auras and placement of colors??


Does anyone know about aura readings?
Our local metaphysical shop does aura photos, but doesn't know much about explaining them - just the main things that come with the computer program.
This has also happened in the past with different colors, but this time I had a nice green aura everywhere else but with blue patches on my upper left side (my head down to elbow) and lower right side (hip down to feet).
Does anyone know what that means when it's split like that? The printout that came from the computer just talks about left and right only. It doesn't mention the split stuff.
Just one of those things that gets stuck in my brain and bugs me until I find out what I want to know. LOL



A few years ago I did quite a bit of reading on auras and the meaning of the colors. I was interested in developing my ability in that area. After much practice and even more reading I still can't see auras. As a result I can't recall what the colors are suppose to mean.

However, my massage therapist does see them, feel them and works extensively with them. As a result I've started to realize just how fluid auras are. Mine never seems to be the same twice. I think that in most cases, especially during times of transition (I know that never happens to you!) the aura can shift so rapidly as to make actual inturpretation moot.

I've also been told that our auras do tend to have individual qualities. Maybe that's what the camera see.

It just dawned on me that this post is very much like a blind man trying to describe color to some one. You know, it's very possible I have no idea what I'm talking about!


Quote:blue (27 Jan, 2002 00:07):
I think that in most cases, especially during times of transition (I know that never happens to you!) the aura can shift so rapidly as to make actual inturpretation moot.

blue, what me change something - anything!! Never! LOL

Seriously though, I do realize that the auras change quite rapidly sometimes. One day I had a bright red aura all over. Then did a small grounding meditation and my aura changed to green tinted with a big of yellow - not a spec of red.

But I have had at a few different times found colors in that same pattern. Maybe that is my "personal" color pattern. But it doesn't happen all the time. I just wondered if it meant something in particular. ????


This evening I noticed that we are nearing 700 members on this forum. 700 bright, articulate members. Surely there is someone among them that can give you some practical insight into your question, something more than my intellectual speculation. ;D


Instead I know that a very reliable analysis is the "Photonic Emission". Even though I know they do it at Pranic Healers to verify their abilities. Come to that... it has little to do with auras! :'(

Sorry I'm no help! :(


i know that i can see auras and i watch them change on people as they experience emotions etc.

so they are definitely not a stagnant thing.

but i have no idea if the photo's really work or not.

in light,

ps two of us read an aura at the same time and wrote down our stuff. we both saw different colours but our meanings were the our experiences were different, but similar!
(ie: her pink meant love and green meant the same so i saw green where she saw pink)


I had my aura photographed four years ago when I was unemployed, poor, and I was going through a hard time trying to diagnose my awful menstrual pain (finally diagnosed as endometriosis and I was able to receive treatment). I had an aura reading to cheer myself up...

I was shocked to see that my aura was photographed as a thick, bloody red. Naturally, I was horrified! Being a somewhat spiritual person, I thought I would have a nice cool aura - maybe green or blue or even a little purple - not a raging horrid blood red! Maybe the fact that I had menstrual problems caused this? Hopefully, I am not a raging looney, on the edge, who swallows her anger and will snap any minute (gulp).

I haven't had another one done, as I'm a little scared! I don't want to wander the earth with an angry red aura! Help!


If its any consolation, in candle magick spells, red represents healing energies!...


I recieved an aura reading 1 month ago. I dont know much about the colors but mine was blueish/purpleish colors and I had two white spots, one above my head and the other over my right shoulder. The lady who explained my picture to me told me that those white spots were spirits watching over me. It was such an amazing experience. I love acting and I major in theatre. I love the arts in general (singing dancing etc.) She kept telling me that I had a very creative aura and that many actresses have this... I was so amazed that she actually said this. I think that everyone should get there aura read.

I know this doesnt answer your guestion and I may not be of any help but I felt like I should share this experience with you guys. Sorry if I'm just wasting a post :(

Blessed Be


Quote:slinky_jo (28 Jan, 2002 10:50):
I was shocked to see that my aura was photographed as a thick, bloody red. Naturally, I was horrified! Being a somewhat spiritual person, I thought I would have a nice cool aura - maybe green or blue or even a little purple - not a raging horrid blood red!


Just wanted to say I don't think you need to be afraid - yes, red is anger etc etc, but it is also the colour of the life force (which presumably was freer-flowing after you'd had treatment) and for me it signifies power and/or energy. When I was in a circle one of the more negative members saw a lot of red around me and interpreted it as anger - which rather confused me because I wasn't feeling that way until she started on me! Then the leader gave his interpretation of it, which was that it meant power (psychic rather than spiritual) - which, of course, I was far happier to accept! I have since had it confirmed in an open circle where someone came to me specifically because she saw a lot of red around me and she also interpreted it as psychic power.

That said, I think our auras show what's going into them as well as what we're projecting - ie the way I understand colour, if you needed energy you'd draw in red, healing would be blue/green, opening your third eye would be indigo/violet etc.
So maybe once your energy block was cleared your system could start drawing in energy from the universe again and it was a form of healing.