Just bought the Thoth Deck...


Well, I was money-happy today and stumbled upon the Thoth Deck. Though, The Lovers' Tarot was calling to me, Something about this deck did as well. I had also gotten a VERY accurate reading done on me by a Thoth user. BTW, I don't know if mine are considered standard but they're the widest cards I've ever dealt with...well beats using my longest Scapini deck. However, i've heard some people say things about the author Mr. Crowley? I was just wondering because from what they made it sound like, he doesn't sound that great of a guy? Any input?


I wish you luck with your new deck!
I went through a weird situation with this deck not too long ago. (some will remember me posting about it) Right before the sept. 11 attacks I HAD to buy this deck - didn't want to. It was really weird. I didn't like the deck at all - it kind of creeped me out - but something was telling me I HAD to get it. So I did.

I brought it home, used it a couple of times. There didn't seem to be any giant revelations, but it was OK. I think I ended up using it for about 3 months or so and then traded it. What was weird was the NEED to buy it, then after awhile it seemed like the need was gone and it was OK to trade it. And I never did understand or see what the big deal was about ?????

I guess somehow I got the message it was trying to tell me and never actually realized it. And now I don't need it anymore ?????

OK, that's it for my weird, strange story. :) On to other things.....I know there are many, many people who use this deck and only this deck. They love it. Greenman are you out there? LOL


My boyf bought me this deck for Christmas, and I think it is great! Although I don't use decks otherthan my Robin Wood that often, I found this deck to be great to look at, reseacrh the symbols, red p around it and the Golden Dawn, etc... I have read with it once before, and got great results. My fave card in this deck has to be the Star. Isn't it just a great picture?

Anyway: On the subject of our Beastie Boy Crowley. Personally, I'm not sure. He has been a great influence on Western esoteric thinking, Tarot, and the Golden Dawn, but his theories on the Tarot and its history is something I do not agree with. (But this is just personal preference...) Some of his poetry is really gorgeous, and he writes in a way that is vivid and easy to understand. But some of his books are a little out of the way for me. I would say more, but I fear being pounced upon by fans of Crowley!



It's still on my wish list, and so is the Haindl deck.



I love this deck! It's the main one I'm using at the moment. I bought it about 3 months ago and havent used another deck since. I've even bought a new deck since then, but don't use it because I love the thoth deck so much. I have found it surprisingly easy to read from, and not hard to switch to if you come from a RW background.
The readings I have done with it are so accurate and in tune with what's happening.

Once you have gotten yourself aquainted with it, I do suggest getting a book, as these cards are so complex that it's easy to miss so much stuff.
A really good book that I have been working from is "The Crowley Tarot: Handbook of the Cards" by Banzhaf, Hago.

As for crowley himself, I don't know anything about him except for the minimum. If you're looking for info on him, there's alot of stuff about him on the web (sorry, I don't have any URLs for you), try doing a search for on google.

A really great website to get you started is ravens tarot site ( http://www.corax.com/tarot/ )---Lot's of thoth info.



I bought the Thoth Tarot a few weeks ago and am finding it really great. I have not done any readings with it yet - am still getting comfortable with it and learning all the symbols etc. The deck I am used to is the Cosmic Tribe and studying this deck has made me realise how much the Cosmic Tribe Tarot is derived from the Thoth.

A book I bought to help my studies of this deck is by Gerd Ziegler and called "Tarot - Mirror of the Soul" and is very good. With my deck I also got a little paper book/pamphlet in the box with the cards that includes an essay by Lady Frieda Harris which I do not like at all... Anyone else read this?

Did you get three versions of The Magician in your deck? I am a bit confused as to which one to use... Do I just choose the one that appeals to me the most or stick to the one that is traditionally found with the deck?

I found this great site on the Thoth deck - it is particualy good for others impressions on the meanings of the cards:

My fav card is the Hermit and the Knight of Cups. I really love the art work in this deck!

Good luck with it :)


Quote:kayne (15 Jan, 2002 02:00):

With my deck I also got a little paper book/pamphlet in the box with the cards that includes an essay by Lady Frieda Harris which I do not like at all... Anyone else read this?

I read it, but didn't really take much notice. While I found it interesting to see the artist's thoughts on each card, I didn't really agree with many of the interpretations.

Quote:kayne (15 Jan, 2002 02:00):

Did you get three versions of The Magician in your deck? I am a bit confused as to which one to use... Do I just choose the one that appeals to me the most or stick to the one that is traditionally found with the deck?

I just chose the one I liked best (the one which has the 8 arms and a big bear in the background). I'm actually really glad that this deck does have alternate magicians, because I never liked the original one (the main reason I didn't buy this deck for so long).



I bought this deck just before Christmas, second hand but unused. I already knew much about Aleister Crowley from reading his books years ago so I though I knew what to expect from his cards but I was wrong.
The scans I've seen online don't do this deck justice, they all seem so dark but the deck I have isn't. It's the large green one from US Games. One of my favourites has to be The Sun - so vibrant. All in all I was pleased with this deck - now whether I'll be able to read with it - now thats a different question lol :)


I bought the small one with 3 mages for my husband, he reads with all three. Being Christian, I like how having 3 mages sort of parrellels the 3 magi that visited Jesus at his birth. Still, my mind doesn't click with this deck so i can't read with it


I just bought this deck recently also, the large US Games version. Had used it years ago and suddenly got a renewed interest. Perhaps because of postings on these boards. I also found it fascinating reading some online biographies of Aleister Crowley.You may want to read some of the bios and decide for yourself. Here are some links that I had bookmarked from a previous posting:



