Chomp down on the magic mug...


Woo Hoo!!!

The Page of Cups by himself speaks many things. Combined with her nibs, me thinks you should consider paying more attention to the 'voices'. He also talks about creating from entropy - a rebirth of sorts.

I'd be looking towards your work - not thy job - your real work...



Gee Durant, the Page is kind of young, he still collects fish in his mug to observe them leaping and show his Mom when they're at the beach.

I like the Page, he seems able to retain a youthful sense of humour and curiosity amidst a world gone senseless.

Bet he likes a good sandwich too.

I think the Page might still be in the peanut butter and jam on Wonder bread phase of life. Or he's the kid who ate Maypo--that cereal--are you old enough to remember that commercial and the brand? (Umbrae and I are, but we aren't going there.)

The Page of Cups says to the fish in his cup "I want my Maypo." The kid's interested in food and home-baked muffins and stuff, he doesn't know what torrid sex is.

She's giving him cooking lessons on the sly.

Yeah, they're messing around with a new recipe for a torrid onion and peanut butter on rye sandwich with a dash of sesame seeds, bean curd, garlic and arugula. Somewhat inflaming to the taste buds. Something spicy and worldly, you know?

The Q of C is not a cougar, she's a cooker.

Durant Hapke


Brothers, and Sisters,

Bring it.

Bring the brain funk.

Time, baby, what about time? The elephant in the room? (or cave?)

Books -- writing -- cards -- googling -- reading -- pondering.

A new orbit -- the seventy eight, and I -- however, I'm Jack bird building trust in the narratives revealed to me, there is no wavering in the voices, or tempo of the words.

For this "DH" at this "time" the story is about aging with a love that runs back beyond all time -- those are the Q of C's words -- a love that transformed, from guardian, and "prize", to torrid lover, and insightful "confidant" -- two sides of a single coin, known only by this pair, it has never tarnished.

Apparently the age difference between the Page and Queen, was a big donkey deal when they where young (she a blossoming teenager, the Page, truly a boy), but now, some many decades later?

Not so much, but still "feeling" as such.

What about this?

How does the truth revealed "evolve" over time?

This is a love story of truth, patients, and purity. All rapped up in a longing so strong that keeping it "unknown" is easy.

Durant "my clock is ticking" Hapke

PS -- Umbrae, your dialing into the ping here, right?

PSS -- Room, Wonder helps build strong kids, how many ways?


Durant Hapke said:
PSS -- Room, Wonder helps build strong kids, how many ways?

I can't remember.

(Hides head in deep shame and continues eating her Maypo and brushing her teeth with Crest.)


Durant Hapke said:
Durant "we chose to go to the moon" Hapke

That I remember. I was at an all girls camp - first and only time going to camp. I thought it would be fun but I am not a group person. I ran away one afternoon to the woods to be alone, and came out as they were beating the bushes for me. Much anger toward me ensued. I still wanted to be left alone.

They stuffed us all in the living room at a nearby farmer's house to view the momentous first lunar landing on TV. I giggled and laughed my head off and the camp counsellors kept giving me dirty looks and going "Shhh!" Everybody was soooo serious, but I was wired up among so many people.

I was 13. I was more interested in the cow in the barn who had just given birth; the afterbirth was hanging out of her and I'd never seen that, didn't know what it was. That's how I learned about afterbirth and the blood and gore surrounding birth. It was dark and quiet in the barn and there wasn't a room full of serious people implying that I wasn't acting properly.

Weird what people think is important and memorable.

Maybe the Page of Cups has a nostalgiac bent?

Bam, zoom, to the moon Alice.

Cups suit--I never thought of nostalgia before. I'm wondering if part of nostalgia is remembering emotion? Queenie seems to like it when folks remember their emotional side.

Emotion is what grounds us, gives us personality, awareness, and development, it is not so bad a thing.

Durant Hapke

room said:
Cups suit--I never thought of nostalgia before. I'm wondering if part of nostalgia is remembering emotion? Queenie seems to like it when folks remember their emotional side.

Zoom, Room,

Rocking the line above -- your radar is pinging my head.

The unannounced arrival of Nostalgia (or one of it's kissing cousins) is inevitable, no?

Treated as a homogenous chunk of emotion by most, lubricious Nostalgia is actually a complex phenomenon to be sure -- a relentless hunter of "sensations" that cruses the deep channels of our brains like a crack addicted octopus -- groping, and probing -- growing bolder, and more demanding as the years wash by.

As a young, fresh out of the mold teen, your receptors are pristine, wide open, and alive -- your lenses crystal -- all poised to devour the next blast of sensation, or wave of reality.

Rock on Mr. Clock on -- days, weeks, years...

Unfortunately, time erodes, that's the nature of it's Jack bird "tick-tock" pendulum -- swinging one way provides a wave of creation -- swing back, erosion, ware, and tarnish.

The receptors are blunted by the days, and years, or at the very least grow familiar with the tastes, sights, and sounds of life's "meals."

Yet, sealed away in your spark meat (brain), memories retain there sharpness, and punch -- like the proverbial smell of cut grass, the feelings "tingle" loudly, and you remember fresh, with out the aid, or prerequisite of your physical sensors.

Bring that action.

Out of necessity (and righteous thinking on the part of the Queen), this pair have kept their secret always -- it's not been questioned by "others," or paraded around "the school," and it's foundation is that of youth -- it is still available to them in its authentic form, so only scented with nostalgia, not sustained by it.

When the judicious Queen pops open her mug, and it fires on (out, and/or in) like a flickering headlight to illuminate the corse ahead -- coiling roads, and dense expanses of wood -- her mind is consumed with all things "near time," and the demanding, fun loving Page must return to his other muses, and therefore by necessity must step from her view.

However, when she is able to turn away from all her empathizing -- to leverage a bit of "unwatched" freedom from her judging -- and secretly finds herself at her Page's side, they crash together without notions of creation of family -- contented in "being" each for the other, and soaking in the bliss of intimacy -- she keeps that cup tightly closed, and stashed under the bed.

So, she reports.

Durant "I've got a spoon full of orange powder" Hapke


Durant Hapke said:
Durant "I've got a spoon full of orange powder" Hapke

Used to be Tang, now it's Metamucil?

I'm not sure if youth is so great. Scented with nostalgia, not sustained by it--okay that's good, but authentic youth, a foundation of such, would be founded on ignorance and lack of bluntness. Youth can be sharp, cruel and silly and is better blunted and tarnished with attendant knowledge. Youth is untrustworthy, groundless, youth deserts capriciously.

I don't think the Queen would connect with the Page emotionally or physically. His lack of intellect and experience would be a turnoff, and since she has kept fun and humour alive within herself, she doesn't need to seek it from him. He would have to answer something else, and doesn't.

Queens are majestic rulers, they don't dabble in "being" for others. Although she is empathetic, she retains her imperious hold on intellect and judgment and enjoys it. I believe that she would find the Page someone to smile with--not dismiss or hurt--someone to brighten the day with lightheartedness, but certainly not a deeper connection.

The bliss of intimacy has been experienced enough that Queens look for other things in a connection. They don't have patience with the demands of others--she would find him tiresome like a wheedling child. Nothing destroys intimacy faster than dealing with a child.

It's a nice fantasy to feel that someone can complete the other in intimate bliss, regardless of age, however, Queens move not toward erosion and wear, but toward a different type of consummation, the consummation of ideas.

The Page would be like a Fool in such a rarified and exciting Queenly atmosphere. She doesn't need to recapture his youth, she has something more deeply compelling and alluring--her mind and emotion and a world of ideas, feelings and concepts.

Majesty WILL wait for what it needs. No need for dabbling with young fools.


Oh and speaking of Majesty--I don't know how I forgot but my favourite Page of Cups--it is from one of the gems of my collection--the Victoria Regina Tarot.

I have often had trouble connecting to Pages in decks--except for her. She is Princess May of Teck, who as an adult became Queen Mary after George V ascended the throne.

I once read a biography of her years before this deck came out and felt an immediate connection to the card. She looks so sweet considering she became regal and seemingly straight-backed and dour as a Queen.

This connection to nostalgia I never considered before, and yet there is a bit of nostalgia with this card--not just because it's a young girl on the card but because of the heavy responsibility and duty that befell the girl in later life.

If a Page represents something in a reading it might reflect that.

I really like that you brought this out in the discussion because I can see, depending on other cards in a reading where nostalgia might be an aspect of this card that might be pertinent for someone.

I'm not on the same wavelength as far as sex with the Queen is concerned, as you are with these two cards, but I'm having a serious think about the Page--this discussion has unearthed a dimension to the card I never thought of.

Here she is. . .

Durant Hapke

pop it...

Brothers, and Sisters,

I bring a massive "rock star bucket of thoughts."

Room, is on -- insightful, and clean.

The Princess of Teck is killer cool.

So much to contemplate -- the "thought corn" in my hot noggin is popping a hail storm.

Let me compose a proper spin, a few more notions about "nostalgia," but in the now, I find it impossible not to "throw down" my perception that your suggesting the cards personalities are basically "locked," correct?

That the Queen, for example, can not evolve beyond a somewhat narrow description of her, or more accurately her evolution, what she may or might not do, should be suspect, am I onto this?

My thought was the at the time of a "draw," or a reading, the cards are most resonant with their conventions (perhaps two strong a word), but as their narrative extends into the future, they are free to express themselves in the same manner as you or I, right?

The relationship of the Q and Page, evolves in their future -- the spark is now (or more accurately in the past), but the connection evolves in the days and years ahead (of course my interest here is with the Page -- his evolution is dynamic, and powered by a retention of his boyhood powers of imagination).

I fear I've stepped off the deep side of the dock.

Durant "I'm listening on the wall" Hapke