Dixit one-card readings

ana luisa

A while ago, me and Zelmira decided to try reading with the Dixit set(s). This may prove a bit harder than it sounds but we are willing to open a thread and invite all Dixit owners to "experiment" the intuitive messages these cards send. I would like to propose a one-card reading to answer questions round robin style. This may end up being a very short thread or a very long one. Let's see :) Also, for the purposes of clarification and understanding, and since the cards have no numbers or names, it would be nice if the reader could give a brief description of the card and the name of the specific set being used. As far as I know, there are four sets :

The original Dixit :http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=2914849656/ref=nosim/aeclectic/

Dixit Journey:http://www.amazon.com/Asmodee-DIX04...?ie=UTF8&qid=1381777074&sr=8-2&keywords=dixit

Dixit Odyssey:http://www.amazon.com/Asmodee-DIXOD...?ie=UTF8&qid=1381777233&sr=8-4&keywords=dixit

Dixit Quest : http://www.amazon.com/Asmodee-DIXQA...?ie=UTF8&qid=1381777272&sr=8-6&keywords=dixit

Welcome aboard ! I'll post the first question:

Why is it that selling my immune system has been so weak?


Wonderful, Ana

I see you went right on, that is great. I just ordered my 3rd set the Odissey one. I think two of them are the same, so I dont want to spend money on something I already have.
I am going to use the set you have to answer your question in another post.
Thanks so much for organizing this.


Welcome aboard ! I'll post the first question:

Why is it that selling my immune system has been so weak?

The card I pulled out shows many lighthouses, which are brilliantly shinning their lights.

My interpretation:
The effort is futile. It may be that the effort is being put in the wrong place or direction. Because the lighthouses are placed in mountains, and apparently, not near the sea, where they would be more effective.

What do you think?

ana luisa

AWESOME interpretation !! It makes so much sense. I have been trying to "shine light"on everybody, fix problems, clean paths and guide everybody and that has been not only futile (there's just too much to take care of) but ineffective. The lights on the lighthouses get confused and intertwine so there's no clarity as to what direction to take. I believe there's even advice here : do a bit less to be more productive.

What's your question ?

ana luisa

oh, man, this card has SO many layers... It's the one that shows an old man holding a pendulum with a heart at the tip of it. He's standing on a Cubix and the pendulum is swinging.

I see two opposing forces here. the impetus, the heart and the age. Your heart is still very much alive and filled with ideas and plans but time gave you a sense of precaution that may stop you from taking steps without checking them first. You're not so much interested in doing things like it's supposed to be done (the colors are not matched in the Cubix). However, you want to make sure you follow the correct path. Does that make sense ? Also, since the man is on the edge of the cube, you're just beginning your journey and it seems you will eventually move forward but it may take more time than you expected. Besides, the glow in the heart represents spiritual protection that gives you "hunches"on what is ok to embrace and what's not .Are you an organized person ? The fact that the Cubix is made of drawers also suggests that there's so much baggage that you accumulated throughout the years, that if you keep revisiting it, you will not cross through his Cubix AT ALL. Try to pretend they're flat as if you were starting anew.


I see two opposing forces here. the impetus, the heart and the age. Your heart is still very much alive and filled with ideas and plans but time gave you a sense of precaution that may stop you from taking steps without checking them first. You're not so much interested in doing things like it's supposed to be done (the colors are not matched in the Cubix). However, you want to make sure you follow the correct path. Does that make sense ? Also, since the man is on the edge of the cube, you're just beginning your journey and it seems you will eventually move forward but it may take more time than you expected. Besides, the glow in the heart represents spiritual protection that gives you "hunches"on what is ok to embrace and what's not .Are you an organized person ? The fact that the Cubix is made of drawers also suggests that there's so much baggage that you accumulated throughout the years, that if you keep revisiting it, you will not cross through his Cubix AT ALL. Try to pretend they're flat as if you were starting anew.

Excellent interpretation. I still want to do things correctly, but I worry less about "what is supposed to be done". I come from a public school systems that little by little supresses the autonomy of teachers to impose their own criteria and standards living very little space to creativity. I do want to follow the correct path, and I am at the very, very beginning. Oficially I am not even retired yet. I do have the spiritual protection, for sure. I am very organized, as most teachers are, and I have accumulated much knowledge, not only in my teaching field but also in the New Age stuff. I thinks I just have to forget about some of those cubics and check only the ones I would need for my new endeavors.
Oh! One more thing: My tarot birth card is the Hermit, and the guy in this card looks like one. Doesn't he?

Thanks for your wonderful interpretation. I think is working. I went through the entire deck while waiting for your response, and in most of the cases something would come to my mind right away.

I pm you a while ago, let me know what you think, about the idea.



ana luisa

A new question : what should my eldest son do to get more in tune with his department at University ?


A new question : what should my eldest son do to get more in tune with his department at University ?

The card I pulled out it the one showing a box with a lot of divisions in a round plaza.

My interpretation: The box is like an apartment house or some type of colective working place. The soldiers represent people who live or work in those little spaces. It seems like a possibility is to get out of his little space (whatever it may be) and try to explore the surroundings there is a lot of space to wonder around and find new and interesting things. It could also mean incorporate other fields of study so he diversifies not only his knowledge but his personal relations. The word that is coming to my mind now is: explore.

What do you think?

ana luisa

I have to tell you, I'm in love with this deck! Your interpretation of my son fits him to a T! He is very rigid with himself, wants to excel in everything and is quite severe about others also doing things right. That's the soldier approach. He's also "square", and set in his ways and the plaza is round so not only explore in the sense of going out of the box but also "round up"a it, loosen up a bit. The exploration fits beautifully his situation now. He has just started his Engineering studies and is still in doubt as to what branch/field he wants to specialize in. There are so many to choose from !
I hope we're talking about the same card though. Do you mean the one where the soldiers look like roman soldiers all covered with their shields and ready to attack ? Is the plaza you referred to like an arena where gladiators fought ?

I'll take one more question to close the day.
BTW, thank you for mentioning these readings on Oracle decks. :thumbsup: