Are spares necessary?


Spoonbender said:
Do you know of sites like Oxfam Unwrapped? Just think of the difference you could make with the money of even ONE of those (unnecessary) decks!

gregory said:
I happen to know HC is also very generous giving things to have-nots..... We all have our evil sides; I have mini decks as well as regulars, and a large collection of Thoths - and 3 goats (at the last count), a toilet, a dead log (!!! a Christmas gift from my mother), 2 swans and I forget what else - and I sponsor a child.. We don't have to give EVERYTHING we have to spare to others. :D

Do we ?
I'd say that IF this was only a matter of people (or animals) suffering in the world, I don't think we'd NEED even one tarot deck, now would we?


Nina* said:
I'd say that IF this was only a matter of people suffering in the world, I don't think we'd NEED even one tarot deck, now would we?


gregory said:
We don't have to give EVERYTHING we have to spare to others. :D
No, we most certainly do not. ;) However, when I hear of people who buy spares for eighteen of their Tarot decks - sometimes up to five copies of the same deck - I can only think of what a waste that is. It strikes me as compulsive and materialistic. And it definitely isn't the same as buying even one Tarot deck, now is it, Nina? :bugeyed: There is HUGE difference.



spoonbender said:
No, we most certainly do not. ;) However, when I hear of people who buy spares for eighteen of their Tarot decks - sometimes up to five copies of the same deck - I can only think of what a waste that is. It strikes me as compulsive and materialistic. And it definitely isn't the same as buying even one Tarot deck, now is it, Nina? :bugeyed: There is HUGE difference.

Yes, there is. But I really understood, from your first post, that you WERE talking about spares altoghter.


Besides that... I've got three of two different decks (Marsella and Alchemical). I USE those decks... every day.
And they wear out (the Marsella even VERY quickly).

I can't just buy new copies (well, at least not of the Alchemical).
And so I traded for more copies...

which then, of course, means that I didn't buy them with money I could spend saving the world anyway. :)

Edited to add: Oh... shame on me... I've also got three copies of the Osho Zen... and I don't even use that every day.

Hey wait... two of them were presents. ;)


spoonbender said:
Yes, it certainly does!!! :eek:

Do you know of sites like Oxfam Unwrapped? Just think of the difference you could make with the money of even ONE of those (unnecessary) decks!

Eeeek! Just think of the money you could give to charities if you sold your computer! You could feed a village.

Seriously, don't judge people on what they do or don't own. I have no children, no pets at present, no one to put through college. I support various historical societies, to preserve homes like the Old Manse, the Orchard House, The Wayside, and Sturbridge Village. I give to the Cancer Society. I have worked in soup kitchens and been active in suicide hotlines. I have given to Oxfam since college when we gave up our meal tickets and skipped meals to feed others. I have been involved with funding a refugee family from Guatamala and putting one of the girls through college. Instead of selling things to make money for myself, I give nice furniture and brand new clothes to Morgan Memorial and the Salvation Army. I drive a 1989 Volkswagon Golf with no airbags and no air conditioning. I am hardly extravagant. I put towards these extra decks because they will get used, a lot. And I will eventually need them. Check out that beam in your eye, please, before pointing out the splinter in mine.


As to spares - wow, I never knew this was an issue...

The only deck I have a spare of is my beloved Greenwood. It was already out of print when I hunted down my first copy, then it became one of my main meditation and ritual decks, and so when I saw one for $30 on ebay, I snatched it up!

And I lately considered getting another Victorian Romantic, as I feel the Gold edition should stay pristine and I found I sort of hate other people touching my personal copy, not even for readings ... have never experienced this with any other deck.


It occurs to me also that tarot artists need to make a living too..... :D


HearthCricket said:
Eeeek! Just think of the money you could give to charities if you sold your computer! You could feed a village.
I'm very sorry to see you didn't get my point, HeartCricket. :(


Morwenna said:
As to spares - wow, I never knew this was an issue...

The only deck I have a spare of is my beloved Greenwood. It was already out of print when I hunted down my first copy, then it became one of my main meditation and ritual decks, and so when I saw one for $30 on ebay, I snatched it up!

And I lately considered getting another Victorian Romantic, as I feel the Gold edition should stay pristine and I found I sort of hate other people touching my personal copy, not even for readings ... have never experienced this with any other deck.

You are so fortunate to have The Greenwood. I would love to have that deck one day as when I discovered it during an internet search, I was disappointed to find out that not only is it rare, but the one deck that is for sale is for $399 U.S. Dollars and as a single mom to five kids, I can't justify that expense. So I keep looking and hoping that some day I'll be able to get the deck. The deck is just beautiful and it really speaks to me. Hopefully I'll be blessed one day with the deck or they will reprint it! :D

As for spares, I have no desire to back up any of mine at this point, but if I felt I needed to and have the means, I definitely would back up my most used and most loved deck(s).