Do I really need a spread cloth?


*Sigh* I must be crazy... earlier this year I bought what I thought to be a suitable spreadcloth: a red and gold chinese brocade cloth used for decorative covering for something like a stand, nightable, small table, etc. It was quite lovely and it was on sale too.

Yesterday, I was stopping by this fabric store on my lunchbreak to take a look at their trimmings (I needed a thinner draw cord for a tarot card bag.), and I saw that they had chinese brocades a few bucks off the original price. OMG. They were beautiful. Today I went back and bought a yd. of a blue brocade woven with silver metallic thread... and I may go back again for a few others... unless I choose to show restraint.

The thing is, I DON'T EVEN USE SPREADCLOTH! Sure, I bought the 1st one for use at my job, because sometimes when I go to the breakroom during the break some of the tables are filthy from breakfast or lunch. But I don't even use it!

I know I don't need all that... but the side of me that wants to do something creative with fabric isn't listening to all that. Damn.

As the title of this thread implies: do I really need a spreadcloth?

And out of curiosity, do any of you use spreadcloths? If so, did you buy yours already finished (you know like from a Tarot specialty store)? Or did you buy fabric and embellish it yourselves?


I use a spreadcloth because I do readings everywhere and a spreadcloth does several things for me - 1) provides a clean area for me to place my cards onto, 2) provides a neutral background to read the cards, 3) Most importantly = designates that the space I am using is important to me. It is the signal for my unconscious and subconscious to 'do' the reading.

At home, I have my cards wrapped in red silk, and I usually just use that to spread the cards on when reading for myself. Since my computer desk is covered with desk debris, the cloth hides all that temporarily and lets me concentrate.

NEED a spreadcloth? No. USE a spreadcloth? It doesn't hurt.


I just use silk scarves from charity shops or random bits of fabric.

This is because it keeps the cards clen, and because I like silk scarves and random bits of fabric.

It seems that you like bits of chinese brocade.
Go with it. Fabric is lovely. Enjoy it.
A spreadcloth is meerly an excuse to buy!


I made my spread cloth years ago and have dragged it around with me everywhere. Ive laid it out for readings on the beach, in a sweatlodge, on the floor of a rainforest, on a train, on a pavement, in a brothel, in a field, and every place Ive lived and worked - every holiday Ive taken, and many more. At the moment, it is used at the cafe I work at on the reading table.

For the first time in years, last week, I bought a decorative mat to place on top of it - because I wanted to protect it a little more, and to add some weight to the reading area so the cloth didnt move about in the wind.

The material is dark purple silk which I bought from a craft store. I hemmed it all around. Its plain, but (as Tarotbear mentioned) its functional.

I use it out of respect for my readings and cards. It defines the space I am reading in, it adds focus, the color of the cloth was chosen to 'inspire' and 'protect', and (Ive have had it since I first started reading) - my teacher used one and I thought I would too.

Is it necessary - No, I dont think its necessary! Does it give you a better reading? No - that is to say - the look of the reading is nice though! ;)

The cloth is part of my preparation to declare to myself - 'I am going to read cards. This is the space in which I will lay the cards and read, the reading is now in progress :) When the reading is finished I put the cloth away with the cards/tools I have been using.

Below is the purple cloth and the two mats I am currently reading off. One is for one card readings and the other for 3 card readings. Id love to get one that does a 21 card spread, but I think they called that a hall runner LOL!!! :)

Elven x


  • MVC-397F 3 card placement reading mat.JPG
    MVC-397F 3 card placement reading mat.JPG
    64.2 KB · Views: 8,537
  • MVC-398F one card placement reading mat.JPG
    MVC-398F one card placement reading mat.JPG
    59.6 KB · Views: 8,285


At home I use a spreadcloth. For reasons already mentioned by others, marking my workingplace, protecting the cards, the colors of it inspire, etc. In the end these are all more or less practical reasons. I don't use a spreadcloth because "it is said to do so in the books", but it has proven it's worth by experience. And one of my traveldecks, an old Marseille deck, was used on different surfaces, from tent canvas to grass, from tables to sand etc. No spreadcloth because I did not bring one on my travels. I did not matter that much for the accuracy of the outcomes, but it sure did for the condition of my cards! This particular deck is stained, well worn and looks like it has been used for ages. That of course has its own charm but I prefer to spoil my other decks a bit more. :)



Have you tried Tarot totes on line,
the bags and cloths are quality hand made. I recently got my self the Emperor cloth for my Thoth deck it's a nice size to hold a large Thoth deck.


I use a blue piece of fabric that i guess is supposed to be a headscarf, bought it at a beach stall in Portugal for pennies and my deck is wrapped in it inside its wooden box, but i don't really use it for a spreadcloth as i do my readings on my bed which has a plain white throw on it.

Definately think you should use one if your doing readings outside of your personal space though for the reasons that tarotbear said, especially number 3.

*peace, love harmony*



Do you really want spread cloth(s)?

I'd say go for it, if you like the idea.

Accessories can be part of the delight--it may be fine just to find a paper napkin or any kind of mat or piece of paper to cover the rough surfaces. But some of us find fabric to be a little more durable and friendly. A softie personal touch, to me.

So I usually go for remainders of quilting or other cottons that are made to delight the eye and for heavy use. Old handkerchiefs and bandanas do just as well...but I like colored cloths as a contrast to the cards.

I find the different ideas fascinating--including the posts of people using only one spread cloth! I had an earlier comment of dressing paper dolls--that's a rueful look at my own habit of wanting to grab a bag and scrap of fabric from a drawer that work with my tarot. For instance, there's a delicacy as well as a roughness in some of the Giant Haindl images that makes me chose a quieter fabric for this deck to be able to appreciate the images. It's a personal oddity of mine, not an opinion of others here!

So while I might be picky about the cotton pattern for the card deck, I don't add beading, notions or other items--although a pocket in a spreadcloth for a pen and pad might be a great idea.



Oh Mystic_ Blue_ Jay!!!!!
It sounds like you are really in the beginning stages of fabricohalisim.
I myself am a fabricohalic...
Do you return to the fabric store over and over just for that one more piece of fabric...
Telling yourself "after all it is on sale."
Do you run your fingers through fabric bolts?
Can a flash of brightly colored fabric stop you in your tracks and send all other thoughts out of your head?
Do you use words like warp, weave, and thread count?
Do you have a secret stash of fabric in the back of the broom closet?
Did you ask Santa for sewing notions in your xmas stocking?

I make literally hundreds of tarot bags and spread cloths...which I finally had to start selling.
All of my tarot decks (about 180) have their own hand made bag..different fabrics of course!
I make many spread cloths, but I have one favorite that I use and keep on my tarot desk.
Green, with a forest of trees on it, it's a dreamy kind of magical forest material.
I have a special travel set that is made out of a beautiful velvet patchwork with a matching bag.
ahhh I love fabric!


I usually keep my cards in cloth bags, which are lined in silk (well, its actually a "silk essence", but whatever). I have some cloths that I can use but most of the time I dont even think about it and put them on the table.

In retrospect, it would probably help me focus more to have that black cloth to let the cards speak fully, but I forget :)

As for what I use...}) rainwolf is bad! I *borrowed* some nice black napkins from an Italian restaurant I went to a while back and I find them to be perfect in size and weight for cards! Uh oh, police sirens...}) Another "thing" I got to read cards on is this special dress piece, sort of like a formal scarf (I cant remember the name, its something fancy) that women wear to parties. Apparently the sides hang down the back and the middle is on the front of the neck. Sarongs also can make a good reading cloth for a table cover. When I get back home I think I'll get more reading cloths.