Could we do a 'Gods Study Group'?

All Is One

I'm rested and renewed after three days away from the glowing (addictive) monitor of the mac...and I'm going to the library in a few minutes to get started. Web prob has more, but I want a few volumes to hold in hand.
Thanks, Kiama, and Malachite, for the ideas and organization and the inspiration.
(relax Kayne and Malachite - I'll stop imposing my offbeat sense of humor upon you)
:) :) :)


Bella & I have discussed and I'm going to join you folks. It gives me some more intellectual pursuits other then discussing possible Buffy spoilers!

Bella's gonna take SW & Plains groups and I will focus on NW Coast & Eastern Woodlands.

For those not in the know, the NW Coast is home to native groups such as the Tlingit, Haida, Kwagiutl, Coast Salish & somtimes includes the Alaskan Inuit. The Eastern Woodlands includes Chippewa, Ojibway, Iroquious, Huron, & Mohawk, but is a big area, so I will have to edit.

I'm a little late getting started and I can't promise stories for all tribal groups - but I will do my best !


Yippee, Amyel!

I'm glad someone has taken those poor tribes that I abandoned when the Aztecs & Mayans became available! There are so many wonderful stories from those areas...I'm glad you'll be sharing them!

BTW...I just read your Northwest Tribes creation story about Raven Stealing the Light. What a wonderful tale! :D




Thanks Melvis. The Raven stories are among my favorites. There are whole bunch, and each NW tribe has a slightly different take on them.

I'm finding it more difficult to do the Eastern Woodlands groups. They are much more diverse in their beliefs.....