Chain of positive thought ...Do you think it would work???


Hey everyone,

I was thinking of something here...
Do you think that if some day we all arranged to focus, you know, everybody who reads these forums, all at the same moment, or sort of....well, do you think we could create a chain of positive vibes, to us and to whoever we send this energy to ....
You know...if we all focused....positive thoughts....get it?

What do you think we could get ?
Think this is feasible?Possible?Worthwhile?Positive???

Give me your opinions, if you will....




Why bother with a particular time?....
Half of us will probably be asleep in our respective time zones....
why not have the positive vibes passed from surfer to surfer throughout the day...
kind of like an eternal flame!...


Hi Ramses,

Yes, I do believe it would work, in fact, on another forum where I contribute posts, we did exactly what you suggested and it did have a powerful impact. Although on that forum, we're all from the US and timing isn't as problematic as it would be here. A great thought, nonetheless.



I agree with Malachite. Why have a specific time? It'd be great to have an "eternal flame" throughout the day!!!!! But I definitely believe it would work Ramses! Great Idea! :*
And anyway if you truely want to get metaphysical - it's said there is no linear time. There is only NOW! So if someone focuses on positive thoughts at say 5pm and someone else focuses at 11pm they are both doing it at the same time. I'm struggling to understand that concept but on some weird plane of existance it makes sense to me. LOL


why not extend this to the physical?

instead of all thinking positive (have you ever participated in an earth day mediatation? i have and yes it was wonderful).....why don't we all do positive random acts of kindness all day.

since the law of three times fold applies......then....if we all did 7 postivie things...they would turn into 21 positive AND the people that received our positive act MAY pass it on!!!

so rather than trying to set something into time and space (which don't exist) instead why not make it postive actions. :)

in light,

ps i'm in


Let's have some positive thought...that the FACT Tarot will be finished on time! YEAH!!!


Quote:faunabay (06 Feb, 2002 14:54):
Great Idea! :*
And anyway if you truely want to get metaphysical - it's said there is no linear time. There is only NOW! LOL
hi ya Ramses! I agree with Faunabay. Linear time was invented by mankind so it would keep them focused in space (A. Einstein). the power of thought is very powefull and especially if it is positive :) I also think that there is no specific time set needed just the positive thought, focused and genuine feelings towards this forum and the universe will take care of the rest. so everybody keep sending your positive thoughts out into the universe and lets keep the show on the road!!! ;D


Hi everyone....

yeah, you are all right...I was kinda naive with that particular Malachite said, the time zones would be kind of a problem....but I really enjoyed the idea of an eternal flame ...thats great...

Well, about that thing of time being linear....I know Einstein?s theories(I was a big fan of his)...and, in fact, nobody knows for real whether time exists or not...both assumptions are simply may exist, it may not ...but, let?s leave it alone....who are we, simple mortals, to define the borders of time and

But, that idea of everybody focusing together came up because I thought it would work stronger that know, you can?t hold another person?s hand if that person isn?t there with you at the same time you?re there....yet, I know that we?re talking about energy here, and this is something that works different...

Everything considered...maybe we could do as people suggested before...maybe we could all choose a day, if possible, just to focused, for as long one could do it , but focusing, everyone, on the same kind of thought, so a connection, a common connection could be created among the ones who participate...and maybe, by the end of that day, we could all focus, each one at the possible time, that energy, send that energy to the world, to ourselves, to our friends and family....
And we could still do as it was said...that thing about positive actions...positive attitudes....everyday...
The idea of focusing altogether would be just for a day....but we could, individually, be sending positive vibes for the rest of our lives ....

But, you know something....I don?t know if you would agree with me or not ....but I think that the simple attitude that people here have of being respectful with each other, always wishing good things to one another ....well, I think that?s something already very powerfull, and positive...
And, if we bring that kind of attitude to our everyday lives, we could really make a difference into the world...
I say that because I know that many people under certain situations, or when in certain places, or during certain talks, they are polite and stuff...but, not always in the real, maybe we could really bring that positive attitude for a very concrete way....

Well, I?d better go, before I get even more boring with this talk of mine




I think it would work, I dont know about what day but i think the thought should either be peace or love, God knows we need both


I think the positive thought/actions idea is great! And if you think/act in a positive way, you just feel better. And eventually it might even become a way of life! Just think about it ~ if everyone considered the consequences of their actions before they've done or said anything ~ and were focusing on being positive ~ I think the world would be much better off. Remember the golden rule, Do unto otheres and you would have them do unto you.

Way to go, Ramses.... :)