Advice Readings


Hello all, I am new to the oracle section and would like to get more acquainted with my Power Animals deck. I will pull 2 cards for advice on you inquiries. Feedback only.


1. StarScream: Reading Posted, feedback received
2. LaRazia: Reading Posted
3. strangebrew: Reading posted, feedback received
4. Kiata: Reading Posted, Feedback received
5. Pumpkins: Reading Posted, feedback received
6. Lilac04; Reading Posted, Feedback received
7. katieb: Reading posted, feedback received
8. Pheonix11: Reading posted, feedback received
9. FireflyReader: Reading posted, feedback received
10. strangebrew #2: Reading posted, feedback received
11. pumpkins #2: Reading posted, feedback received
12. haleyw: Reading posted, feedback received
13. Goddessofthehunter: Reading Posted, feedback received


What do I need to do to find love?


Advice on fully astraly projecting?


What do i need to know about my romantic life?

thanks! x


What do I need to do to find love?

Hello Star Scream,

Here is what the cards have for you:

Rabbit-Fertility "Your Creativity is at it's peak"
Underlying: Monkey- Ingenuity "The situation calls for Adaptability and innovation"

This feel like a message to think outside of the box when it comes to love. Meaning be open to the abundance offered to you and try not to get stuck in your idea of love/relationships and how they should be. Be more flexible. Sometimes expectations can be our biggest downfall, because we get wrapped up in how things should be and then when our expectations aren't met we are disappointed..with no expectations and just openness then everything is more magical. Also, this is a message to evaluate your situation right now and adjust to the circumstances at hand, then generate creative solutions or ideas and act on them. However, don't get rigid about your choice, because like a monkey swinging from branch to branch new factors will come into play and you will have to quickly and fluidly adjust to the situation at hand. Also, don't get discouraged if things don't pan out, just be willing to shift in order for things to work...possibly differently than you have anticipated even.


what do i need to know now. :) Thanks


should i continue being friends with W and learn from him or not pay any more attention to him,leave him and move on?


Advice on fully astraly projecting?

Hey LaRazia,

Here is what the cards say:

Dove-Serenity "Slow Down, pause, breathe"
Underlying: Otter- Surrender " Let Go of Control"

The message for you is actually pretty simply explained by the cards need to find a space in yourself and in your environment that is serene and tranquil and promotes meditation. Be home in body, mind and Spirit. And then when the stage is set, you need to be able to fully let go of control and give yourself over to Spirit. True surrender means releasing any attempt to force your agenda on life. Which I know is easier said then done, but I feel there is a strong willingness to astrally project, but there may also be some residual fear that needs to be addressed about letting go of control over your experience. The Dove is such a peaceful sign it reminds you not to worry and fret over your circumstances. There is no need to find a solution and try figuring things out from a place of fear and anxiety..when you calm down a solution will present itself. Center yourself and know that Spirit is on your side.


What do i need to know about my romantic life?

thanks! x

Hello your name BTW,
here is your reading:

Pelican-Forgiveness "Let go of your judgments"
Underlying: Coyote- Wise Fool "Accept your follies and find the teaching in them"

I feel these cards are telling you to stop judging your past concerning love, and maybe forgive those whom you've had relationships with in the past. The Pelican reminds us that judgment brings an illusion of separation, and a lot of the time that which you judge in others is really a projection within ourselves that we may not be aware of. By identifying these projections within ourselves we can truly forgive ourselves and the other. The Coyote mirrors this message by telling us to stop shaming ourselves over our foibles and instead recognize the Fool within us all who makes mistakes and learn to love and forgive this Fool. Other than a message of self-love and forgiveness, these cards also have a get back on the horse type of message and learning from your past mistakes so as not to repeat them.


May I sit?

I'd love to know what this city still has for me in terms of doing projects - is there still an abundance for me? At the moment, things have calmed down a bit - which is not bad but i'd love to know if there's more for the future, they're creative things i'm looking for :) Any advise on how to handle this would be super!

Thank you! :heart: