Ten of Cups+ five of swords+ace of swords - too good to be true?


I've got a date coming up (after many others falling through) and it's with someone that I'm really digging so I'm hoping it'll go somewhere. I did a spread, however, on how it might go and while the cards at first glance seem promising, when I looked at them as a whole, it feels like it's giving a different story. I did a simple five card draw to see how the date will be and how things might progress after. Used the Druidcraft, no reversals.

The lovers + king of swords + ten of cups + five of swords + ace of swords

Central card being ten of cups seems very positive and hopeful. A lot of positive energy coming together in celebration. Lovers and King of Swords to one side feels weirdly... Heavy? For a date. It feels like the connection we have (The Lovers) will be under heavy scrutiny (King of Swords). The final cards are what's really having me stumped. Five of Swords in this card is really all about feeling cheated or like the loser, and Ace of Swords as the final card feels a bit like needing to try again elsewhere.

Reading them in flow of one another, it's like the Date (The Lovers) with them (King of Swords) might seem promising at first (Ten of Cups) but leave me walking away (Five of Swords) looking elsewhere (Ace of Swords).

The Quint is The World. So... Maybe it's possible that I'll end up getting all I can out of this which will be why I end up looking elsewhere?


Here is what I see:
A choice - a military man - high emotional level - 3 people drama - truth

So not sure which one, you or him but there is still third person in this. One of you is still torn between this third person. If it is you, make sure you put what ever feelings you got to bed. If it is him, you will be listening to stories about his ex. Two possibilities: one he is still not over her or two men think that pitty is a tactic to get a girl (stupid I know but it is what it is). Now, THE CHOICE here is then YOURS! Do you want to find out what he is trully like? If yes, ASK QUESTIONS (ace of swords) - like an interview! Good luck!


Here is what I see:
A choice - a military man - high emotional level - 3 people drama - truth

So not sure which one, you or him but there is still third person in this. One of you is still torn between this third person. If it is you, make sure you put what ever feelings you got to bed. If it is him, you will be listening to stories about his ex. Two possibilities: one he is still not over her or two men think that pitty is a tactic to get a girl (stupid I know but it is what it is). Now, THE CHOICE here is then YOURS! Do you want to find out what he is trully like? If yes, ASK QUESTIONS (ace of swords) - like an interview! Good luck!

Not sure if it's me, honestly. While I'm still getting over my ex, I never accept an offer of a date unless I feel like I can genuinely be open towards them so I'm really hoping it's not him because there's nothing more disappointing than going on a date and listening to someone go on and on and on about their ex!! He doesn't seem like the kind of guy to try and use pity to get with a girl though as we've been chatting for long enough that I feel like those kinds of intentions would come through.

And yeah, trying to get to know him better would really involve asking lots of questions if he's like this but honestly I'm not sure if I'd be up for that kind of work :laugh: Part of my doing this is to let myself loosen up and care less about pulling out the truth so if I found myself needing to do that with him, I can definitely see how I'd tap out and keep throwing out the fishing line.


5 swords is actually quite a common date card IMO. It can mean: one or both of you are playing to win, meaning, you're trying to put forward the best front and keep hidden those thoughts you don't think the other will appreciate. Say, you'll think he's otherwise great but has some sharp opinions or a touch cold mannerism (KoS), but you're willing to ignore it. Or, you don't want to tell about how you got drunk in college and did some really silly stuff. Not at least on the first date.

It can be reasonably 'benign' but the more sinister side could be that the date is not telling you he's actually still recovering from an ex, or is planning to see multiple people simultaneously before making up his mind, or any other plan/though/fact that's giving him an advantage in the situation and is leaving you a bit in the dark. Note, also you might be the person with 5S energies so you might be doing this to him. It doesn't mean it's doomed, though :) enjoy the date!

Free Flight

I also see the Ace of Swords as a lot of heavy thoughts and going through things a little obsessively after the fact. This fits in the final position too


5 swords is actually quite a common date card IMO. It can mean: one or both of you are playing to win, meaning, you're trying to put forward the best front and keep hidden those thoughts you don't think the other will appreciate. Say, you'll think he's otherwise great but has some sharp opinions or a touch cold mannerism (KoS), but you're willing to ignore it. Or, you don't want to tell about how you got drunk in college and did some really silly stuff. Not at least on the first date.

It can be reasonably 'benign' but the more sinister side could be that the date is not telling you he's actually still recovering from an ex, or is planning to see multiple people simultaneously before making up his mind, or any other plan/though/fact that's giving him an advantage in the situation and is leaving you a bit in the dark. Note, also you might be the person with 5S energies so you might be doing this to him. It doesn't mean it's doomed, though :) enjoy the date!

I think I'm just not accustomed to it for my own personal dating experience. I usually try to go in with no expectations and try to just... well... enjoy company and get to know the person. I'm also admittedly fairly open as well (to a degree at least. It's not like I'm going to tell my life story but if there's an interesting question that's being posed then I don't shy away from providing an interesting answer :laugh: ). So seeing the five of swords, especially with this deck, kinda made my stomach drop a bit. My previous romantic experiences have all been kind of Five of Swords-y to some degree and I'm really burned out and tired. I'm definitely planning on going in to enjoy it but woof, I guess the imagery alone on this card is really leaving me hoping it's the playful kind of five of swords energy and not the bummer kind!



I also see the Ace of Swords as a lot of heavy thoughts and going through things a little obsessively after the fact. This fits in the final position too

Admittedly I do see the Ace of Swords in this spread as being some kind of clarity, even if it's clarity after or through some kind of daunting and heavy energy. But I can see how Five of Swords and Ace of Swords mixed together would be expressed that way as well. Maybe it'll be something that will trigger the after date jitters where I go over everything and wonder if I said anything dumb to put him off instead.


The lovers + king of swords + ten of cups + five of swords + ace of swords

Incompatibility, King S is not your type for some reason but there seems to be a relationship forming here until the choice in the lovers hits regarding your ideal of 10C and he's not hitting the mark for you hence the split in 5S and the fresh plan and new ideas in the Ace S as you go on your way, the feeling is oh well I've identified what I don't want, lets go after what I do want, the feeling of the fools energy. This is looking at development and ending of the relationship not just the first date.