8 of wands


What are some generic actions associated with this card? I should mention that this card doesn't usually show up as a communication card for me, so let's presume that it doesn't mean that for the purpose of this question.

Thank you :)


Here's what learntarot.com specifically lists for "actions":


taking quick action
making your move
striking while the iron is hot
declaring yourself openly
putting plans into action
rushing into a new area
moving into high gear
getting caught up in change

coming to a conclusion
culminating an effort
having all elements come together
closing out an activity
experiencing a grand finale
finding a successful resolution
completing unfinished business

receiving news
getting an important message
obtaining a needed bit of information
finding the missing puzzle piece
discovering the truth
having a meaningful conversation
learning more

Take your pick!

GA :)

P.S. I've also seen this to mean a "one-night stand" or a "quickie"... ;)


Thank you!

That does seem rather comprehensive, doesn't it... hmm.


8 wands for me has turned up as passion. It was quick & fast and had burned itself out very quickly. (Not the action itself just the situation between us. })


The energy of a situation, the energy around you, is moving in a positive direction. Everything seems to flow along with your will, with your movements. You cannot go wrong; there are no obstacles.


This has come to indicate moving/travelling on many occasions.
Also, when so many things are going on at the same time and it's just sort of frenzied, hectic and/or fast paced.
And its also indicated a passionate but short lived affair. Lots of passion rising but falling just as quickly.


Air or space travel.


Grab your hard hat and brace for impact!

\m/ Kat


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When I see the 8 of wands, I do interpret it as a contact card.

If it comes up in the relationship area of my spread, I interpret this as a long distance relationship, or he travels a lot.

If the question being asked is whether or not he will contact, I see definite contact but not face-to-face.. through email, phone, text, im.. etc.


Traveller, thanks for starting this thread. This is one of the cards I have always found tricky, and I have realised that its because of the image. In most of the RWS derived images, its a guy hurling a spear. I get the quickness imagery, but I don't necessarily see positive communication in spear throwing or a good resolution. I'm curious about others reactions to this image.
