Asking Repeats = Delaying Event?


I've been reading for about 2 months now. I don't really get to read for other people that often, so I practice on myself all the time. I ask questions about my love life, usually.

Anyway - my friend recently went to get her cards read professionally, and her reader told her that she shouldn't ask the same questions over and over again because it will put the desired outcome further from your reach!!

Is this true?? If it's true, I have definitely been chasing off possible suitors by asking about them too much!

How will I know when it's "too much"? My deck doesn't really stop working for me when I repeat questions - sometimes it will give me a shadow card that basically says "STOP asking this", but it never really acts up - just gives me sass. And I always listen.

What do you think?


I think their reasoning is a load of crap.

The cards don't 'control' an event; they merely 'report it.' What you yourself have discovered is that when you repeatedly ask the same question over and over (especially within a short time period) is that you start to get answers that are all over the countryside. There are many 1000s of things that happen every minute and any one of them could be the butterfly beating it's wings in San Francisco that causes a tidal wave in Japan. However, many events happen slowly, or other factors enter in which change the outcome, subtly or something less-than-subtly. Many questions deal with 'the future' - well - the future is not defined by 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week, or a 365.25 day trip around the sun.

If you could 'put off' an unwanted event merely by asking repeated questions about it ... everyone would be preoccupied with delaying bill payments, dental visits, or having their in-laws come over for Christmas.

You cannot delay an event from happening by waving a Tarot deck at it.


I agree with TB.

I have also found that when I used to read often about something I either get basically the same meaning over and over, or pull a card that basically says, "can we move on?" LOL.


What you yourself have discovered is that when you repeatedly ask the same question over and over (especially within a short time period) is that you start to get answers that are all over the countryside.
Indeed, agreed in spades. And my theory on why this is so, is that if you respect a first answer, you accept it and don't repeat the question until you have done some work on the situation and seen changes in it, and time has passed. If you just keep asking without progressing your life, then you are showing no respect for and belief in the right answer, so why should you keep getting right answers? Why would a human be bothered asking the questions of a pest, let alone Tarot?

If you could 'put off' an unwanted event merely by asking repeated questions about it ... everyone would be preoccupied with delaying bill payments, dental visits, or having their in-laws come over for Christmas.
<grin> Yep, I have a whole list of things you can read for me on, TarotBear. Things I want delayed. Firstly ...

You cannot delay an event from happening by waving a Tarot deck at it.
Hey! That has the power of an aphorism or a proverb. Watch me quote you all over the place. :)


Yeah, she's not a trustworthy reader, your friend should stop going there. She obviously doesn't like repeat questions, and so she made up a lie. She has disdain for client's intelligence and is not honest. Next she'll want her to buy a candle or a rock to ward off evil spirits for a hefty chunk of change.

Regarding repeat questions, it's usually not that hard to alter the question a bit, or ask something sharper with more detail, so that's better advice.


There is a possibility that repeatedly asking "could" delay an event from happening...

Let's put it this way, if our actions factor into the event in question, repeatedly reading about said event could potentially influence our behavior. If you change your behavior according to the latest read on that event, you could be behaving in a manner that inhibits the event from manifesting as quickly as it could had you not modified your behavior in the first place, or even prevent the event entirely...


There is a possibility that repeatedly asking "could" delay an event from happening...

For example, if you keep asking Tarot if you are going to pass your exams instead of spending that same time studying, then the chances are it will "delay" the passing of those exams until the following year.

But only because you wasted valuable study-time with stupid Tarot questions!


For example, if you keep asking Tarot if you are going to pass your exams instead of spending that same time studying, then the chances are it will "delay" the passing of those exams until the following year.

But only because you wasted valuable study-time with stupid Tarot questions!

I like that one, very true :)

It goes beyond wasting time though (although that is a well pointed out issue...). Look at a potential relationship. Let's say John (for lack of a more interesting name at the moment) wants to marry Sally (same here...). Johns gets his first tarot read and everything looks good, so he has confidence that he should proceed in his endeavor. So, he rushes out and immediately proposes to Sally. Sally refuses, the proposal was a bit too quick for her taste, she isn't ready. John now confused gets reading #2. This one is not so good, reflecting the current moment of the situation. John is now dejected and decides maybe he was wrong...on and on and on...

Now maybe if John did not go for reading #2 and talked to Sally instead, they could have cleared the issue up quicker and she would accept a few months later. John, however, chose to receive reading #2 and as a result, decides not to talk to Sally, maybe he decides to take his ball and go home. This does not mean they will never marry, but it will take longer due to the confusion. Any additional reads only muddy the waters and create potential further delays.

Humans are mostly their own enemy and if given the opportunity will more often than not continually shoot themselves in the foot. Peering into the future as we do with tarot grants us an even more powerful ability to place bullets in our poor little toes...


Well eye, in your scenario, the first reading changed the behavior, also the other examples given, same thing. It really doesn't address the issue. Repeated questions in tarot readings carry no more risk in delaying events than one tarot reading.


Well eye, in your scenario, the first reading changed the behavior, also the other examples given, same thing. It really doesn't address the issue. Repeated questions in tarot readings carry no more risk in delaying events than one tarot reading.

In the scenario I laid out it absolutely could. Every action you take in any situation can alter how that situation plays out and the time frame in which it does. If you continually change your actions based upon each subsequent reading, you can very much delay the event from taking place.