Deck of the Week : Sign-up Thread: Week 190 : March 21 - March 27


This thread is for those who would like to work through their collection of decks. Each week on a Saturday we will be picking a new deck to work with exclusively for the week.

Anyone is welcome. Please join us!

1. Please post with your chosen deck for the week - if you wish you can choose 1 tarot and 1 oracle so you can participate in all areas of the forum

2. Chat away about your deck, how you're finding it etc

3. Daily Draws can be recorded in our Group Daily draws thread: HERE

4. The following link is for members of the Deck of the Week group to post readings (other than Daily Draws) with their chosen decks or readings with spreads offered specifically by Deck of the Week members. No feedback or commentary on the spreads/readings is required (unless requested).

Deck of the Week Readings

5. Here are links so that members can post daily readings/reflections on Oracles or Lenormand decks:

Oracle Decks - Threads in Oracle Readings forum
Deck of the Week Group - Oracle Daily Draws
Deck of the Week Group - Oracle Readings Journal

Lenormand Decks - Threads in Lenormand Journals forum
Deck of the Week Group - Lenormand Daily Draws
Deck of the Week Group - Lenormand Readings Journal

1. VGimlet - New Tarot (Tusk)
2. AJ - Rune readings
3. BodhiSeed - Navigators of the Mystic Sea & Celtic Lenormand
4. Madrigal - Witches Tarot (Dugan)
5. Swedishfish612 - Haindl Tarot


I am in this week with Warren Tusk's "New Tarot".

(How many "New Tarot" Decks are there, anyway?)

swimming in tarot

Deviant Moon-2 of Swords

In gladiator attire, two powerful men--one dark, one light, joined at the hip to a single pair of legs--glare while taking a break from swordfighting with each other.

The image speaks to me of constant struggle, and an enemy you can't defeat, and can't get away from. And if you could defeat him, his blood loss would be your blood loss. Short of getting surgically un-attached and going through life one-legged, with the same old enemy out there, the only way out of the situation portrayed, would be to cooperate instead of fight. This would mean making concessions. Humility or constant vigilance and battle-weariness, that is the question.

LWB: "Two mighty swordsmen of equal skill have reached a stalemate. They rest a moment before resuming their battle. ... Stalemate. Balanced powers. An immovable obstacle. Rest before action. ... Falsehoods. Lies. Treachery."

***ACK! This showed up in the wrong thread, after taking forever to load. Very sorry, but I don't know how to move it?***

I've had enough rest before action, waiting for spring mud to dry, in order to be passable. I hope there is no falsehood, lies, or treachery, because today I just finished helping someone with their taxes, and that would be a bad mix.


no problem Swimming, just copy it to where you wanted and use this space to share what deck you'll be using next week.

I'm going to do something with runes next week VGimlet, thanks!


I'll be pairing up Navigators of the Mystic Sea with the Celtic Lenormand. Thank you VGimlet! :)


I'm in with Witches again but I'm trimming it today so it will be the same deck but better :D


Yep, no problem swimming. You can just do what AJ said when you're ready. :D

Runes, very cool AJ. I have some runes I got from a friend, never tried them out.


I keep trying to restart my Tarot practice and then life gets in the way again. But I want to jump on board this week and play with the Haindl, which has sat unused in my collection for a few years now.

Looking forward to participating with you all again. It's been a long hiatus and I miss my Tarot!


Welcome back swedishfish! Hope you like the Haindl.

I am not thrilled with the New Tarot so far. Maybe once I get used to it - it definitely travels off the beaten path, which I usually like, but it might be too far for me at the moment.


Welcome back swedishfish! Hope you like the Haindl.

I am not thrilled with the New Tarot so far. Maybe once I get used to it - it definitely travels off the beaten path, which I usually like, but it might be too far for me at the moment.

I had to go check out the images. :D I see what you mean about being far off the beaten path. I think this might be usable as an oracle for me, but not a tarot. The artwork reminds me a little of Marchetti's.