

Moderator note:

Just a comment, and I made the mistake myself & have deleted my own post.

This thread is about giving critiques on decks being developed and/or discussed here in the Tarot Deck Creation Forum while they are 'in process'.



Oops - in that case I have deleted most of mine which was a response to yours !

I think that is kind of what this thread is about, though - how to give negative crit without being hurtful. There is NO need to say "it sucks" - even if you think it does.

BUT - I think it probably should apply to other decks still being created that we see elsewhere, perhaps. There are probably a lot of artists who read AT threads, even if they don't post here. Clearly Tarot Illuminati is one of those. We might stymie a promising deck by blasting it while it is incomplete, or - by constructively commenting, make it better while it is being developed, no ?

Tarot Illuminati

BRILLLIANT Gregory, all I was trying to say! Now.....I have a deck to assured, I will be checking the thread on my deck periodically for "Helpful, constructive and Knowledgeable" critiques and criticisms with the hopes that this may help me produce a finished product more appealing to all! Thanks Guys!


There's a big difference between talking about personal taste in artwork, and providing constructive criticism about usefulness and other aspects of a deck. If I don't care for an artist's style, it's not productive in a formal critique to say so. What is the artist to do? Re-do the entire deck in a different style? But one can, usefully, say things like, the perspective seems off on card 3. Perhaps if that line were thicker, or more strongly angled, it would look more natural. Or, most of your cards have little saturation in the colors, and the overall effect is muted and calm, while cards 25 and 32 are highly saturated and bold, causing a sort of clash in one's mind.

Formal critique is about improving what's there. It's not about turning an artist into someone else entirely. Or about trashing a particular style just because its not your cup of tea.


Which Market do we want to attract?

Just a thought -- I think it would help the deck creators if we do have a formal thread on this one and there are some categories for the feedback. I noticed that some comments pertain to the artwork, others pertain to the title. I was wondering if the creators would also be interested to know to whom or to which market would their deck appeal to?

For instance, in reading a lot of threads in AT, I observe that some people do not fancy the cute cartoon type decks while others consider it collectors' item. Others love the surreal artwork while some feel intimidated about it, and so on.

If we would seriously be considering this option, I hope we can add this one. At least it would help deck creators also to focus on which people are they trying to attract.

This way, comments and critiques may not sound too harsh or painful because we know very well that to a particular type of group or audience, our deck would be a hit. But for others, it would not be their thing.


I have been reading this, just not sure how to make this work. :)


I have been reading this, just not sure how to make this work. :)

It might be as simple as creating a subforum in deck creation entitled something like "deck reviews". At the top have a pinned topic with the guidelines. We could try a set of guidelines, and add to it as we gain more experience with it. Guidelines could be gleaned from art and writing review guidelines.

Alternately, within the new subforum there could be guidelines for formal and informal critique, and maybe other categories. Topics would/should be started in a particular format, for instance ...

Formal Critique Request - GryffinSong's Awesome Tarot Deck

Informal Feedback Request - GryffinSong's Awesome Tarot Deck


How about guidelines, creator's choice, without a sub-forum. Sub-forums generally don't do well.


Are you thinking that if a creator starts a thread they can specify the kinds of things people are allowed to post?