The Zombie Tarot


I look forward to this so much!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for posting that. Added to my wishlist INSTANTLY <3


I like the look of these, the remember me so much of those good old zombie movies


I look forward to this so much!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for posting that. Added to my wishlist INSTANTLY <3

Me too!!! I love zombie video games like Left 4 Dead and movies like Zombieland. I hope these have a bit of twisted humor...


Thank you Oliva, for that seastories link with the extra images. I LOVE that high priestess cards. The only thing I don't care for is the cards/book setup that mimics the Housewives. A very awkward size.

Love the aged borders, aged titles, and old fashion typeface, and that they didn't use mindlessly use pentacles

I have it on preorder!

Queen of Disks

:bugeyed: :thumbsup:

I'm throwing money at the screen but nothing is happening!!! :p

(Uh, yes I am a major zombie fan and a major Walking Dead fan. Why do you ask? :D )

The fact that it's from the makers of the Housewives, which I love very much and just from the looks of the sample cards give me high hopes. Can't wait to see it!

Le Fanu

I came across this a while ago but there were no images at the time. I love the ones that are posted so far.

But Death is 14 and the High Priestess is 5. Something odd there...

ETA; And "Marjor" Arcana? Am I missing a private joke among the zombie crowd?

ETA (again!) And imagine having that on your CV; " acclaimed author of the Pregnancy Instruction Manual and The Zombie Tarot". Love it. That's what the author Paul Keppel has!

Queen of Disks

the High Priestess was IV in the Housewives. The book doesn't give a reason for it however. Death is still XIII.