How do you guys calculate the shadow card ?



I was wondering how you guys calculate the shadow card in a reading?
Can anyone explain please thanks


I think you're confusing two different things - quintessence card and shadow card. The Quint card is calculated by adding together the numbers from the cards in the reading and reducing to a number 22 or less (where 22 is the Fool).

The Shadow card is the card on the bottom of the deck.



Ahhhh thanks so much I am still learning and do not know the terminology, but thanks for your reply and explaining.

Thanks rodney


Not everyone uses those, though. Lots of us don't. I just use the cards that come out in the spread. Once in awhile I draw an extra card or two but that's all. It's all a matter of choice, whatever feels right to you.


I used to work with the shadow card (pulling from the bottom of the deck), but I eventually stopped using it myself. I did think it added something at the time, though, so it is certainly worth a try if you're drawn to the mothod... I also tried calculating the quint card too, but ended up eventually letting that go as well.

...The reason being that, in the long run, it ended up being too distracting in the event of wanting to simply focus on a one-card reading (such as in a daily draw). So now I too prefer to focus only on the cards that come out in the spread, drawing additional cards only if needed, and that doesn't feel any less complete for me.

And if looking at it through the lense of Jungian terminology, "shadow card" may be a bit narrowing of a term, as all cards can reveal shadow aspects. Even apart from that particular ideology, all the cards showing up anywhere - bottom of the deck, top of the deck, calculated in thought, etc. - all can reveal important details that are hidden below the surface.

So again, yes - worth a try to see if it functions well with your intentions - but it's not at all necessary, nor is it the only way of getting the essential information.


I used to work with the shadow card (pulling from the bottom of the deck), but I eventually stopped using it myself. I did think it added something at the time, though, so it is certainly worth a try if you're drawn to the mothod... I also tried calculating the quint card too, but ended up eventually letting that go as well.

...The reason being that, in the long run, it ended up being too distracting in the event of wanting to simply focus on a one-card reading (such as in a daily draw). So now I too prefer to focus only on the cards that come out in the spread, drawing additional cards only if needed, and that doesn't feel any less complete for me.

And if looking at it through the lense of Jungian terminology, "shadow card" may be a bit narrowing of a term, as all cards can reveal shadow aspects. Even apart from that particular ideology, all the cards showing up anywhere - bottom of the deck, top of the deck, calculated in thought, etc. - all can reveal important details that are hidden below the surface.

So again, yes - worth a try to see if it functions well with your intentions - but it's not at all necessary, nor is it the only way of getting the essential information.


I agree with you all the cards present and aspect of the individual and all the cards are pack with a lot information the key here is to let your intuition to break into that information. I was curious about the topic because I was wondering how others here in the forum came about the "shadow card" or the "quintessence" card.

I do not use this method my basic readings doesn't include this, have not need it in the past...I do not believe I will need it now, but for knowledge is good to know this.

Thanks miss for your input


I do sometimes look at the card on the bottom of the pack - usually at the very end of a reading. It often has something to say about the underlying impetus of the reading.

I never use any of those cards you'd get by adding things up, nor do I pull clarifying cards which often serve to confuse.

I will draw another card if the reading has left an open question somewhere, that's all.

Enjoy whatever you do though :)


I do sometimes look at the card on the bottom of the pack - usually at the very end of a reading. It often has something to say about the underlying impetus of the reading.

I never use any of those cards you'd get by adding things up, nor do I pull clarifying cards which often serve to confuse.

I will draw another card if the reading has left an open question somewhere, that's all.

Enjoy whatever you do though :)

This is a good method too, you right I have done those clarifying cards and they confuse more lol, my poor head blows up with so much information and trying to make sense of it is not easy.

Yes, agreed that is more questions that needs to be clarify is good to pull more cards.

Thank you for sharing


You're welcome :)
I didn't mean to sound judgemental, it's just that sometimes I see threads where folks add this and that and then just one more, when they couldn't figure out the three or so cards they'd already got. It doesn't seem to make sense to me - for beginners especially - to add too many extra cards to a reading. Concentrate on being to read what's on the table :)

Sometimes I think it's also partly because they don't like what they really see, and want to change the tone of it?

That said, if a certain technique works for a reader, who am I to say they shouldn't? :)


You're welcome :)
I didn't mean to sound judgemental, it's just that sometimes I see threads where folks add this and that and then just one more, when they couldn't figure out the three or so cards they'd already got. It doesn't seem to make sense to me - for beginners especially - to add too many extra cards to a reading. Concentrate on being to read what's on the table :)

Sometimes I think it's also partly because they don't like what they really see, and want to change the tone of it?

That said, if a certain technique works for a reader, who am I to say they shouldn't? :)

All of the above (true) lol, and no worries you did not sound judgmental at all but just a fellow tarot reader sharing their own experience. Thank you again