Starting magic....


Any advice for a beginner? Sites to find the relevant info and spells?

I used to dabble in magic when I was younger but that was a long time ago.

I'd really like to get back into it but have no idea where to start.

Many thanks in advance



Depends on what kind you want to practice. Michael Kraig has "Modern Magick" concentrating on Ceremonial magic, especially Golden Dawn based; and "Modern Sex Magick" which is very, very good.


Well tonight's a good night to start with the Super Moon :).

I tend to make things up as I go along and always have but I'd say that I'm more of a folk-magic type of person rather than someone who has really studied esoteric stuff (that stuff tends to turn me off).
Turns out my Great Grandmother was a village wise-woman, midwife and layer out of the dead - I didn't know until many years after her death but it explains a lot about me and some of the women in my family ;).

I'd advise you to get hold of a good list of correspondences so that you can construct your own spells etc or even better, to begin to devise your own list of correspondences - herbs, days of the week, colours, phases of the moon etc...
Once you really start to make links between things, I think you're really on your way.

One of my favourite books has always been 'The Spiral Dance' by StarHawk... It's always been a little bit too 'Goddessy' for me but it does have lots of good, basic meditations, visualisation exercises etc and it does have a very good correspondence section as well as information about making poppets, herbal sachets, colour symbolism etc.
She knows what she's talking about and explains things in a very simple way (I think so anyway ;)).

Most importantly - get out there and feel the Earth beneath your feet, sit under trees and talk to the moon..
Have fun :).


Thanks everyone :)

I'd love to construct my own spells sulis but the thought seems so daunting to me. I wouldn't know where to start! :)

I'm really keen to learn about candle magic too but have no idea where to start with that either, when I google it the sites that come up aren't that relevant lol



Thanks everyone :)

I'd love to construct my own spells sulis but the thought seems so daunting to me. I wouldn't know where to start! :)

I'm really keen to learn about candle magic too but have no idea where to start with that either, when I google it the sites that come up aren't that relevant lol

If you are at all interested in traditional hoodoo/rootwork (or what I've heard some practitioners call natural magic), I heartily second DownwardSpiral's recommendation of Lucky Mojo. Here's a link to their info on candle magic:


I like Good Magic by Marina Medici.


If you are at all interested in traditional hoodoo/rootwork (or what I've heard some practitioners call natural magic), I heartily second DownwardSpiral's recommendation of Lucky Mojo. Here's a link to their info on candle magic:

Well, that makes 3 of us! I very much recommend Lucky Mojo as a good source of info on hoodoo. I started out practicing Goddess-y type of witchcraft and after years of that I stumbled upon Lucky Mojo, it was just a perfect fit for me. Taking Miss Catherine's class really delighted me, if you have the means to do so I say go for it.


taking the suggestions for me as well, just getting into that area!