It's the all singing, all dancing enabling Thread #4


Thank you!

I downloaded the Fools Dog Sampler and am in love with the Victorian Fairy Images it includes. This deck has definitely been bumped to the top of my wish list!


follow-up on the silicon dawn

Like with anything, your mileage may vary. It's a really interesting deck though, and I find it perfectly readable. There's a lot going on in the images. The extra gloss bits are beautiful and add a lot imo. I love that it has positive, trans/non-binary representation, too. That was one of the big draws for me (plus I love the art style).

Note that the cards are fairly small in size, like narrow playing cards. When you say "big" you probably mean the number of added cards, but I thought I should put that out there.

I finally was able to get my hands on this deck, and just....aaah I think I found my precious! Thank you peeps so much for the enable!

Laura Borealis

Tarot of the III Millennium - enable me please!


Tarot of the III Millennium - enable me please!
It is REALLY interesting - not least the way the TdM (Bologna) pip cards are superimposed in the images. The art work is excellent - especially the majors. Some of the images are a bit hard to tie into the "usual" meanings - but that's no horribly bad thing, to me - makes you think a bit ! I like the way really modern stuff is incorporated, like barcodes and (fake - yes I tried !) urls. Only the courts are coloured - I sometimes wish the majors were and then I think - no, that would spoil them, as the line drawing is so fine.

Laura Borealis

I've thought about getting it before, but Strength put me off. I'm not down with cat stabbing. But now I'm getting a Gilgamesh vibe from it which makes it less bothersome somehow, not sure why.

Anyway those trumps! Really beautiful. I'm not worried about the nonstandard imagery in the numbered cards. I probably won't read with it anyway, just spread it all out and look at it.

It's in my shopping cart on Amazon, I'm just waffling a bit. I saw one in the trading forum yesterday but was too late, someone else had spoken up. I would have pounced on it.


Tarot Illuminati

I can't help but be so enamored with the Tarot Illuminati's overly vivid, dreamlike RWS-ness. Help me out here ;)


I can't help but be so enamored with the Tarot Illuminati's overly vivid, dreamlike RWS-ness. Help me out here ;)

It's a wonderful deck -- I like it very much.


Japardize Tarot. Anyone have it?


Tarot of the Master by Lo Scarabeo

Tarot of the Master or the Lenormand I have been eyeing?...both decks are historical reproductions.


I can't help but be so enamored with the Tarot Illuminati's overly vivid, dreamlike RWS-ness. Help me out here ;)

Really really visually impressive. IMO one of the best, highest quality RWS clone decks around. I love how each suit is set in a different ancient culture. The pents are especially beautiful. Also, it manages to keep pretty much all of the RWS symbolism so it should be readable straight out of the box.