Astrology software ?


how about the kepler software ?

i saw on avalon college,
dont' know if i can post it,, but
it says 300 dollars and 47 lessons from beginner to intermediate astrology ,,

and the keplar features are said to be really indepth form all the features they list,


I would definitely recommend Astrolog for a starter program - it does pretty much everything, though does have a few rough edges. The upside is that it is totally and absolutely free - it's not shareware.

Recently, António Ramos has produced an even better version of it for Windows (the original version still has restrictions like 8-character file names), called Astrolog32. You can download it at - like the original, it's totally freeware.

Astrolog was originally developed by Walter Pullen as a free alternative to the many expensive commercial offerings; since that time, it has been enthusiastically supported by a wide group of astrologer/programmers committed to the ideal of free astrology software, and even has its own Yahoo group for support issues -

There's even a really good HTML user manual for it, though currently this is only in French - if anyone fancies doing a great service for the astrological community, a volunteer to translate it into English would be rewarded with lots of good karma (but no hard cash!). The French user manual is at


To add to the last thread - although I love Astrolog and recommend it to all my students (when people are starting out learning astrology, the idea of spending hundreds of pounds/dollars/Euros on software is very daunting), I did recently decide I needed something a bit more powerful - with the ability to do medieval astrology, design custom wheels, use additional asteroids and so on.

I looked at Janus, Kepler, WinStar and Solar Fire. To be honest, there was ultimately no contest - Solar Fire seemed to me to be streets ahead of the others, and at a similar price.

For fixed star work, I'd recommend Starlight by Zyntara ( - this software was developed by Bernadette Brady (author of Brady's book of Fixed Stars, and also of the superb "Predictive Astrology - the Eagle and the Lark") because no other software deals with her method of parans (Solar Fire comes close, but not quite).

For research purposes, Astrodatabank is a great investment, though not cheap - and I've heard good reports of Jigsaw, though I've not used it.