Camoin Method, Example for Analysis, Paul #1


Hello all --

I thought a new thread was appropriate for the Method. But, I defer to the moderators on how they would like to sort this out.

Here's is a real question, with permission from the querent for analysis:

This is a medical doctor in training (called a "medical resident" in the USA). This resident has experienced tremendous abuses of the department and the director, which may result in the ending of his career before it has started. He is grieving the problems via a long, written Magnum Opus letter, which is presently in progress. Heretofore, he has never been so bold in his rebuttal to the department demigods who have been abusing him.

His question is, "What will be the result of the grievance process?" The hope is to salvage either the residency or get another one. In the Camoin Method, the question is almost more important than the answer! ;) Ok I exaggerate somewhat, but the question may have synchronicities in the card images.

Attached is an image of the reading.

First, let's just absorb the gazes and solutions.

(I'd love to learn how to post an image within the post, BTW.)


  • Example Camoin Method 1.JPG
    Example Camoin Method 1.JPG
    47.9 KB · Views: 263



Just one question. I see you got The Sun, Force and The Judgement on the first row, with Force being reversed. As a solution card for Force you got The Wheel but, why is The Empress on top of Judgement?




EnriqueEnriquez said:

Just one question. I see you got The Sun, Force and The Judgement on the first row, with Force being reversed. As a solution card for Force you got The Wheel but, why is The Empress on top of Judgement?



Good question. I am using an optional Law, which allows us to see what turns the wheel handle, or what makes the destiny move forward.
Admittedly, this was probably a poor thing to do for our first example, because even Camoin says that these optional laws should not be used for the beginners.

Typically, the reading would have stopped with just the Wheel.

Perhaps we can post both.


Here's the reading, using only the Basic Laws


  • Example Camoin Method 1b.JPG
    Example Camoin Method 1b.JPG
    26.1 KB · Views: 236


Paul, did you want us to go ahead and post thoughts on the gazes and solutions? I just want to be sure that's what you had in mind before I go ahead and do so.


Let's rock n' roll.

(That would be a yes, Lee.) ;)


I'll start, because I can't help myself. Here are some of the Laws on Camoin's website:

General patterns (notice what's there with the eyes of a child, without intellectual overlay, even the Laws themselves).

Law of Regard (notice who's looking where and what would happen if their gaze changed when uprighted).

Law of Extremities (we look at the cards at the beginning and the end of line) Le Soleil and Le Jugement provide a "federal express" version of the story.

Law of Two/Three/3+1/Repetition/Resemblance/Proximity (we look for patterns with symbols in proximity, next to each other or above and below, etc according to these laws. These are simply "lens" to view the spread).

Law of Inversion (note the problem cards, note the solution; looking at the solution card sometimes provides clarity for the problem card's meaning).

Law of Columns (the story runs left to right-- past the future-- but each column of past, present, future runs vertically when necessary to provide extra detail. For example, there is a problem in the present that needs to be overcome).

The decision is always to look at micro-symbols between cards or to look at the card holistically (it's general meaning, which is what we are typically accustomed to in Tarot reading). I tend to focus on the micro-relationships a wee bit more than other of my Camoin Method Comrades.


disclaimer: it is challenging to see the spread and see/hear everything at once, to then having to put it in writing. i miss things and written language doesn't quite get the meaning of the 'messages' i see/hear.

Ok my first impression….
-Coming from a bright looking past, possibilities
-Being in the struggle of courage to determine your future, your current situation
-judgment. What else can I say given the situation and the question

Clarifying card for la force….wheel of fortune going to the right but always looking at you in the eye. Things will be changing or better yet are already in the move.
Clarifying the wheel… the projects that have been in the planning or intuitive area are getting stronger with the blocked energy of a more firm decision maker as the emperor…still light shines on the blocked card and the staffs are at the same level with the hands almost touching.
The clarifying card for the emperor shows a deal of balance that will be by law or decree. The law of the man will be given and it seems –possibly- in your favour as the swords are straight pointing to the ‘heavens’.

Overall, the rays of the sun repeat somehow in the blocked force and more obviously so in the judgment card. The sun goes from passive to more explicitly active in the last card. The beginning state of balanced duality and assistance has become a matter of more than two people and includes an intermediary.
Top row…the river/water of the sun and judgment are still showing in the clarifying card of the wheel. Tow tales pointing or addressing the right side to the emperatrice… now here we see the merging of the blue into the emperor. Even though his position is upside down (‘blocked’) it still allows fro communion with the emperatrice, staffs and swords are upright for the most part wither grounded or relying on the heavens. I see the emperatrice pointing with her staff to the emperor and the justice one as well.

This spreads shows what is happening very clearly and the possible decision.
Just my humble beginner opinion.


Okay, I'll take the plunge! I'll just record some first impressions rather than a full-fledged analysis.

General patterns the first thing I notice is the triad at the lower left (Le Soleil, La Roue, Le Jugement) which contain circles of equal sizes, and then the four cards at the upper right which all show people holding long thin objects. If the movement in general is from left to right, then it seems the circles are turning into long thin objects.

Law of Regard the most striking regard is L'Imperatrice and L'Empereur both looking at L'Hermite, who is is gazing back at them. L'Empereur clearly needs to stop paying so much attention to L'Hermite and start paying attention to L'Imperatrice. Also, La Force is focused a bit too much on the past (Le Soleil) and needs to turn her attention toward the future (Le Jugement).

Law of Extremities here I start to see a clue to an overall interpretation (with help from the Regard observation above) -- Le Soleil suggests perhaps an unrealistically idealistic view, which in the future becomes a more clear-sighted view (i.e. when one gets new glasses and sees with a shock how much one has been missing).

Law of Repetition/Resemblance/Proximity I suppose the observations in "General Patterns" would apply, although I'm not sure if the Circle triad would count as proximity since they're at diagonals to each other. Or am I being too literal? :) Others include 4 winged creatures (La Roue, L'Imperatrice, L'Empereur, Le Jugement), 2 eagles on shields (L'Imperatrice, L'Empereur), 2 mammals (La Roue, La Force), and this may be stretching it, but I see a similarity between the lion's jaws and the opening of the trumpet.

Law of Inversion here I have to go to a more holistic view (using Camoin's trump meanings). Left to his own inclinations, the querent will be unable to solve the problem (La Force reversed). To overcome this obstacle, he needs to apply an uncharacteristic amount of initiative and motivation to take control of his own destiny (La Roue). This will help him solve the problem of looking at the situation too nostalgiacally and idealistically (Le Soleil), and will be able instead to see the situation more clearly (Le Jugement). (I'm aware that I'm applying a somewhat negative interpretation to an upright card [Le Soleil], which may be a no-no.)

L'Empereur reversed clearly represents the abusive department demigods and/or the director himself. Dealing with this person/group with justice and balance is what will turn the situation around (so to speak). The director needs to get back in touch with his own creativity and use that creativity in constructive ways rather than using it to oppress the querent.

Law of Columns this one I'm actually a little unclear on what you mean, Paul. I also checked back on Camoin's site and can't find reference to it. I'm not sure how this is different from the Solution card affecting the reversed card.

Well, it looks like I got into some interpretation after all. Now I'm up way past my bedtime so I'll leave it at that. And I would be delighted to find out if I've done it wrong (not that I think there is truly a "wrong", of course, but I am interested in learning what's right and wrong from the viewpoint of Camoin's method).


yaraluna, très bien!

When you hear the whole story, you will appreciate the synchronicities.

The solution row interestingly shows a lack of gazes between L'Imperatrice and Lempereur; there is a problem (in the solution) in concretizing thoughts into action. This is solved by La Justice.

More later.