deck(s) with best or worst cardstock?


Actually Bhavana contacted me privately a while ago really because of this issue.
She has found LS decks (more than one) warped.
I'm still trying to find if this is an isolate (and unfortunate) case with her ... maybe due to the way the decks are stored in the shop she bougth them, or if it's a problem on our part.
If any other has experienced "warping" issues with our decks, please let me know by PM.


I always thought that Llewellyn and LS were the same company - so when I first started collecting, tended to lump the decks from both together....but I have many more LS decks that are fine than LS decks with warping. I had a problem with 2 - most recently Art Nouveau, which was badly warped, and one other, which I believe was an angel deck, but I am not positive, because I traded it and I can't remember what was what - but the second deck was only slightly warped - no where near as bad as the Art Nouveau I think both of the above mentioned came from Border's Books during their several month long going out of business sale. I also was thinking of something - Borders has, or had, all of their decks in a big slanted shelf unit, and these units are spotlighted - and I have been wondering if maybe the heat from the spotlights has anything to do with decks warping in their packages, especially if the decks are on a higher up shelf and closer to the lights.

Anyway, I don't want everyone to think I am saying that decks from any company should be avoided, as I said, the more I collect, the more it seems that even in one company, card stock varies...and it isn't so much card stock that bothers me as much as the warping. Regardless of card thickness, I like my cards to lay flat, and it drives me NUTS when they don't! Buy some people don't mind it, as I had no problem finding new homes for my warped decks when it came time to trade them. What could be a slight problem to someone else may be a bigger deal to me.

I will also add that both Llewellyn and Lo Scarabeo stand behind their product, and that when contacted, both respond to customer complaints in a timely manner. USGames also has good customer service. And that is what really matters. So, I just wanted to post again because I felt that my first post was unduly harsh towards Lo Scarabeo and especially Llewellyn - yes, I have purchased less than perfect decks - but I have purchased many more from these companies that were just fine, as I am sure many of you have.


I too have similar problems like the rest with Lo Scarabeo decks that won't lay flat. I really don't like it. I have other Lo Scarabeo decks that do lay flat and the card stock is sturdy and firm and other decks that the card stock feels like paper.

enchanted spirit

My favorite is my trimmed Druidcraft. It shuffles so nicely! I don't like it on the full size tho - go figure.


The old AgMuller decks are really nice; but without question (at least in my mind!), the absolutely best card stock I've come across is in the sakki-sakki Tarot. It's smooth and silky without being slippery. Love, Love, Love! It would be hard for me to think of better stock unless you want to go with one of the non-coated card stocks that Il Meneghello uses. Some of those are pretty sweet also.


Favorite card stock for me first The Lebanese Tarot oooo its devine ... Oh and Il Meneghlo that old texture feel ..niiiice:)

Also I like the Anna K they shuffle like a dream. Hmmm the new Silicon Dawn is good too...There is a lot more I am sure, thats what came to mind now.

Not so favorite the Fifth tarot, but I really like the deck.


Actually Bhavana contacted me privately a while ago really because of this issue.
She has found LS decks (more than one) warped.
I'm still trying to find if this is an isolate (and unfortunate) case with her ... maybe due to the way the decks are stored in the shop she bougth them, or if it's a problem on our part.
If any other has experienced "warping" issues with our decks, please let me know by PM.


I also got the wrapping-problem with two of the LS decks: Wheel of the Year Tarot and Shaman Tarot. Which I really regret, they are such gorgeous decks...

They both wrapped and I still keep them under heavy books for weeks now, trying to make them flat. Both were purchased from online Book Depository.

I also have other LS decks, luckily they are flat!


I'm a big fan of waxy and matte, so my favourites are the PCS Commemorative, BG Silver and Victorian Romantic.

Worst is the Radiant Rider Waite (it was such an assault I gave it away), the Sidhe (will NEVER part with it as the art work more than trumps the card stock) and the Tarot of Transformation.

To me shiny and glossy with bright colours seems less 'dignified'.


I hadn't really thought about it until recently but I absolutely HATE the Llewellyn cardstock. It's small and flimsy and with pretty minimal shuffling the edges start to peel. (My poor legacy of the divine tarot never gets used anymore because I hate the feel of the cards so much...)

All the decks I have liked the feel of are the US Games Systems decks. They've got enough weight to hold up to shuffling without much wear and tear and that's always a plus. :)