Trim or not?


I like the look of decks that folks have trimmed, but how do they shuffle? I tried trimming a deck and didn't like that the cards no longer perfectly aligned with each other.

kfk, Umbrae is a member here, who wrote about a method to soften a deck. It involves rolling the cards, one at a time, over the edge of a surface like a desk or somesuch. You do it both ways, from front and from back. I'm sure someone can give you more details. I love cards that seem new, so its not a technique I'm in any hurry to try.

Laura Borealis

kfk said:
Pardon a newbie question.What is umbraing a deck?.I may want to try this.

It's a method of softening up a stiff deck by rubbing the cards over the edge of a table. Named for Umbrae, one of our members. :)


Thanks Laura_boorealis.Its sounds like a good idea.I don't have enough attention span to trim but I always try to loosen my decks.this sounds easier.