2012 incoded within Rider Waite


I don't think he (or she) necessarily meant that the Rider Waite was created that long ago or anything like that, just that the creators of the deck might have been "privy to their true esoteric meaning" of the clues found in the deck.


zannamarie said:
The information below "click out here" is detail of the topic in GRAFLIX1's original post.
:confused: Why not just re-post the original post in this thread then? Why make us go to another thread? And if there is another thread, then why repeat the topic here?


Thirteen said:
:confused: Why not just re-post the original post in this thread then? Why make us go to another thread? And if there is another thread, then why repeat the topic here?

There is no other thread, it's just his way of saying "stop reading" if you're not interested in what he's talking about.


GRAFLIX1 said:
You will find eight pointed crosses that symbolise this "not aligned" aspect. This is the UK's Union Jack and you will find the FOOL's tunic is adorned with these eight pointed crosses.

Can you explain what my countries flag has to do with this?
I'd just like to know so I know whether to get offended and have a strop about it or not.


Well I do find this an interesting topic, and had to go dig out my RWS cards and see what you were talking about....hope you elabrate a bit more on this.


Starlight09 said:
There is no other thread, it's just his way of saying "stop reading" if you're not interested in what he's talking about.
Oh. Okay. :D Sorry. I really didn't get it.


Lillie said:
Can you explain what my countries flag has to do with this?
I'd just like to know so I know whether to get offended and have a strop about it or not.
Feel free to have a strop. The Mayans knew centuries ahead of time what the Union Jack would look like? Good grief ...

And there is planty of documentation to tell teh OP exactly how and why the Union JAck was designed that way.

This thread looks like another Conspiracy Theory, but one not even worth breaking out Meewah's conspiracy theory spread and my conspiracy theory deck.

I don't think I'll be dropping by again, any time soon.

Someone who thinks logically provides a nice contrast to the real world.


is there a doctor in the house?

laura_borealis said:
It's all just a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, time-y wimey stuff. ;)
Yes, but remember: Don't blink, don't even blink, blink and you're dead! They are fast, faster than you could believe. Don't turn your back, don't look away, and don't blink!

Laura Borealis

KariRoad said:
Yes, but remember: Don't blink, don't even blink, blink and you're dead! They are fast, faster than you could believe. Don't turn your back, don't look away, and don't blink!

need.... eyedrops....


THIRTEEN really sounds THIRTEEN!

Zannamarie is correct. I meant for those, who do not wish to go deeper within the tarot symbology, other than the dictated interpretation, to click out, do not read further, go back to another post.

Surly THIRTEEN must have been kidding, or completely unable to discern, not only symbols, but what is stated.

I have found the hidden codes pertaining to the sun's transit through the nexus doorways, not only within Riter Waite, but also within the Witches Tarot, and Thoth's. Once you become aware (possibly not THIRTEEN) of the "true meaning" behind various symbols, the theme becomes ever evident.

I feel conventional tarot readers concern themselves with that doctrinal, whereas if one delves deeper, the true intent reveals itself, as you allow your eyes to perceive.

You have to read read read and it is only then that the true meaning behind symbols of the ancients will reveal themselves.

The Biblical directive in following a pillar of smoke, is not smoke from a fire, but a term used to describe the Milky Way. Another pillar, per se, is the Egyptian Dejd, Osiris's backbone. This backbone is also another way of representing the Milky Way. As we progress through time, various cultures have utilised their own unique ways in describing (or covertly describing) the Milky Way. The Ouroboros eating its own tail, is another expression.

All said, when the codes present themselves as the intent by the ancients, the enigma is dispersed in the process and you will see why the cards are in an order, to which possibly, to which otherwise, always seemed quite odd.