Anyone have this? Classico Tarocco di Marsiglia


I have to say that I don't find the scans at Mystic Eye to be an accurate representation of the "look" of the deck. The colors of the scans posted at the link you've provided are way off. You can't even see the mottled pattern of the backgrounds.

It's a lovely deck, but anyone visiting the Mystic Eye link and considering a purchase of the deck based on what is shown there should be aware that the colors in those scans appear more muted than they do when you see the deck "in person." The actual colors are much brighter and more "modern-looking."

-- Jeannette
The Tarot Garden


Also I notice the Mystic Eye scans seem to show a thick black border around the cards which doesn't seem to exist on the decks now being sold. Apparently there was an edition published in the '80s, maybe the Mystic Eye scans are from that previous edition...?

-- Lee

le pendu

Hi Lee,

I really hope you like the deck, but I have to say, it is the only Il Meneghello deck that I have that I have been dissappointed in. It has the thickest lamination I have ever seen, the cards feel "rubbery". It is such a shame, as I have about 12 of their decks and I truly prize all of them as my "special" decks.

The design of the decks is wonderful, so hopefully the feel will be okay for you and you'll enjoy the deck very much.

May I recommend the Swiss by Il Meneghello? It is absolutely wonderful, and feels great to the touch, if you find that you like the style, but want the "older" feeling I *highly* recommend it.



le pendu

By The Way Jeannette,

I just noticed the new feature on Tarot Garden of the Il Meneghello decks you have in stock now!!! How great that you have made these limited edition, historical reproductions so easily available.

Thank you!

robert (counting the change is his sock drawer)


Lee said:
Also I notice the Mystic Eye scans seem to show a thick black border around the cards which doesn't seem to exist on the decks now being sold. Apparently there was an edition published in the '80s, maybe the Mystic Eye scans are from that previous edition...?
That's interesting. Kaplan IV shows a black-bordered il Meneghello deck listed under the title of Classico Tarocco di Marsiglia on page 692 (and incorrectly marked in the index as page 689), and gives a publication date of 1999. Stranger still, the Kaplan listing goes on to note that the samples in the book "...are shown at their actual size." But the size of the illustrations in the book are approx. 1-5/16" x 2-7/16", which is way smaller than any "standard" il Meneghello deck size I've seen, and way bigger than any of the il Meneghello "minis" that I'm familiar with.

I guess in going on to read the additional column text on the deck, Kaplan and Huets state, "In 1999, Oswaldo Menegazzi published Classico Tarocco di Marsiglia as part of a set of five miniature decks." So maybe we are talking about an edition I'm not yet aware of. At the moment, I have to presume the cards shown at the Mystic Eye link are from this 1999 "miniature" edition, which would then make it a different deck that the one being sold at the links you've provided.

-- Jeannette
The Tarot Garden


le pendu said:
I just noticed the new feature on Tarot Garden of the Il Meneghello decks you have in stock now!!! How great that you have made these limited edition, historical reproductions so easily available...
Glad to be of service. And y'know... if anyone writes to inquire about a purchase of any of those decks and mentions the Aeclectic forums, a certain tarot shopkeeper might be persuaded to offer a lower price... ;)

-- Jeannette
The Tarot Garden


le pendu said:
May I recommend the Swiss by Il Meneghello? It is absolutely wonderful, and feels great to the touch, if you find that you like the style, but want the "older" feeling I *highly* recommend it.
Hi robert, would you believe I once had it and traded it away? That was years ago, I certainly would have kept it now if I still had it. I loved the older feeling, but I found the lines a little *too* rough, and some overprinting, which actually made it hard to look at. Oh, well... :)

-- Lee


I have almost bought this deck many times....whenever I am TG I look at it. It's on my list, but keeps getting pushed back, since it is so similar to others that I already have. I like it a lot due to the facial expressions, and the colors (the ones on TG).

So, I most likely will be having a saunter down Tarot Garden's aisles tonight...I might just get it.


Planning that bank robbery. Imagine ... in court ... be-wigged Judge ... "but why did you do it?"

"it was essential your honourness-ship .... I needed the money to buy many decks from TG"!

"Decks? Tarot decks? Oh, course. I understand. Case dismissed' ... the banging of the gavel echoes through the emptying court room.

mythos ... living in dreamland!