where to view Golden Rider, Albano?


Can anyone point me to some websites where I can view the following decks: Golden Rider, Albano Waite, Arthurian, Legend: Arthurian ? (I already viewed the tarotpassages and aeclectic links)



Sorry, I can't help you out with websites, but maybe you could try going to your local new age shop and seeing if they have samples of these decks that you can look through. That way you can see every card and also see if you like the feel of the deck (I'm assuming that you're looking to buy these decks).

Hope this helps,



There is a good comparison of the different Rider decks at

When I'm looking for pictures of a deck, I use http://www.google.com/ and just type in golden rider tarot (or whatever).

The main sites that come up, in addition to this one, are

But it is usually quickest to start with Google :)

Hope this helps,



Thanks fairyhedgehog, very helpful, one site has a side-by-side comparison of Rider-Waites. My favorite is probably the Hoi Polloi. The Albano has some darker colorations as well as the bright colors it seems to be known for. In a blind test on the Sun card, I actually chose the Original RW version. The sunflowers were more muted.


Hi Tommy,

What did you think of the Original Rider Waite? The colours? It was my first Waite deck and although I have been using it as my main deck I needed something a little more colourful - so I ordered the Universal Waite. I also have the Diamond Tarot - if you like Rider Waite you may like this one :)


Hi EveAnna,
From the cards I've seen, I like the Original better than the standard RW or the Universal RW. The latter are too bland storybookish for me. Better yet, I know a lot of people would disagree, are the Hoi Polloi, the Albano Waite, and the Golden Rider.
My favorite RW is a clone: The Aquarian. I like its Sun, Moon, Star, etc. plus the Cups cards are excellent (especially 8,9 of Cups). (It does have some not-so-good cards, Judgment for example, and omits key RW imagery like the ships tossing on 2 of Pentacles.)


I'm still waiting for my Universal Waite to come, I did see the Universal tarot by (I think) Lo Scarabeo, I nearly ordered it instead of the Universal Waite lol,
The Diamond is also a 'straight' clone, its the borders that make it so different, its ideal for pathworking. The deck that I'm trying to work with at the moment is the Thoth deck. Have you checked that one out? I have the slightly unpopular large green version but I love it :)


Hi EveAnna,
I like the borders on the Diamond tarot, too. I don't have the deck, but it looks good from what I've seen of it. I've seen the Thoth, appreciate the artistic ability of Harris. No doubt Crowley was an intelligent eccentric, but Thelema doesn't appeal to me. Some of my favorite decks are the classical ones like Sforza.