AT Traveling Member Deck II ~ Sign-up


Count me in!

Sravana, in Austin, TX


Oh, how wonderful! I'm in :)

Cape Town, South Africa.


sign me up
Southrn California, USA



Wow, wasn't sure if I'd be able to jump aboard or not. But I'd love to give this a go! Count me in.

Downingtown, Pennsylvania, USA


Raises hand tenatively :)

Grand Junction, Colorado


I'd love to be part of this.

Worthington, Ohio USA


I'm in - with the proviso that if my eternal travels risk messing it up for others, I will drop out at that point.... ! (I believe Daizdy is having a reserve list this time ? :D)


gregory said:
I'm in - with the proviso that if my eternal travels risk messing it up for others, I will drop out at that point.... ! (I believe Daizdy is having a reserve list this time ? :D)
I should say the same - but these days I'm usually organised enough to know where I am going to be 2-3 weeks ahead of time, and as long as it's a place with a working post office...

I'll be in Europe from early August to early Nov. and then back in SA. That should be OK for the deck. If and when I move from Cape Town, if it's getting close to my slot, I'll let Daizdy know. It's likely to be somewhere else in SA, so not to worry.


I think a waiting list would be in good order. Don't think we should have a problem at all getting at least 78 people this time.

Come on folks, sign up!


So far 44 people have signed up.

27 - US
2 - CN
3 - India, S Africa
7 - UK
1 - Europe
4 - Australia

34 spots left! :)