asteroid study: Pholus


Deszroo said:
I think part of my problem is still a lack of fundamental understanding and application of Pholus.


I know, I wanted to get some other points of view before I decided to pin things down for interpretations.

This is how i feel, It is such an interesting name but doesn't have the same impact as say asteroids "excalibur" or "Ute" which are directly related to something tangable (ok, maybe not excalibur since its a myth, like Pholus).

The use of the position of pholus would have to come from its association and aspects to chiron in the chart in oppositon they are activating eachothers energies (like in my chart), an inconjunct would be disruptive (or invoke a disruptive personality perhaps, think of someone who always shoots down the converstation), in trine there would be a situaiton of (too much)relaxed action, and in conjunction there is a strong drive towards one goal, single mindeness.

I came to theses interepretations while keeping the myth of pholus and chiron plus the concepts of friendly fire, battlefields, and arrows in mind. Chiron and pholus have complementry and cooperative energies, but if put in a "shoot first situaiton", well, there might be more of an aftermath because of it.


Here (below) another little bit of info I found on Pholus. The site with famous people and Pholus aspects...maybe its my computer...but it doesn't seem have any further explanations. But I am going to see if I can pick a few celebrities from the site; find their charts ...give it some thought. Interesting tibit though...about Louis Armstrong for example who per that list has Pholus conj MC and Pholus conj Sun..."
PBS Documentary, "Satchmo" 7/1993, quotes records, date from baptismal certificate and time from accounts that, during his birth, a brawl was raging outside his mom's house in which a man was stabbed to death".

So far theres Pholus with: Food/diet/wine;merriment, pomp, ritual. Danger in terms of accidental or perhaps intentional wounding by some other party..which may also lead to death. Hero/ineism;maytrdom;good samaritan acts..that may lead to also fatality or wounding...or a dramatic end of sorts. Activism for social/political change perhaps on a dramatic..generational scale..e.g. civil rights...or perhaps even on more local but pertinent. Semiconscious or unconscious implusiveness whose motives not really conscious either. Danger also based on blind action, impulse. Harried and unstable; unexpected conditions as a part of major change, awakening, renewal.



My pholus is at 26 pisces. I don't know if that's close enough to be a conjunction or not.
Also, i have no idea what pholus means.