Asteroid Watch


Asteroid hispania catches up, and passes asteroid Hidalgo, this occurs at 11degrees Libra trined ti the moon at 11 Gemini late at night on the 17th. Pallas Athena will have a brief re-entry into the Sagittarius/Capricorn cusp, followed by a stationary and redirect foreward. This pulls Sagittarius into the realm of government and and responsiblity that is Capricorns forte.

America has been close to Aries, but with the retrograde activity, teh gap grows instead of closes. Asteroid America will conjunct the north node point and stay steady with it as they will both be travelling clockwise around the zodiac. Squared off to pluto, a change is in the making and a new generation of ideal gets to be heard and focused on.

Pulling all of this foreaward is the Sun, getting ready to conjunct and eclipse asteroid Ute, forcing a shift of perspective in Southwest Colorado. This will occur as a trine to Pluto, again transformation comes easily and the acceleration of the naturla course of events, creative and destructive alike, is predominant. Something may happen at Mesa Verde or in Utah, it is hard to tell at this point, but the Ute will be in teh spotlight for a very good reason, and as a tribe they can fulfill their spiritual goals.


August 24th

Asteroid Lilith is nearing Scorpio, take heed of the dark side of human nature as lilith is in her element with this sign. Libra Hispania inconjuncts Psices Uranus (hidalgo will as well) pushing a strange reality of cultural disconnect. Hispania and Hidlago are also sextile to venus in Leo, forcing leadership to give appreciation to the reality while reflecting off of Pisces waters, Uranus is very conductive to this but the results might be mixed.

Ceres, currently in a debate about the definition of a planet, is in opposition to mercury and saturn and furthermore is conjunct to neptune. Talk about chaos and intrigue, hard work and activity in regards to the ceres ruled food chain, and the more you talk about it the more it becomes a kept reality.

Juno, Zeus' abused wife, is in virgo, where she looks for perfection, soon to be converging with the sun. Here the energy is all about being in tune with teh expectations. Juno is trine to Pallas Athena in capricorn moving direct, this is important as we can actually achieve a few relationship issues with finesse.

Hebe, ruler of the serviceforce, is in aquarius retrograde and merging with chiron, acting as a major catylist of priorities and responsibility. Hebe wants to serve, chiron wants to heal, sometimes the best healing is to serve, othertimes teh best service is that of healing, in this case, the two will merge into one.

Vesta is also in virgo, acting as a stablizing factor, shortly conjunct to the moon activating vesta ability to commit and follow through, resources are scarce though, keep the attitude to a minimum and watch what you say.


oct 6, 2006

Vesta-the hearth, influencer of what we are commited to, our family and home, our health and safety. Vesta is now in Libra, where we learn to balance out our existence and our needs with others and our selves. in Virgo vesta was about getting things done 100%, now in libra we can get that 100% done with style and in appropriate time.

Hispania and Hopi are both leaving Libra and entering Scorpio, the libran balance has been one of ups and downs, but scorpio is all about depth and perception. Further more these two asterois are conjunct as they leave libras scales and enter scorpios realm, they are joined together and are able to see what is before them, rational outlooks are the goal here.

The darkmoon is also closing in on Libra, putting strain on virgo's last few degrees, perfectionism is not a trait that is going to be looked at with grace in these next week, once in libra though the balance and need for the perfectionsim will come into a crystalized light, observance of this energy flow will be illuminating. The Darkmoon reminds us that even though they paved paradize and put up a parking lot, sometimes that parking lot is also a paradise.


A few odd placements:

Gemini Industria is inconjunct to pallas-athena in capricorn and venus in scorpio while square to uranus in pisces. Also retrograde, industrias influence on the communication industries is a harsh, although there is a coming trine ot chiron, perhaps medical research is next to be assisted.

an interesting pair is camelot and lancelot, in leo and aquarius. This opposition, combined with camelots conjunction to neptune, activates this mythology (excalibur has just entered scorpio).

Venus is moving over both hispania and hopi in scorpio, this energy seems to indicate a new appreciation for certain native american and hispanic realites, marriages of this nature will have strong and powerful ties that bind.

Hidalgo is in libra still, and will still be there until the onset of december, quite a ways away still. Stillness does seem to be the reality, but before we get into that this asteroid is trine to saturn and pluto at the same time. A shift of perspective is taking place, and it isn't without its challanges, old paradigms are being deconstructed while new ones are starting to appear in odd places.


hidalgo is now in scorpio, and water is a prime concern for Mexico right now. Emotional stability is the next topic at hand, and finally there is an approaching square to chiron, asking many to accept a new way of doing things for a new source of enjoyment, also asking for guidance isn't a big deal for these folks anymore, but something is against them that is not being revealed easily.

The Sun will be opposing industria, literally activating an industrial/commercial revolution of the modern age, industria is retrograde right now and will re-enter taurus, placing an interesting outlook on the communication industry vs. the agricultral industry. Both are spotlighted right now, and since thye are both on their own tangents, the focus can't be on their competition, and where it is, the reverse from the expected is probably going to happen, but only after a switch of perception.

but with Jupiter also approaching sagittarius, another opposition to industria comes quickly. Mars follow suit quickly behind, the industrial complex will have to reinvent itself, re-evalutate its restrictions, and prepare to replenish itself for the year to come. Jupiter puts financial topics in question, while mars will place activities in the spotlight.

Sextiling the newly sagittarian housed planets is the darkmoon, still in early libra this point in the chart is active and pushing itself hard. This means that the moon is closest in libra and furthers from the earth in aries. Libra and aries will have to learn to stay calm and real in their situations, while Capricorna nd Cancer won't have it all that easy either, none of thse signs will be seen as deserving of sympathy for a while, not without applying some intellegence to their daily conversations.


I know that i have nursed this thread enough, so lets get down to it.

Vesta is leaving Libra, vesta is the virgin, the worker, and all things that just as well be virgo all together. She is quiet, nurishing, intelligent, and looks at the large picture. In libra that has been a review of the law, a change in authority, and the process of changing to scorpio is going to show up in the christmas and new years gatherings. represented by a sacred flame, vesta is a strong force to be reckoned with, adn in scorpio it is teh volcano of energy beneath teh surface of the water. sexuality is going to be a sensetive and active topic while virgo transits through scorpios realm.

Vesta will be conjuncting hidalgo in early scorpio, a powerful combination that will bring out some interesting realities, and some intersting truths.

Mercury howerver is conjuncting hispania, and communciation with the female spanish is in overdrive. This is all happening in scorpio where the darkness overwealms everyone, and the general powersource is spreadout and about instead of being concentrated in one area.

Asteroid lilith is conjunct jupiter at the onset of sagittarius, a precarous sitaution as your money may dissapear faster than the holiday season can take it, maybe giving some money to charity is where it should be going, but don't be afraid to break some money on your own gifts, after all you do know yourself best. Don't be selfish, but don't be afraid to deny yourself a gift. Jupier and Lilith are opposing industria retrograde in gemini, re-entering taurus (this is amplified by the taurus/ full moon in gemini going out of bounds.) Esentially the industrial construction sector might expierence a setback (similar to 2001 perhaps) with unpleasant results.

Mars is catching up with sagittarius, so prepare to give it your all, but don't worry too much about your energy reserves, mars will provide, mars in a fire sign after all works well with most if not all mars placements (except maybe scorpio).

Pallas is moving foreard in capricorn, determining each calculated step, and sextiling mercury and hispania, manuvering around set in energies is pallas's speciality, but this time pallas is going to have stay seated, focusing in on each detail as it is presented.

Ceres is starting to oppose saturn, saturn is stationry, ceres is direct, ceres is in aquarius. The Ceresian energy is focused on the food chain, it is mother earth, Saturn is focused on restrictions and limitations, he is father time. Since Father time is reaching a standstill in the lions constellation, leadership and command structures are losing their credibility, but because of that they have a blank slate to work from. Ceres is pushing forweard in aquarius, desiring new ways to accomplish the goals needed, new ways to farm, new foods to eat. Also associated with parenting, aquarius requires that we start new types of relations to help our young survive the world. Interstingly thsi will coincide with Vesta entering Scorpio. the agricultural and food related workplaces will see a revamp and recharge of energy, just in time to offset the industria/lilith opposition. Balance is not here yet, but there is a shift in priority.

Finally Juno sits in Libra, existing as a counterpoint to masculane libra, juno is turning the tables on teh 'abused wife' syndrome, while feeling neglected, it is the male half that is starting to expierence the abuse and anger of society and of their personal relationship. This balancing act will continue in libra, but once in scorpio it becomes about how much sex is provided, i.e. using sex as a weapon of guilt against the many.


it goes on

Hebe, the goddess of youthful expression and individuality, also representing the service class, is in Aquarius, where the traditional meets the radical, the traditional radical and the radical traditions do not always mix together, but make for excellent partnerships.

Hebe is opposing Saturn, going stationary, the lord of time and rules is demanding that things be done in a certain way, oh well, hebe is getting things done first and in a pattern second, although new patterns will emerge from this it will be difficult for those with natal leo to understand the current expressions of oneself without sacrifiicing some assumptions.

Placing all of this into perspective is asteroids lancelot and camelot, in Leo and Aquarius, conjunct Saturn and Hebe. Lancelot conjunct stationing saturn forces us to make an adjustment as to who we think we are, what we are entitled to. CAmelot conjunct hebe is bringing out a new wave of talent, expectations, and interrelations with the service class and the customers they work with, also in this aspect is vesta breaking away from a square with hebes current location, reducing the friction that has been felt.


A solar oriented week

The Sun transits pluto, the dwarf planets move out of retrograde shadow (again) reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles. A solar trine to asteroids Ute and America, in Virgo moving into libra, and from pisces already in Aries.

once away from conjunction, pluto will be able to act as a powersource, but pluto's subject, Scorpio, might have to accept opposing energies at hand as polarity for eachothers "containment". Virgo and Pisces are always at eachothers comfort zones, but Libra and Aries push for new partnership methodology. Ute influenes our tribal nature, issues of conformity, and otherwise active and proper deliverance of humanity.

The Sun follows up with active square to the darkmoon, a conjunction to venus and union [see below] and another aquare this time to Juno.

Juno in libra is not exciting, agreements are meeting their full demand, and their final price, death and rebirth has come before any real decision could hold. Americas assertiveness is revealed by a praise to the everyday person as the TIME Magazines person of the year. Our private inclusivness wants a structure within that actually works.

Venus and Union are conjunct thsi workweek (28-22), our desire for a castled kingdome is replaced by structured agreements, Capricorn is more conductive to productivity and achievment than absolute tradition, although the sensetivity factor acts as a signal of needed change.

Ceres is sextile to the Sun and Pluto, allowing for change to come easily (for now) which could become difficult (later during the squaring).


Mercury and ute are square one another, expalining the differences between ute and central american is going to take some effort, but mainly where on the land and the lack of mass transportation is the key (no horse, no wheel). The sun just squared Ute (and mercury will conjunct the sun) so the central themes of the conversation will be repeated with a little bit of fact checking. (Mercury and ute are moving into capricorn and libra)

Pallas and Washingtonia are conjunct and switching over from Capricorn to aquarius, seriousness is in the air, and change from one system to another is taking place, Ceres is acting out with a sextile to mercury, beverage sales might go up, hot beverages will see a happy time ahead of them.


upcoming regtrogrades

Industria is currently in Taurus retrograde, this movement away from Gemini's communication emphasi and into the Taurus's agricultural viewpoint is going to have some interesting ramifications later on. Right now though, meats and produce will be increasing in price (just look at the price of coffee and tea go up). The communication industry is doing well, espeicially the service sector thereof, how many cell phone companies are there? How many will there be later?

Later on though in February, Asteroids ute, juno, and hidalgo will retrograde, effectivly retracing reevalutating certain aspects that have come into being as of late. Any delayed topics will come into light and probably be enacted later on.

Ute retrograde (libra to virgo) pushes for a 'return to the source' type of mentality, restrictions and expectations of family community emphasized with the Ute tribe will come into central attention, also we may find new things about our own past that make us more capable of living in the modern age.

Juno retrograde (3rd decante libra) touches our relationships in a certain way, we become aware of our partners needs, desires, and sensetivities, unfortunately we may lose touch of our own and become reliant on others to tell us who to be. This juno retrograde is about making our relationships mean more than just about the physical or the mental, but achieving a new balance between the two. Juno will be squared to the 3rd decante of capricorn, making the sun and mercury a promiant force--be aware of accents in discussions as they may distract from the topic at hand.

hidalgo retrograde (scorpio to libra) is all about returning to the roots of the current situation. The hispanic ethnicity is about culture and art, family and tradition, and shared values. A realization of history is coming to being, and the result is that a truth below and behind the current situation is being revealed slowly, hidalgo will be squared to the Aquarius sun and mercury (mercury twice, he's going retrograde next month). Scorpio-aquarius energy is like a tsunami, difficult to predict but doable, just stay focused on your situation.