Do you ever have doubts?


Nevada said:
I mostly doubt myself when reading for others. I don't when reading for myself. Though sometimes I should, LOL.

Do I doubt tarot though? Yes, from time to time I go through a spate of doubting there's anything to it. But then I do some readings for myself and get amazed all over again by the synchronicity factor. It can really wow me if I relax and let it. :)

I feel the same way! When I do a reading for myself, it feels like some sort of energy is filling my heart to the point where it feels like it's going to overflow, and I usually know it's accurate then. When I do a rushed reading or a reading for others though, I feel almost detached and begin doubting if the reading is going to be legit.

Dancing Bear

Magicienne said:
I have a long relationship with the Tarot and it has been an important tool in my life but sometimes I do have doubts about it.
Anybody else ever experiance this?

Yes sometimes.. When i have read for a friend whom I hold dear and they have life changing important decisions to make. The cards direct them.

I go away wondering if i had any influence..and out personal opinions in..
Even after scutinising , i know i havent and would never.. but it creeps in anyway.

It seems silly to worry , but i guess its a friends worry for someone they love and want things to be right for them.


Quite seriously - is there ANYONE who NEVER doubts about pretty much everything at one time or another ?


nisaba said:
From time to time, I actually have doubts about *myself*.

This is also true for me. I often doubt myself and my readings, and I constantly wonder if what I'm seeing is actually "the right thing" or if I'm supposed to be seeing something else. But I guess (or hope) that the security comes with experience.


If one is having doubts

during a reading for someone else, do you share that with querent or do you just wing it? Just wondering as it seems this obviously comes up and not all readings are crystal clear to a reader. In the cases you're really unsure, do you share that confusion with the querent?

The crowned one

gregory said:
Quite seriously - is there ANYONE who NEVER doubts about pretty much everything at one time or another ?

No doubt about it ;)


No, I don't. I have doubts about lots of things, but tarot isn't one of them!

Now, if I saw it as fortune telling or a means to predict the future, I might find room for doubt. But, as a thought provoking tool with an end result much the equivalent of a counselling session, I have no doubts at all!

Black Crosis

during a reading for someone else, do you share that with querent or do you just wing it? Just wondering as it seems this obviously comes up and not all readings are crystal clear to a reader. In the cases you're really unsure, do you share that confusion with the querent?

Can't say, but I doubt anyone wouldn't ever have to deal with this situation. I believe, (for my own ethical reasons,) if I were confused as to the meaning, I would tell the Querent that the reading was unclear to me but share the normally static meanings as they fit their positions. That way, I wouldn't be plagiarizing the reading and would provide them with things to look for in their own minds or future actions.


Thank you, Black Crosis

Was wondering how readers deal with that situation. I generally read for myself, but thought those who read a lot for others must face that sometimes. There has to be times a reader doesn't feel something is totally clear to them.

Dancing Bear

greatdane said:
during a reading for someone else, do you share that with querent or do you just wing it? Just wondering as it seems this obviously comes up and not all readings are crystal clear to a reader. In the cases you're really unsure, do you share that confusion with the querent?
MY doubt does not cross my mind until a lot later when i start recalling .. During a reading I have no doubts whatsoever. the cards say what they say for a reason.. I am the messenger.. I read them as i see them.
I trust my cards. and myself..

As i said before the only reason doubt pops in is for people i hold dear and they are having a hard time.. and i want it all to be good for them. and sometimes the cards dont point to what i want for them.

Was wondering how readers deal with that situation. I generally read for myself, but thought those who read a lot for others must face that sometimes. There has to be times a reader doesn't feel something is totally clear to them.

Yes at times, I get my clients to shuffle and touch my deck..
I like to feel their energy.. but sometimes when they are shuffling they have loads of questions running around in their minds.. even though they are directed to focus on one at a time.
100% of the time this comes up in the cards.. I can see they have been thinking of many things whilst shuffling.. So i say so!! They always sheepishly agree.. Its ok though, i sift through the cards out on the table and read them. Some link and others dont , so i read them as such.
even though as a whole spread they dont make sense.. if i sift through them and link the cards to the individual questions always it turns out good.

I have only ever had one spread that was definatley not for the client. The cards made absolutely no sense for a 70 year old Lady..I said so.. I told her what they were saying and she agreed they couldnt be pinned to anyone she knew nor were they for her.. Then I realised it wasnt a tarot reading she needed , it was a spirit her mum was standing right there..
and then the lady got the right reading she needed.. So even then the cards were saying loud and clear the right message.. they purposely were nothing the lady needed nor did they resonate to anyone she knew... promting me to tune in to the spirit.
The cards led me to where this lady needed help and closure..
I am endelessly in awe of how Tarot works for me as my medium.

I know i shouldnt doubt any reading whatsoever.. and i kick myself for doing so when i do.. but i guess i just human that cares and loves her friends , wanting only the best for them.
And when the cards dont give it.. I hope I and the cards are wrong!!