Seeing your ex in public w/someone else, 3 or 10 swords?


So you see your ex in public with someone new and you get that sharp pain in your chest or punch in the gut feeling...what one card would that be? 3 or 10 of swords? Or another card?

Would 10 of swords be more if he/she planned on running into you with someone new on their arm and intentionally meant to hurt you?


Hi, I would say the 3 Swords, because the 10 Swords shows you moved past your pain, it's its last phase (10 as the end of a circle), you accepted it, while with the 3 Swords you're still suffering.


I would say 10 of Swords. To me, 3 of Swords represents the actual breakup. 10 of Swords are all negative feelings after the break up that are a result of it. This card has stalked me for months after my ex broke up with me!


I'd think the 10, because it would seem that the breakup is truly final, and there's really nothing else that can be done. The 3 might be more about the pain of the shattering of a false hope, so if you had still hoped there was a chance of reconciliation, you'd feel that pain.


Anthony Louis in Tarot: Plain and Simple says the 3S Rx as a person is a rejected lover.

Sharp pain in the chest says 3S to me while punch in the gut seems to be more of a 7S.

I'd stay away from trying to determine other people's motivations though as it's quite possible that fate (or just plain ole dumb coincidence) caused you all to cross paths. Just because you (whoever the Querent is in this scenario) haven't gotten over the ex doesn't mean that the ex currently gives you enough of a second thought to even care about trying to turn the knife as it were.



If the ex was trying to intentionally hurt you, I would say 7 of swords. Possibly even Queen of Cups reversed, as well as these reversed majors:

- Justice
- The Hanged Man
- The Moon


I do a lot of work in which the querent selects cards face up that describe their emotional state or an experience. What I've found by observing hundreds of people do this is that, while certain cards will turn up more often for a specific kind of event, there are more outliers than there are exact matches! And all the explanations make complete sense once you see where someone is coming from.

As a reader I also find that cards that used to often turn up to mean a particular thing, have not had that same significance for years! For instance, the 7 of Swords at one point came up often to indicate someone sneaking around having an affair. I haven't seen it come up as that in a really long time (although the thought always flashes through my mind and I sometimes check it out as a possibility so as not to overlook the obvious).

I did have a situation a few years back where the 5 of Pentacles from the Spiral Tarot came up (in a spread) as someone seeing their ex in public with someone else. The Spiral Tarot shows someone looking through a window at people inside a building dancing. This person had just had the experience of looking through a community center window and seeing her recent ex and his new girl friend dancing!


Oh, ouch!! I love it when the cards are so literal.


3oS only if you acept it.

5oS if you wanna fight for but you can't. Been jealous...

9oS if only a view breack your hard deeply and your mind becomes full of torment and regret.

5oC reversed... Wow... you lose your love forever.

Too much cards...


It depends on your reaction.
The 10 of Swords would be the fantasy of going up to that person and saying something completely evil and knife-twisting. The thing that just makes them crumple and completely lose their composure in front of their new fling.
After all, the 10 is quite melodramatic.

The 3 of Swords is likely more close to the reality of the feeling - that it hurts, that you do nothing, that you move on, that eventually it heals.