Asteroid Watch


Aquarius, shed your grace on thee . . .

For Asteroid America is entering Aquarius, conjuncting Venus, and both are going to oppose Saturn in Leo still retrograde. EManwhile in Sagittarius, Union and Washingtonia are awfully close to Pluto, the transformer, which is going retrograde on the 29th.

For the Americas (from Canada and the Us to Mexico and neighboring nations right into South America) pluto and Venus are acting as amplifiers right now, everything is being enhanced and enchanted, perhaps to an overall detriment ofr production and prosperity (jupiter retrograding doesn't help at all) and overall support.

Gemini Mars is moving from a trine to Aquarius Chiron, to a trine to Aquarius Uranus, Mars is acting as a lighting rod for manythigns right now, and is actually causing a good deal of unrest.

reset your mind, this shift benifits those who see equality as the standing philosiphy of the 21st century.


Mercury ruled chaos

Chao and Chaos are in virgo and gemini with mercury oppose chao and Chaos oppose pholus. Along the way the sun has entered the vernal equinox while the moon gets activated in Sagittarius.

Chao is retrograde.

AS the moon transfers from Sagittairs to Capricorn, there is a an emphisis on order, qualifications, quality, face to face appreciation, and governance and the expectations of those who govern and lead.

Aquarius is causing waves with America conjunct Chiron conjunct Ceres, and venus closing in onto Neptune and Navajo and finally enter the sign of pisces. All of this will be enhanced by the moon entering aquarius in the next couple of days, enhanced and unavoidable. The waves won't be broken, and in scome cases it wills hatter the thin layer of ice everyone was skating on for so long.

Mercury slowing down in Pisces is the next influence in this chain of events, Mercury at his quickest could block energy from teh sun, except the sun would be so close that he would pick up anyway, while mercury at his slowest and statinoary can't block anything. either way, the attempt to block others with words (especially sharp words), if unjustified or in an employed position, will fail to take hold.


Venus is entering Pisces, and sensitivity is at an all time high, issues of minor importance will take center stage and keep everything balanced. Venus' last days in Aquarius has been rough waters for everyone.

Washingtonia is entering Capricorn, and seriousness on an all encompassing level has entered into the scene of Washington D.C.. Including the continuing Abramoff lobbying scandal, Tom Delay resigning from congress, and as of this post I am looking at the scooter libby and valarie plume leak cases.

It is a shifting energy right now. keep your pace and don't let up, once a goal is reached you can either take the high road to a new goal or a low road to comfort which is hard to detach from. If you take the road of comfort, be prepared to expect uncomfortable restrictions, while the high road gives you a little more freedom, your liberties are extremely confined. It is give and take either way, so the more structured teh reality you provide, the better you will feel in the end. Marchs' Mercury shadow ends next thursday, watch out for scheduign problems.


It's been a while, so where goes:

hidalgo and Hopi are both retrograde in Libra, hispania is retrograde in virgo, recent events in the United States about Immagration, especially as presented by the media, has launched a mandate about what the law (libra) has to say about this. That leaves how children born in teh united states of hispanic women (Hispania in virgo) is dealt with.

Asteroid Ute is direct in Cancer again, while hopi is retrograde, this is a rather quiet situation, but the proximity tof ute to vesta shows that the need for command adn respect for ones place of authority in regards to their heritage.

Asteroids Union and Washingtoia are retrograde, and washintonia is re-entering sagittarius, and union is conjunct to pluto. meanshile asteroids America and Navajo are moving foreward into pisces. Germania is in early aquarius, demanding a very brash move foreward for the european countyr of hte same name. China is alerady in aquarius, and in opposition to Brittania in Leo, repositioning itself for aboslute leadership (although ute right behind is quite the challange of authority).

Asteroid London is trined to pluto and union, thus placing a unique demand is quite interesting, with very little manipulation, the respect of the peoples voice in regards to unfair treatment of minorities w/o just reasons will be heard, thanks to mercury in close proximity to london.

but as far as themajor planets go:

Mercury is moving into conjunction to london adn trine the union/pluto conjunction and square to vesta.
venus is square the union/pluto conjunction and trine to vesta
Chiron makes a trien to hidalgo and hopi in libra,
Hispania is in opposition to venus

So all the talk isn't going to stop, but it will change tone to a mroe pro-national stance, while race and creed take second place. This will cause some confusion and dissaray for a while, other than that, expect more of the same with a different tone.


direct again

Hopi, Hidalgo, and Hispania, have all gone direct in recent weeks (in one case, hidalgo, in the last few days). This can be readily seen with the US/Mexican immigration issue, and since hopi and hidalgo are in libra, and hispania in virgo, and this is reflected with a lot of talk and chatter in the air about immigration and its impact on the economy.

Retrograde however are Union and Washingtonia in Sagittarius, near pluto and the Galactic Center Black hole for that matter, and speaking of black holes, asteroid Lilith, just going direct in Libra, is conjunct Asteroid Nemesis, And since this ateroid is in stationary effect, there is little to be done other than sit back and watch the world play itself out. Washingtonia and Union retrograde in Sagittarius is the return of political financing, scandal investigations, and other news about the culture of corruption, Pluto in this mix demands that theese problems be addressed with directness.

The more common asteroids:

Ceres, the ruler of the harvest, taking care of people and being of service to those around you and the land, now in Aquarius, and moving into Pisces. The emphasis of food has been on poultry, expect it to move to seafood. Ceres wll go retrograde later in teh month, so expect things to shift around a little bit.

juno, parnterships and abusive situations, enforcment of fairness and the establishment of equality. Juno is in sensitve cancer and moving into dramatic leo. This is going to shift the reality from home-security to leadership and expectation, combined with mars, ute, vest and saturn, all square to Jupiter and Uranus, and opposed to Chiron there will be a reminder that reality "turned on" in recent months, those who aren't prepared just might break down and cry.

Pallas Athena, the warrior, think Xena, think Wonder Woman, Think Storm from X-Men. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and this time women are under her defense, even though she prefers men. Retrograding in Capricorn, Pallas is demanding that full recognition and full understanding take place, also a level of seroiusness is in play, there is no way for these requrements to be ignored, patience over time will win the day, adn Pallas will overcoem her shortcomings, Capricorn will see to it.

Vesta, reflecting peoples commitment ot work to achieve an end goal, when denied of exercising the work ethic, vesta gets very cranky and almost destructive. Vesta is our commitments, and what we are commitd to. In leo, there is commitment to lead, conjunct ute, there is commitment to the land and ancestry, or at least recognition of ancestry, conjunct mars, there is a reality of direction and misdirection-decpetions will be shattered. oppose chiron there is healing and self-appreciation, conjunct saturn there is strength in structure, square jupiter, money and finances reveal themselves, square uranus, the individual will be expected to make a commitment to secure their rights. Vesta is having the time or her life righ tnow, and Juno is right behind giving her more to work with, even if it isn't exactly what Juno has in mind (Juno being rather single-minded, Vesta being multifaceted, they do not always get along but the goals are always achieved.)

A few more, Navajo is in Pisces, Hebe is in Aquarius. Hebe relates to service personal and their role in society, while surface adn not deemed all that important, they put themselves into their job and make it worth having around. Navajo reflects the most populated of the southwestern native american tribes, thus bringing this post full circle and back to the mexican/us immigration issues, the position of the Native American Tribes of the United States impacted by the problem will be forecfully known, as asteroid Navajo will be carrying Aquarius drive and be tempered with Navajo dedication.



Chiron in Aquarius inconjuncts mercury in gemini(and excalibur in virgo)

venus in taurus inconjunct the asteroid lilith in virgo


Chiron and mercury inconjunct does not help issues that involve communication, Chiron retrograde means that old issues are resurfacing, and the results are warping the reality of everything. the inconjunct to excalibur is making things a little dicey in terms of sovereign authority. Mercury however is moving direct still, and will not be returning to this degree during retrograde next month. Therefore, this is the energy at hand between mercury and chiron for now, medical concerns might have communication issues, be sure to doublecheck your schedule, don't be afraid to remind people what your needs are, Be aware of your needs during this time and don't overxert.

Venus inconjunct to lillith, Taurus and Virgo, Fixed and mutable. This is unwelcome and brings out a darkside of the feminine earth element, let it be it isn't worth fighting. People will be facing their own karma soon enough, let alone having it faced through you, which might bring up more issues than nessacary. Predominant through the full moon, this is going to be active and in many cases unwelcome, but violence shouldn't be a problem but just be careful. Jupiter trine Mercury during this will bring the reality of money and its limitation foreard.


Juno and Vesta are in Leo, Juno represents the underprivilaged, the wounded, and those who are just in bad dire straits, while vesta represents the home and hearth, commitment to work, and the strive of independence. Vesta is leading Juno out of the dark, but if vesta is not careful, the sun, Leos ruler, might turn into a black hole and juno might get drawn back in. Intigrated into this situation is asteroid ute, determined to lead, climb, move ahead, and keep on going no matter what, although a lack of planning is asteroid ute's downfall, leo will neutralize that weakness and bring out the strengths.

Juno is careful not to be overly optimistic, realisim is junos strength, but pessimism is not pleasant to deal with. Juno needs something to do, Leo will provide.

Hispania is still in virgo, slowly moving foreward and being charged with intellectual energy that virgo is well known for, meanwhile hidalgo is in libra, preparing for action of the moderated kind, libras specialty.


July 14th

Hispania is in Libra, moving towards balance as the summer progresses, the desire to learn is going to be strong but Hispania has only begun this journey through Libras grateful arms of balance.

Asteroid Lopez has gone retrograde from pisces to aquarius, Lopez is of course the name of Lopez Obrador who has been biding for the Presidency of Mexico and is now in an election recall (how REtrograde is that?).

Ceres is opposing mars, be careful what you say about food and food prererences, it isimporatnt that you realize that foods in general are the worlds language, and many items of food must be recognized and respected for what they are and where (and when) they came from. Mars in opposition will actually activate ceres, who in turn will season the sitaution with certain spices or just a touch of basil. Harvest predictions should come into the light right about this time too.


Asteroid America in Pisces is square to Pluto in Sagittarius

Asteroid Hispania in libra is square to Venus in Cancer

America adn pluto squared off demands that change take place on a continental level for the American based governments. Sicne they are squred to one another, the shared 125deg less than inconjunct apex is the sign of leo (i believe 10 to 15 degrees leo if my math is correct which it may not be). regardless of the non-identified aspect involved, Saturn is located in this area of Leo and is acting as a heavy weighted light-weight (appropriate for Saturn). Saturn is the paperweight to all of this pluto/America energy right now, and suprise suprise it takes place in teh sign of leadership and authority, expect that topic to come up a lot in the next month or so.

Hispania square to Venus, and later Hidalgo and Hopi squared to venus. Venus is about relationships, Hispania is about teh femanine spanish presence, wheather it is amplified or not. Squares cause friction, and easy relations are not going to be easily provided, activity is heating up as is the solar side of things. Asteroid Hidalgo on the other hand has a very odd orbit, mostly "down below" the south pole in terms of lattitude, perhaps a synchronistic reson that Hispanic governments are found further south and down to the equator. Hidalgo will be square to the moon, and thus square to the deceptions presented through this day (the 22nd, 23rd).

Asteroid Hopi on the other hand stays in the north pole "hemisphere" of the solar system, appropriate with the hopi tribe. Hopi and Hidalgo are visually conjunct right but at different lattitudes, hopi will stay above while hidalgo is heading southbound. There are energies that are crossing and causing confusion though, it might only be a matter of time before something thatw as once stable starts to crack and fall through.

Asteroid Ute is actually balanced between teh north and south lattitude, and thus and has its closest time to the earth from its positions in Aquarius to Taurus. Basically the asteroid itself is moving relativily out of bounds orbit-wise and into uncharted territory, lending to a sense of wonderment and new challanges for one of Native-Americas most adventuring tribes. In Leo, this asteroid is placed as the leader and expectant commander of the what just might be the strangest situations. Restoration of faith will come shortly thereafter, creativity and childbearing will be prominant features thereof.

wondering how I know about the declination and orbit hemisphere for these asteroids, check out have fun.



It is interesting to note that Mexico's election has taken place during a mercury retrograde, asteroid Mexico is retrograde, and asteroid Lopez is retrograde, the liberal candidate for Mexico's Presidency is Andreas Manuel Lopez Obrador. Asteroid Ceres is also conjunct to Asteroid Mexico, and is also retrograde.

Mexico, Lopez, and Ceres are all in Aquarius, indicating stubborn attitudes and strength from very stubborn sources. Obrador's resistance could return and rectify the malfunctioning system of Central America, or it could return Mexico to marshall law, either way the events that have been set in motion are going to stay in motion and mercury's stationary and return direct will only serve as a telling point.

Asteroids Hidalgo and Hispania are in libra, indicating the massive legal questions that are being brought foreward in Mexico and elsewhere. Libra is the sign of balance, although Libra has a hard time getting there more often than not. Keeping the system under a watchful eye is the general theme.

Asteroid Mexico has an orbit of near equalibrium adn is currently in the southern hemisphere, this conforms to the restraint of news coverage over the current political situation. Asteroid Lopez has an even more level orbit, but still in teh southern hemisphere. A broad reaching effect can be achieved but care must be taken not to get too off course. Ceres is, however, further in teh southern hemisphere than asteroid mexico, showing the issue of food, consumption, and in general productivty and supply that has plauged central and south america for many decades and its impact on the world, have you eaten a bannana lately, where did it come from?