cards considered as protection in Rider-Waite Deck


Hi, Im new here but Ive been trying to make sense out of tarot cards for a while. I have about ten manuals and books on tarot, plus about 30 bookmarks on my Internet browser, lol.
I saw this topic and am fascinated by Cards of Protection.

In any religion that worshiped the SUN, Its the symbol of protection.

If two more are then I am theorizing on:
1. SUN.
2. Heirophant.
3. Emperor.

Please scrutinize me and my theories, Your opinions are welcome.


Corvinus said:
I saw this topic and am fascinated by Cards of Protection.

In any religion that worshiped the SUN, Its the symbol of protection.
Welcome, Corvinus. Individuals often come up with groups of cards that they like to categorize or use for special purposes. For instance there are "gate cards [Rachel Pollack]" and "stage cards [RWS]," and "Bardo cards [Angeles Arrien]." If it works for you, use it.

What I find interesting to do, is to take a subject like "protection" and ask what kind of protection each of the Major [and/or Minor] Arcana cards offers. What does each card protect? You then may find that certain ones will stand out for you personally. Perhaps one is especially useful as a protection talisman to feature in your living space. Another might offer you protection from your mother's barbs. etc.


The Emperor

for Rider Waite decks, the LWB lists protection as a divinatory meaning for The Emperor.


I take The Emperor to be active defensive protection, and The Empress to indicate passive maternalistic protection. The Empress corresponds to the rune Berkano, which is used for protection by concealment. It rules over protective enclosures, such as one's home. For me, The High Priestess' protection pertains more to spiritual threats ("crossing the Abyss" comes to mind), but also it corresponds to Uruz, which provides protection against any assault on one's mental or physical health.


Protection Cards

Rider Waite decks list protection as a divinatory meaning for The Emperor in the little white book.


Rider Waite decks list protection as a divinatory meaning for The Emperor in the little white book.
Yes, that is also in Waite's book PKT. A lot of people irrationally hate The Emperor because it reminds them of overbearing fathers or dictators and repression, but it represents secular authority, which, among other things, is responsible for the protection of all citizens.