Do my cards hate me?


The cards can been seen as a projection of a part of you (it's why we can see them as if they are alive and have their own emotions etc..)

we call that "the warrior way" we project a part of ourself in some object at the exterior so we can understand them and integrate them back.

So if you feel they hate you it's because you have a part of yourself that hate you, i suggest you use the cards to find what part of you it is and how you can integrate it after.



Perhpas unconsciously you are projecting your fear of the ocean and that is why you are having trouble with them. They are made of paper so I don't think THEY hate you, but I do think you are projecting your fear of the ocean which makes it uncomfortable for you to use the deck.

Personally I don't get along well with "air" decks. I don't hate them, but can never establish a working relationship with them. The Universal Fantasy Tarot is a perfect example. I loved the art, but we just did not connect on any level. I traded the deck.

Briar Rose

I feel because you are don't like the ocean, when you shuffle the cards your putting that energy into them.

Trade or sell them, and then get a deck that you can work with. Never mind if it works for others, your the reader, and best to have a clear vib.



I'm sorry I just have to puy my two cents in. I totally agree with you! I have decks that just do not speak to me. It's like the message is muted or something. I am not sure why this happens but I am not one that believes in blessing decks or cleansing them or anything like that. I think sometimes we just can't connect with them for some reason. I gave away my vampire deck for this very reason. But my friend swears by that deck. So who knows? Even today, after 9+ years of reading, my rider deck is the only one that never disappoints me. I can read that deck with my eyes closed. I wonder if it is because I use it so much that it has become one giant ball of energy and that is why. I wish I knew the reason because there are so many decks out there that I want but don't buy because if I can't read it then it is a waste of my money.


EXACTLY!!!!!!!! YOU SAID PERFECTLY SINDUCTION. I get so upset because of that reason, so many out there but this experience taught me that I will not be able to connect with all even if the pictures are beautiful and the tricky thing is...that i wont know if I mesh with it UNTIL after i bought it!!

Everyone has said it best here I just cant connect with the deck and perhaps I should trade it but I cant seem to do that just yet. I guess itll stay in the box or something.


Pao, I am not sure if this would be a comfort to you or not.

I have this deck. And I can read with a wide range of decks. It currently sits on the floor stopping a door which likes to swing close all the time because it isn't hung correctly. So, it hates me too. hehe, and I don't care. :D


haha o Marion that made me feel better! :D thank you!

Sweet Irish Angel


hehe I giggled at Marions reply, because mine are doing something similar lol, there holding a wee cabnit in place as one of the wheels fell off, I also love the art work and messages on the cards BUT they dont work with me at all either :( and Ive had them for a few years now



I have this deck.....I LOVE the artwork, and I also have a deep connection to the ocean and water (even though I am an earthy Taurus).

But I have never been able to "read" with it, other than as a one-card, advice or inspiration message for the day. I cannot use it for multi-card readings whatsoever, and it is not one of my favorite decks by a long shot. But for whatever reason....I like it, not ready to trade it on yet.

So I guess my point is that, even if it is not an ideal reading deck, you might like it for other reasons. However, if you just don't like it or feel any connection at all, you might consider a trade, as many have suggested already. The trade boards here are a great way to experiment with decks until you find one (or two or three....) that really speak to you. And you will find one (many! :D ) just give it some time.

Good luck and have fun with the search!

:) Luna


thanx sweet and luna!

IM a taurus too, i felt like ok Im an earth creature who hates water maybe thats why I cant connect. But yes I think I just wont use them or maybe like Luna said use them as one a day kind of thing, who knows!

than all!