9 Square Month Ahead Practice Readings for July


I'll post mine too. I'm not really good at Lenormand but it's an opportunity to practise.

Tower - Sun - Mice
Roads - Woman - Birds
Stars- Storks - Coffin

Focal is Lady, which is me. Not sure what it means for the reading though. I know when the significator is the first card, it means I'm in control, when it's towards the end, means I can be overwhelmed by what's happening, however not sure when it stands in the middle.

Tower, Sun, Mice - worries related to holidays? feeling alone perhaps. Maybe also news from afar
Roads, Woman, Birds - making a choice about myself, discussing it with others
Stars, Change, Coffin - contemplating a change, a distant dream and perhaps some plans will have to fall through; perhaps also an illness of a friend?

Tower, Roads, Stars- the idea of travel, some dream
Sun, Woman, Storks - this is quite positive. Again related to a dream. Perhaps I will have a choice to make and will stick to one option and follow through
Mice, Birds, Coffin - this perhaps is also positive and signifies an end to a nervous situation, some matter that's been causing me worries. A resolution.

Tower, Woman, Coffin - perhaps taking time alone and maybe also a recovery, so maybe it implies an illness
Mice, Woman, Stars- worries related to dreams, anxiety when it comes to romance...

Overall it seems like it shouldn't be bad, but I may be worried, maybe also about someone else, a woman and her health? Not much going on romantically, neither money-wise. Looks like things may get more shaky towards the end of the month... Well, it doesn't seem like a dull spread, but I can't really read much content into it. I'll be grateful for any suggestions. Thanks.


Here's mine for the month


Looks like a pleasant month overall for you with the Bouquet as central card. :) You mentioned a change at your job - with Bear and Dog on the diagonal, this could be related to a female colleague - prob someone in authority so a boss or supervisor. Moon + Bouquet + Garden looks like a good meeting at work where you will get some public recognition of the good job you are doing. Moon + Key + Dog - solution is provided at work by a colleague. Tower + Bouquet + Key looks like a certain invitation at work - this could be the invite to the meeting referenced by the Garden. :)

Bear + Scythe + Moon - a sudden end at work for an older female. Here it makes me think of job cuts which will bring greater success and happiness for you (Scythe + Bouquet + Moon).


I'll post mine too. I'm not really good at Lenormand but it's an opportunity to practise.

Tower - Sun - Mice
Roads - Woman - Birds
Stars- Storks - Coffin

Focal is Lady, which is me. Not sure what it means for the reading though. I know when the significator is the first card, it means I'm in control, when it's towards the end, means I can be overwhelmed by what's happening, however not sure when it stands in the middle.

Tower, Sun, Mice - worries related to holidays? feeling alone perhaps. Maybe also news from afar
Roads, Woman, Birds - making a choice about myself, discussing it with others
Stars, Change, Coffin - contemplating a change, a distant dream and perhaps some plans will have to fall through; perhaps also an illness of a friend?

Tower, Roads, Stars- the idea of travel, some dream
Sun, Woman, Storks - this is quite positive. Again related to a dream. Perhaps I will have a choice to make and will stick to one option and follow through
Mice, Birds, Coffin - this perhaps is also positive and signifies an end to a nervous situation, some matter that's been causing me worries. A resolution.

Tower, Woman, Coffin - perhaps taking time alone and maybe also a recovery, so maybe it implies an illness
Mice, Woman, Stars- worries related to dreams, anxiety when it comes to romance...

Overall it seems like it shouldn't be bad, but I may be worried, maybe also about someone else, a woman and her health? Not much going on romantically, neither money-wise. Looks like things may get more shaky towards the end of the month... Well, it doesn't seem like a dull spread, but I can't really read much content into it. I'll be grateful for any suggestions. Thanks.

Hadn't got around to commenting on your reading Zayats so rushing in before the end of the month :) these are just my ideas, but hope they help you....

So the main theme of the month for you is Woman (centre card, the "core" issue) and Tower (the first card or 'trigger'). The 9 card square doesn't follow the same time or placement system as the GT. I think you are right about a woman in power. This could show independence or a woman in authority (perhaps she is part of an institution for her work / career. But on the other hand she might be a bit lonely.

I like your takes on the cards but to give a different idea of the combos...

Tower, Sun, Mice - could be good luck with a institution or authority. If the person in the middle represents you, perhaps this is about your work? or school or anything like that area. Some positivity but that mice is eating away with you, will it last? perhaps success in this area has been a long time in coming.

Roads, Woman, Birds - a lady who is nervous about making a decision. which direction to take? you are right that it could be a good idea to discuss it with other people.

Stars, Change, Coffin - an illness turning better quickly. Alternatively a good time to transform yourself in some way!

Tower, Roads, Stars - I think this could be about institutions again. This seems to be a big theme in July. Perhaps you will get an amazing opportunity come up! that is the decision!

Sun, Woman, Storks - agree with you on this and like the idea of a dream! something new and lucky will be an opportunity!

Mice, Birds, Coffin - an anxious situation is working itself out.

I think there is more positives in this month. You might have some illness but it will resolve quite quickly and is not worrying. Somehow you will be linked to an authority or institution heavily in the month. This looks quite lucky and will give you opportunities but you will have to decide whether to take them! As a person you will be quite empowered and independent! but hope you don't feel too alone and watch the ego, ground yourself :)


Feedback for what actually happened in July.

What is coming up for me in July?

Star + Key + Ring
Fox + Bear + Cross
Lady + Man + Tree

Centre Card (core theme): Bear - friends, protection, support, authority
Trigger Card (1st card): Star - good luck, wishes coming true, success
Base Card: Flowers - invitations, social times, good company, improvement.

it's still a bit tricky times in my life with my mental health but I think it is "improving" in some way. I think the theme that I missed when doing the reading is that I should see the support and friends there for me! I only realise this at the end of the month. It wasn't the most wonderful month but there was improvement, support and luck there! and some social times.


Star + Key + Ring - unlocking a successful new relationship or a contract
I was hoping for a new friend or wonderful relationship. It was a new mobile phone contract :D but it's half the price of before! star deal! :thumbsup:
I helped my parents get cheaper renewals as well.

Fox + Bear + Cross - a friend being sly, causing pain. might need to watch a wealthy person in power in some way for deceit.
I am not sure what this is still. thought about it! I think it could be a friend of mine had an accident. I have a feeling it could show this. She has to wear a boot on her ankle!

Lady + Man + Tree - couple offer health support or the man in a partnership is ill / is connected to medicine.
its funny to see this now after the reading! A couple suggested a therapy for me to my parents. I researched into the therapy and it's basically a cult! This led to huge arguments and drama. This was definitely a negative thing.


Star + Fox + Lady - inspiration or luck with an untrustworthy or cunning woman
Funny to see this now again and I even discussed if Fox + person card was a politician in a past thread here! I met my local political candidate and was a bit starry eyed! I have to remember she is a "fox" and don't trust her but do like her and it was nice to meet her (in the past she contacted me on social networking to ask me about LGBT issues in my local area, which I thought was sweet).

Key + Bear + Man - success with a physically big and tall man
not sure of this one! can't remember anyone who was like that in my month and sadly not a new man ;)

Ring + Cross + Tree - important love or relationship with someone to do with health or disease.
I think this is about the bond people have with me and my support circle. I am losing some of my support circle who live nearby! I think it's a big issue which isn't as big an issue as in my head! I will be okay.


Star + Bear + Tree - financial improvement to do with an older entrepreneur person.
Ring + Bear + Lady - business connection with a Mother figure or my Mother.
I think this is the people who are helping my brother and his family buy a new house. financial support for him.


Last month was a difficult and tricky month and was so happy to see some improvements a theme. I have a supportive and protective friend this month which seems very successful and positive. There is some really nice positive combos and themes of success and improvement. Also a new relationship maybe. I do have to becareful of someone who might be cunning or deceitful in their behaviour. lot's of partnership themes around me and people. Will have to see who they turn out as :)
no new relationships or partnerships! but also no people I think were deceitful either. I do see the cards in the month and I was supported in this month, I have to realise what I do have more :) that was my month!


Feedback for Barleywine

I see this combination as a brief cloud on the face of the Sun, a "passing shadow." Makes me think of a delightful old Chuck Mangione song, "Chase the Clouds Away." It's probably safe to say that, constitutionally, most children are optimists because their attention spans are so short. It could just mean that alternating spells of bad weather and sunshine will make the child by turns moody and cheerful. Also, how about "something modest that starts uncertainly emerges in a blaze of glory, earning the esteem of others"

I really like this interpretation and fits very well with how my child has been this month. Bouts of her natural happy nature were tempered by moments of sadness. It's been an up and down month emotionally.

Maybe the child will win a trip to Disney World? (Well, since it's small luck, more likely just to an attraction in the next town.) Could also mean a fortunate beginning that attracts new business and the need to take a "business trip," but with Clover on the "dark side" of the Clouds, I'd think starting out could be a bit dicey.
There lucky trip as such although we had a small window of opportunity in a very busy month to take a trip to the farm. The fortunate beginning tempered by clouds I think refers to my starting to drive again after a long gap- cue much fear/nervousness and small trips to work. Starting out was dicey buy much better now. :)

Perhaps the child will get a gift from his or her grandfather or older male relative? That would certainly dispel the gloom! If we're talking about an initiative of some sort, it might indicate "seed money" received from the family, with no strings attached (Lilies above focus card).

We did receive a monetary gift from her great-grandfather so again this is very accurate!

Yes, and because this is all going on in the realm of "influences" (above the focus card), the impressionable child could become emotionally distraught over the apparent incomprehensibility of the transition. If a new beginning is at issue, possibly anticipated largesse (even if not substantial and even if not monetary) from the family becomes doubtful.

This is great! Really accurate - my baby started nursery this month and has definitely found it a tough adjustment! You really nailed it with the 'incomprehensibility' idea. :thumbsup:

I'll talk more about this when I talk about the "diamond:" Key + Clouds + Scythe + Sun. Children think they're invulnerable and can do no wrong. The child may be humming along without a care in the world and run smack into a shocking encounter of some kind. Keep him or her away from sharp items (risk of cuts) and unguarded electrical circuits; also, (with Clouds above), out of reach of electrical storms (risk of electrocution). Talking about an initiative, it could just mean the end of a successful first phase, and the cards that follow (Bouquet + Sun + Ship) show a promising next level.

Thankfully, there were no accidents - perhaps because we both saw the warning in the cards and I took extra precautions to make sure she wasn't in danger with knives/sockets in reach etc. A case of forewarned...

I would read this in concert with Clover + Child + Ship, since they both move in the same direction (Past-Present-Future) and are both strongly positive. I think one reinforces and amplifies the other. Maybe it really will be a trip to Disney World! But perhaps it's an offer of an expenses-paid vacation in a tropical paradise (but not for the child, of course ;)) If an initiative, it could show an offer to participate in a highly rewarding enterprise once the initial phase of development (Key + Child + Scythe) has been concluded.

With this set, I would tend towards the latter interpretation - we are starting a new project at work, the details of which are being tied up at the moment but which will be highly rewarding if we get it off the ground.

If you read this column as the past, it's all innocence, sweetness and light - just like an untroubled young child - and it doesn't get even momentarily disrupted until the top of the next column. Considered in the light of a new beginning, it shows the purest optimism driving the initiative forward.

I think both of these are relevant here - the untroubled state of my daughter before she started nursery and the optimism of the new venture at work.

Fleshing it out a bit, it might mean the family will be traveling to be with an elderly male relative who experiences a traumatic misadventure of some sort (accident, stroke, need for major surgery, etc). If we're talking about an initiative, it could mean dropping everything else and taking a last-minute business trip to secure the support of a mature man (King of Spades).

No major issues with an elderly relative thank goodness and no need yet for a last minute trip. I have found though that often my 9-Square overlaps by a couple of weeks so it might be that some events spill over into this month. :)

Thank you very much for taking the time to look at this. I really appreciated the insights!


Thank you for commenting, daniel :) And sorry for a late reply, been travelling.

So the main theme of the month for you is Woman (centre card, the "core" issue) and Tower (the first card or 'trigger'). The 9 card square doesn't follow the same time or placement system as the GT. I think you are right about a woman in power. This could show independence or a woman in authority (perhaps she is part of an institution for her work / career. But on the other hand she might be a bit lonely.

I like your takes on the cards but to give a different idea of the combos...

Tower, Sun, Mice - could be good luck with a institution or authority. If the person in the middle represents you, perhaps this is about your work? or school or anything like that area. Some positivity but that mice is eating away with you, will it last? perhaps success in this area has been a long time in coming.
I've been trying to sort out some things connected to education and funding. So far I don't know the result, but it took a lot of effort on my part.

Roads, Woman, Birds - a lady who is nervous about making a decision. which direction to take? you are right that it could be a good idea to discuss it with other people.
Yes, I had a decision to make in July and it was both connected to the funding thing as well as my personal life. I did talk it over with some people but didn't want opinions to influence me too much. But one friend, and another to some extent, helped me a lot with going about the formalities.

Stars, Change, Coffin - an illness turning better quickly. Alternatively a good time to transform yourself in some way!
Hmmm, there was no illness per se, but... a lot of drinking and hangovers :/ And yes, there was a lot going on so the change makes sense.

Tower, Roads, Stars - I think this could be about institutions again. This seems to be a big theme in July. Perhaps you will get an amazing opportunity come up! that is the decision!
Yes!! this is the institution/funding thingy again :) Also, I went on a trip connected with that - it's a rather long distance (abroad), so I think the cards also reflect that.

Sun, Woman, Storks - agree with you on this and like the idea of a dream! something new and lucky will be an opportunity!

Mice, Birds, Coffin - an anxious situation is working itself out.
I had a pretty tough personal situation, very unexpected "romantic" development, which started the end of July and actually was clearing up into the beginning of this month.

I think there is more positives in this month. You might have some illness but it will resolve quite quickly and is not worrying. Somehow you will be linked to an authority or institution heavily in the month. This looks quite lucky and will give you opportunities but you will have to decide whether to take them! As a person you will be quite empowered and independent! but hope you don't feel too alone and watch the ego, ground yourself :)
Yes, that's true, the institution was a big theme this month and I had a decision connected with it this month - basically whether to apply or not, as it wasn't that easy and entailed a lot of things. I decided to apply, this involved a trip and the romantic situation (which didn't go very well). But the month was eventful towards the end :)

Thank you for your comments :) I might get back to it again after I've cooled down. I'm fresh after the trip, so not that sharp :)


Hi All,

Just a quick overview on what came true and what didn't :D

Interesting combo's. First impression: I plan to go on holiday so some of the positive cards on this 3x3 seem to talk about that (Sun/Flowers/Fish) as I'm going cruising:

Central Card: Flowers
New invitations and possibilities. I am looking forward to recharging and some new things going on. I'm busy updating my website and revamping some of the things of my business.

Website Revamp took a bit longer, but definitely a lot of growth and yes, we did go on the holiday.

Base Card: Clover
Very happy with new hope - my MIL is in the hospital currently undergoing tests for cancer. They are hoping that it's not metastasized everywhere. I neeeeeed me some hope. Things have been extremely stressful.

We got very hopeful news, even though she does have a brain tumor, the rest of her body is clean and has already had her radiation therapy. Now we are waiting for the results, which will take a few months, but she is getting better, so *yay*

Clouds - Child - Path : Confusion is abundant, and makes me feel small, but a new path will open up.
True, Radiation wasn't on the table when I did this reading because they were expecting much worse results.

Whip - Flowers - Fish: I'm blaming myself for not standing up more to my MIL to let her know I felt something was up, but even as I criticize myself, she's grateful for the place I have in our family and the healing work I do

Extremely true. I have been helping my MIL and she has been extremely thankful. I feel more open to having a larger role and we gotten even closer as a result.

Stork - Dog - Sun: New changes will help me become more comfortable and trusting, while allowing me to absorb more positivity. (Note: I often read Dog as me, as my first Lenormand had a dog picture that really looked 'me-like' and I'm a Chinese Dog star sign)

True, but nothing specific coming up.

Clouds - Whip - Stork, while confusion can make me criticize myself, changes will come
Child - Flowers - Dog, working on childish issues will give me more joy and help me out. I also have to forgive childish behavior of others
Path - Fish - Sun A new path will bring joy and happiness

Haven't seen the new path yet, too bad, but both cruises were fantastic. Second even better then the first. I do see the rest happening.

Clouds - Flowers - Sun, after the initial confusion, joy will follow
Stork- Flowers - Path, changes will bring new joy and help me think on my own path

Still wishy-washy with the path, but yes, a lot of joy lately.

So happy that this positive spread was so truthful for July.
