a couple of plutonian exchanges



Hiiii.... I'm offering two exchanges with my Plutonian oracle with the tarot. Please sit if you agree to follow the rules.

1. Please post your return reading within an hour of me posting yours.
2. Please give a quality reading (more than 5 lines of text). It does not need to be 5 paragraphs long either, but demonstrate clear ideas, etc.
3. Please leave quality feedback (more than 3 lines of text).
4. Please have an open, respectful attitude.
5. No extra sitters or questions at this time.
6. Advice is optional.

Those who have a history of poor compliance will be skipped.

1. pageofswords9110
2. PentQueen


Hi Eva
May I ask what is the purpose of RB coming back in my life if we want different things? In the last reading you said I wouldn't care for the reunion because he won't like me as I think he should which I can see being true so what is the point of him coming back ?


Hi Eva
May I ask what is the purpose of RB coming back in my life if we want different things? In the last reading you said I wouldn't care for the reunion because he won't like me as I think he should which I can see being true so what is the point of him coming back ?

Are you looking for a spiritual perspective on the situation (like lessons this teaches you), or a why-he-wants-you-back perspective (looking at his reasoning/intentions, why he wants you back), maybe a little bit of both? Just wanting to be clear on your question so I give you what you're looking for.


Are you looking for a spiritual perspective on the situation (like lessons this teaches you), or a why-he-wants-you-back perspective (looking at his reasoning/intentions, why he wants you back), maybe a little bit of both? Just wanting to be clear on your question so I give you what you're looking for.

I think a bit of both would help.


Hi Eva
May I ask what is the purpose of RB coming back in my life if we want different things? In the last reading you said I wouldn't care for the reunion because he won't like me as I think he should which I can see being true so what is the point of him coming back ?

Ok, thanks. I've chosen to do a spread for you addressing both perspectives.

1. His intentions or expectations for himself coming back into this relationship: Page of Pentacles + Enemy (open).

2. What he expects of your role: 3 of Cups + Fondness.
3. What this lesson is about for you: Queen of Wands + Watcher (observation).
4. What it means for you if you allow him to come back into your life (outcome): 9 of Cups + Longing.

This is a lesson for you to understand, or make yourself aware of what you want from a partner and your expectations of what a relationship should be. The Queen of Wands is a woman who knows what she wants and makes it happen. She does not compromise. Unlike the Queen of Cups (who puts herself last), the QoW is someone who puts herself first and then nurtures those around her. The Watcher card came up in the observer position, so right now you are observing and comparing and contrasting what you want and what this relationship or man is offering you. It takes time but eventually you will come to understand. Right now he's learning, as the Page of Pentacles is young and eager to learn. However, he also sees himself as someone whose been in your way, more of an adversary than someone there as a partner or friend. So he feels he may be at a disadvantage and he may even blame himself a bit for it. No matter what he does he's always going to look at himself as the villain in the relationship, in other words. He wants you to be happy and enjoy yourself, but this is light and non-serious fun he's looking for (3 of Cups). Fondness also describes feelings of friendship and non-serious or deeper feelings. He might want you to take this reunion lightly and not really expect more. If you do allow him to come back, you will actually feel things are great at first, but eventually you'll see he's not putting in as much effort as you'd like for him to. He won't want to. But this is going to make you wish things could be different.

Page, please let me know if this reading resonates.

Do you see me getting a better job (that I like) within the next 2 weeks to 3 months?


Ok, thanks. I've chosen to do a spread for you addressing both perspectives.

1. His intentions or expectations for himself coming back into this relationship: Page of Pentacles + Enemy (open).

2. What he expects of your role: 3 of Cups + Fondness.
3. What this lesson is about for you: Queen of Wands + Watcher (observation).
4. What it means for you if you allow him to come back into your life (outcome): 9 of Cups + Longing.

This is a lesson for you to understand, or make yourself aware of what you want from a partner and your expectations of what a relationship should be. The Queen of Wands is a woman who knows what she wants and makes it happen. She does not compromise. Unlike the Queen of Cups (who puts herself last), the QoW is someone who puts herself first and then nurtures those around her. The Watcher card came up in the observer position, so right now you are observing and comparing and contrasting what you want and what this relationship or man is offering you. It takes time but eventually you will come to understand. Right now he's learning, as the Page of Pentacles is young and eager to learn. However, he also sees himself as someone whose been in your way, more of an adversary than someone there as a partner or friend. So he feels he may be at a disadvantage and he may even blame himself a bit for it. No matter what he does he's always going to look at himself as the villain in the relationship, in other words. He wants you to be happy and enjoy yourself, but this is light and non-serious fun he's looking for (3 of Cups). Fondness also describes feelings of friendship and non-serious or deeper feelings. He might want you to take this reunion lightly and not really expect more. If you do allow him to come back, you will actually feel things are great at first, but eventually you'll see he's not putting in as much effort as you'd like for him to. He won't want to. But this is going to make you wish things could be different.

Page, please let me know if this reading resonates.

Do you see me getting a better job (that I like) within the next 2 weeks to 3 months?

When you say a better job do you mean money wise ?


Ok, thanks. I've chosen to do a spread for you addressing both perspectives.

1. His intentions or expectations for himself coming back into this relationship: Page of Pentacles + Enemy (open).

2. What he expects of your role: 3 of Cups + Fondness.
3. What this lesson is about for you: Queen of Wands + Watcher (observation).
4. What it means for you if you allow him to come back into your life (outcome): 9 of Cups + Longing.

This is a lesson for you to understand, or make yourself aware of what you want from a partner and your expectations of what a relationship should be. The Queen of Wands is a woman who knows what she wants and makes it happen. She does not compromise. Unlike the Queen of Cups (who puts herself last), the QoW is someone who puts herself first and then nurtures those around her. The Watcher card came up in the observer position, so right now you are observing and comparing and contrasting what you want and what this relationship or man is offering you. It takes time but eventually you will come to understand. Right now he's learning, as the Page of Pentacles is young and eager to learn. However, he also sees himself as someone whose been in your way, more of an adversary than someone there as a partner or friend. So he feels he may be at a disadvantage and he may even blame himself a bit for it. No matter what he does he's always going to look at himself as the villain in the relationship, in other words. He wants you to be happy and enjoy yourself, but this is light and non-serious fun he's looking for (3 of Cups). Fondness also describes feelings of friendship and non-serious or deeper feelings. He might want you to take this reunion lightly and not really expect more. If you do allow him to come back, you will actually feel things are great at first, but eventually you'll see he's not putting in as much effort as you'd like for him to. He won't want to. But this is going to make you wish things could be different.

Page, please let me know if this reading resonates.

Do you see me getting a better job (that I like) within the next 2 weeks to 3 months?

This is spot on. I guess he wasn't being serious when he told me he loved me and wanted me to be his girlfriend. I've never put pressure on him to commit because his actions showed me that he just didn't want to. I shouldn't have to force a man who truly wanted to be in my life to show that. I've put distance between us but no matter what he comes back. It's like he doesn't want to commit to me but doesn't want me with anyone else. That's very selfish. He's even told me to find someone better and when I go out and try he comes back begging and pleading his case. Although I don't fully give into him I do entertain it. But I am learning what it is I want through this whole experience. He's taught me how I should feel while in the presence of the person I'm dating. Now if only I could find someone who wants to connect on a more spiritual and emotional level that will be great. This seems as if I allow him to come back the same cycle will continue. That's not what I want at all.


Hi Eva!

Can you please tell me what has happened to T? They have become very unpredictable as of late and I'm concerned with their behaviour.

Thank you!


Yes. Sorry for the delay in my response, hun.

Better paying job: 9 of swords, 10 of pents
I would say yes but it will be a long process. It's going to be stressful and keep you up all night. A lot of worrying and discomfort. But it can happen. I think you may need a family member or find a family owned buisness to work for. The opportunity is there but it's going to take a while and a lot of effort on your part to find it.

Job that you will like: Queen of cups rx, emperor rx
Unfortunately no. You won't like the job. The money will be good but I think you will be working with someone you don't like. Also you aren't trusting your intuition when finding a job. So you may just stettle for a good pay check.

My advice to you would to find out your passion in life. What is it that you like to do and are passionate about. Then learn how to turn that into a profit. Remember doing what you love will bring you happiness before a paycheck and everyone isn't meant to be rich.