so where do i go from here?


...drinking on a monday. celebration! exaltation! ive spent the past 10 days or so learning the astronomical, astrological, symbolical, stereotypical, scatological, phallic, feminine, masculine, neuter? love, hate, indifference, etymology, numerology, allegorical-ology, metaphorical, metaphysical, superfluous, fluid, stolid, rotten, fresh, stale, logical, fanatical, bastard of a system...

so what now? where do i go from here? i understand but i am without direction... i guess i could go anywhere, but where else to go but here?

my world is turned upside down and somebody here knows what it feels like, and that somebody utilized the above mentioned KNOWLEDGE and manifested it into productive NRG.


where do i go from here?



Liber Resh. ..... well, you asked.


Liber Resh. ..... well, you asked.

"7. Thus shalt thou ever be mindful of the Great Work which
thou hast undertaken to perform, and thus shalt thou be
strengthened to pursue it unto the attainment of the Stone of the
Wise, the Summum Bonum, True Wisdom and Perfect Happiness."

so you mean ritual?


I'd start a practical something. Maybe as simple as regular readings, start a thread offering readings if you don't have a chance to do this in the real world. All the study will mean more and more as you apply it.

Always Wondering

my world is turned upside down and somebody here knows what it feels like, and that somebody utilized the above mentioned KNOWLEDGE and manifested it into productive NRG.

This happened to me also. I do know what it feels like. My favorite explaination was topsy turvey. Black is white and white is black. I felt quite lost at times. And sometimes scared. It got better. And looking back I wouldn't change it for anything.


where do i go from here?


I wouldn't dream to tell you. For me, that was the whole purpose for the upside down. I realized on some level I had to make my own way. That to take direction from an outside source would defeat my whole experience.

I can tell you what was helpful though. Grigori starting study groups. Because they were the footholes I used to crawl out of myself again. Ravenest sharing his thoughts about Nuit, and his women :)laugh:) and his rather more formal education in the OTO. And Aeon418 suggestions that I slow down a little. I don't know how many times he had to remind me that a pyrimid is built one brick at a time. His explainations of Qabalah and how the symbolisim sinks deep inside to make the changes I was experiencing. And Kat, where ever she is, simply for being another woman and sharing her thoughts for a while.

Those first early day changes were very real. They weren't going get undone. I don't think I could have undone them if I tried. That left me time to take a deep breath and choose a brick, or a card, and steady myself.

I hope this helps.



thank all of you

id like to thank you all for the sound advice you've given me over the past couple weeks. especially Always Wondering for quick replies to my Thoth questions. im gonna disappear for awhile and go inside of myself and study.

grigori, practicality was never my strong suit, but when i surface ill try. ive been doing daily readings for myself (i dont really have anyone locally :(, as most of the people i know even frown upon things like the Church of the Subgenius or the Principia Discordia ;))

nevertheless (i love using that word), thank all of you for your help and input as to where i'm going and where i may or may not be going w/r/t my new hero, the 78 page Book of Thoth.
