Frankendecken; Instructions & General discussion


Frankendecken's journal has been updated :D


nisaba said:
<horribly shocked> At the VERY LEAST you need to photograph him in your chilli patch for Le Fanu's culinary titillation! I know what variety of chillis you grow ...

Teach him how to ride your motorbike (and photograph him sitting on the saddle).

Play a round of "Use your powers for good" with him, or make him the misplaced object.

There's stacks of Rhombchick stuff I can think of, and I don't even know you!

You know me better than I know myself......


More updates to the journal. Due to recent events (loss of a friend, whose funeral it was today) I will probably not be able to take Frankie on a day trip to King Ludwig's castles. Fortunately, Nuremberg has its own castle (more of a stronghold though), so we will go there hopefully ... weather forecast looks bleak though.


I hope you all know there is no where I can take Frankie that will even remotely compare with where he has been so far...

I can take him to see Merlin, but that's about it.


Oddity and I just happen to live in big cities, that's all...

I'm sure being in the presence of the Frog Goddess can't be beaten!!!


Oh yes!

He can meet the frogs!!!

Cheers! That's cool!
I'll take a pic of Frankie and the frogs.



With all the snot nosed, foul mouthed library tykes???

I think I'll save poor Frankie from that!


OK - Tescos ? He's never been. Unless I take him.....



Yay! I might just do that!