Candlemas/Imbolc ritual-to-go!


[fyi--for the benefit of participants & guests.]
The altar is set in the center of what will be defined as our sacred circle, which is lit in 4 corners for light. The altar contains the following:
An athame (magickal & ceremonial knife).
A wand.
A lit red candle, representing the element Fire.
A bowl of melted snow, for Water.
A bowl of salt, representing Earth.
Incense, for Air.
Orange candles for each participant.
The incense is lit.

[meewah touches the point of the athame to the water]
"I bless & cleanse this water
that it be purified
to dwell within this sacred Circle.
In the name of Mother Goddess & Father God,
I bless this water."

[touching the athame's point to the salt]
"I bless & cleanse this salt
that it be purified
to dwell within this sacred Circle.
In the name of Mother Goddess & Father God,
I bless this salt."

[facing north, at the edge of the circle, meewah walks clockwise around the perimeter, holding the athame point end out at waist high. the circle is created & charged by the words, energy & visualization of power emanating from the athame]
'Here is the boundary of the Circle.
Naught but Love shall enter in,
Naught but Love shall emerge from within.
Charge this by Thy Powers, Old Ones!"

[back at north, the athame is returned to the altar.]

[the salt is poured into the water & stirred with the athame. beginning in the north & moving clockwise back to the north, the salted water is sprinkled around the circle, beginning & ending in north]
"I bless & seal this Circle, that it be a place of Light, Love & Peace; a haven against all chaos; between the world of Man & the Old Ones. We thank thee, Old Ones, for the power ye giveth our rites this night!"

The Calling of the Quarters begins.

[next person invokes north or east.]


Facing North, holding Wand aloft in right hand, with left hand signing for North (see note): "Oh Spirit of the North, Oh Spirit of the Earth, attend this circle and bless the ritual with your energies."

Note: Per Scott Cunningham, signs for directions as follows: N - waist level, flat hand, fingers together, palm down; E - hand beside head, fingers open; S - arm straight up, hand is fist; W - arm at chest level, hand out, palm up, making cup of fingers.

East is next.


[facing east, bowing once to acknowledge
east, holds wand aloft to trace the air-invoking pentagram*]

O Spirit of the East,
Ancient One of Air,
We call Ye to attend this Circle.
Charge this by Thy Powers
& bless our efforts this night!

[south is next.]

*Alternative to hand signal for East mentioned by ArizonaGirl.


Walking to the south holding up a lit red candle

O Spirits of the South,Blessed guardian spirits of fire, passion , summer, noonday,
Be here now to witness and protect this circle.

Places candle on the ground at the south point.


*Kiama holds up a blue candle*

Spirits of the West,
Guardians of wisdom, mid-life, emotion, and the flow,
We ask you to protect and watch over out circle and workings.

*Kiama bows her head slightly in reverence t the West, and plaes the candle in the West.*


The Blessing Chant:
May the powers of the One Spirit,
the Most High,
the Source of all creation
& of Life Eternal;
may the Goddess,
Earth Mother
& Lady of the Moon;
& the God,
Father Sky
& Lord of the Sun;
may the powers of the Old Ones:
Uriel, Raphael, Michael & Gabriel,
rulers of the elemental realms;
may the powers of the stars above
& the Earth below,
bless this Circle & this time
& we who are with You!

[the invocation of the goddess is next.]


Standing with feet apart, arms upraised, holding the wand in right hand,

Oh Lady of the Moon and Earth,
Lady of Life and Birth
Lady of things unseen,
Lady of intuition keen
Bless this circle with your presence.

(Invocation of the God is next.)


(facing north in front of the altar)

"Horned one, all father, by the bone , the antler and claw, by the dark forest, by wildness , fierce joy and passion . By all that is untamed and free, be here as the leap of life , undeniable, that I may serve life , being at one with it. "


[statement of purpose]
This is the time of the Feast of Lights, when we welcome the rebirth of the God & the awakening of the Goddess from the mantle of Winter.
We gather to celebrate new life beginnings: the quickening of Spirit within us that we may work the magick for our individual purification, healing & growth in the days ahead.
Within this Circle of Protection & Power, in the presence of Mother Goddess & Father God, in the presence of the Old Ones, we proclaim our purpose now!

[meewah lights an orange candle from the altar's red candle. bearing the candle & gazing into its flame, the circle is walked clockwise back to the altar.]
Be now with me;
Hear my prayers to Thee.
Guide Ye my sight
Both day & night
That I may follow true
The path before me, anew.
I give thanks for growth
Beginnings & endings both.

[next participant.]


(AzGirl lights an orange candle from the altar candle and carrying the candle around the circle clockwise

"Lady and Lord, I hold you in honor and know that I
Am one with all things of the earth and the sky.
My kin are the trees and the herbs of the fields,
The animals and stones of the seas and the hills.
The fresh waters and deserts are built out of thee
And I am of you and you are of me."

(Next participant)