What are Singing Crystals?

Briar Rose

What exactly are singing Crystals? I went through all my clear quartz Crystals, and shook them in my hand. No luck.

Anyone know?


Singing crystals are usually slender laser-type crystals in shape. If you take 2 singing crystals and gently tap them together, or roll them together in your hand, they will make a delicate ringing sound. Some singing crystals will respond to the vibrations of certain types of music, toning or rythmic beats by 'humming' along in a high pitched tone.

I recorded the sound of a large singing crystal that was standing upright in the center of a drumming circle. It responded to the drums' vibrations (which all met together in the center of the circle) and the humming sound it made fluctuated from high to low, depending on the bass or treble tones of the drums being played. The most beautiful and amazing sound that came from it was when one of the drummers began to play an Australian didgeridoo - the crystal got so loud I was concerned it might shatter (it didn't) - it sounded like harp strings being plucked.



It's said (tho I forget by whom) that the sound of the didgeridoo is the sound of the earth--the earth's natural voice. Singing w/ the crystal -- ah!


Ummm ... be careful vibrating crystals with didgeridoo, unless you are an Australian Aboriginal with knowledge of the technology. It's probably safe if you don't really know what you are doing, but don't get too far out and combine it with other stuff (the danger is knowing HALF of what you are doing). Also it could shatter the crystal.


Ravenest, could you elaborate about that - with regard to the "technology", and what kind of danger there may be? Danger from what? What do you mean when you say don't get too far out and combine it with "other stuff"? I realize that shamanism is rather different in Australia compared to shamanism as practised here in the Pacific Northwest so I'm very curious. Thanks.


I dont want to give anyone ideas. .... A while back some American Indians toured Australia with local Aboriginals. Local Anglo New Agers went along and started 'charging' crystals and buring them 'on the intersections of ley lines'. Some Aboriginal elders were very upset ... it's a big rave why ... and might not make any difference in another country.

It all leads on to another longer story (I think I wrote around here somewhere) about Aboriginal crystal technology and the dangers of people who don't understand what they are doing mucking around with it.

Some of them don't even like others using a didgeridoo. White people run around doing crystal didgeridoo 'magic' with out any concept of what their actions mean to the Aboriginals.

To reverse it, it's a bit like a tribal aboriginal walking around inside the control room of a nuclear reactor, pressing buttons and pulling levers; "What's this for boss ... what this one do?"
That's why they keep their sites secret and their 'technology' secret .. to interfere with it can disrupt the control and warning system they use for storms, floods, tidal waves, etc.


The only thing I know of Singing crystals...

Is a book series by Anne McCaffrey that had people "singing" to the stones.. or with them. Something like that.

Sorry, just a first impression.


The best singing crystals are from Tibet, and they really ring, its the different between knocking two normal glass tumblers together and lead crystal glasses together, the singing crystals vibrate and really siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing :)


Like a loud, vibrating, ringing noise?

Briar Rose

How do I get them?