3 Guidance Readings


Ok, well, this is more like what you need to do type of thread. Are you ok with this? If so... your guides are telling you that you need to look to aromatherapy. This is going to really help you around this situation even though they do not seem connected at the moment. The type of aromatherapy that might work best is one where you'll be able to balance your heart chakra. Again, I will use a disclaimer here like I did for page... I'm not a doctor, so before trying any kind of spiritual or medical therapies, please check with your doctor first.

I hope this helps, Wolf. Please let me know what you think.

Aromatherapy is an interesting suggestion. There is a wellness fair on this weekend so I can see if anything resonates when I get there. I have previously been advised to try flower essence therapy so that makes sense to me...aromatherapy might also work. I can't really discount it until I've tried it. Is this to help me find balance or something? Thanks for reading. I'll keep this in mind.


Aromatherapy is an interesting suggestion. There is a wellness fair on this weekend so I can see if anything resonates when I get there. I have previously been advised to try flower essence therapy so that makes sense to me...aromatherapy might also work. I can't really discount it until I've tried it. Is this to help me find balance or something? Thanks for reading. I'll keep this in mind.

Yes, think the move is somehow connected with your heart chakra. Thank you for the great feedback. Good luck!


Hi Eva it's getting late here I will leave feedback when I get up for school sorry for the delay.
Moderator note:

Hi pageofswords9110,

You have not left timely feedback. "Timely" in this case would be 1-2 hours after the reading, since that's the time frame specified by Eva4, and readers are allowed to and encouraged to specify their own rules for their reading threads. By asking for a reading, you're agreeing to abide by the forum's reading guidelines and the reader's own rules.

Please leave feedback for the reading which Eva4 has kindly done for you. Your feedback needs to be posted as soon as possible since it is already late.

Please also review the Oracle Readings Guidelines for complete information on our policies and procedures.

I am also sending you a PM.

Lee, Oracles Moderator


I am seeing that during the month of November relationships in general will be an important area to focus on healing. So any healing you do in this area of your life would be emotionally healing for you.

I got diet for you as the area of focus for November. So if you have been thinking about eating better, then your intuition is trying to tell you something. I chose an extra card to see where diet modification needs to be. First, my disclaimer, though I am not a medical health professional and before making any modifications to your diet, it is recommended you speak with your primary care provider. That having been said, you should focus on orange foods or foods that help open and balance the sacral chakra.

Page, please let me know if this reading resonates for you.
There are a lot of broken relationships around myself at the moment so this makes sense. The one I would like to fix the most of heal from is the one with my father. I have been thinking about getting back in the gym and eating better. I feel like it will give me more energy. Just gotta find the time with school and work.