hang around alone till the man is available, and also don't get to appear in public with their lover.

But - I also thought that the Ring appeared *before* the Man or Lady, on the left, to indicate they were already married, whereas on the right, it would indicate they will get married...though, if your mirror goes Ring/Man, then it would certainly indicate married man or man already in a committed relationship.

However I don't have any intentions of becoming a mistress
And I've been raised to leave things like that alone. And t is quite unknown.

The committed relationship you speak of make sense, I do like someone who has a girlfriend but I wouldn't go behind there backs.

;) x


I certainly do strongly encourage you on your journey towards self-love and acceptance of love :love:

And I think regardless of any card or oracle system, that is certainly movement in the right direction! :thumbsup: Good for you! And good luck to you :heart:

ETA what I am trying to say there is a relationship with yourself that is healthy and whole is a great relationship to have! :D (cards might be saying that too - committed to strong sense of self (Ring/Tower) ).