Camoin Method, Example for Analysis, Paul #1


EnriqueEnriquez said:
The first and the last cards always give you a sense of what is going on. Then, the middle card takes you from one extreme to the other. “What to do” is contained there, therefore Force reversed is the relevant card here. Having la Rove as solution card, Force reversed would suggest: “be careful of not saying something you may regret later on. Give this matter time and it will be solved”.

That's interesting. Maybe instead of opening the Lion' mouth, since the card is reversed, the woman in La Force is closing it. So the baby doctor will have to use all his strength to avoid saying things that he might reget or that might be used against him. He'll have to be elegant and subtle, but active (L'Imperatrice).

Paul said:
This may be the meaning of XX, but XXvcould also more likely indicate a positive outcome from L'Hermite, because in the spread XX's appearance is not dependent on L'Hermite, it is placed in the future no matter what. So, this more likely mirrors L'Hermite-- as both cards are "end of line"-- as the final outcome.

Wow. I think t's interesting how the outcome is influenced but not determined by L'Hermite. It might not end in the court, but a kind of judgement is certain to happen...right?


Marina said:
That's interesting. Maybe instead of opening the Lion' mouth, since the card is reversed, the woman in La Force is closing it. So the baby doctor will have to use all his strength to avoid saying things that he might reget or that might be used against him. He'll have to be elegant and subtle, but active (L'Imperatrice).
Very good hit! The doctor has trouble with controlling his words and being uncouth or speaking on the hyperbole.

Wow. I think t's interesting how the outcome is influenced but not determined by L'Hermite. It might not end in the court, but a kind of judgement is certain to happen...right?
Yeah. I liked this, too. It was saying that a positive judgment is likely, and that this judgment would be somehow correlated with the Review (L'Hermite).

Later on, a spread was done as to whether the review would be likely to stay with one very high-up doctor reviewer or would go to a very large and long panel. That reading seemed to indicate the likelihood of just staying with the one reviewer. That outcome seems also mirrored in this reading, as once the solution for La Force is applied (ending in L'Hermite), we get Le Jugement upright on the fundamental bottom row.

Of course, it is possible that Le Jugement means "a panel of judges". But, I would imagine that if this were so, a better way to show this ala the Camoin Method would have been for L'Hermite to be reversed, and the solution card to be Le Jugement. Or, L'Hermite to be reversed, the solution card being some card indicating moving to a higher level in the hospital (La Maison Dieu), and then having Le Jugement to the right of L'Hermite.

My experience with the Method is that the Tarot "speaks" to our questions with great cleverness.