Do you think the world will end in 2012?


memries said:
No absolutely not ! No one can predict anything like that. You get all these translations of what Inca calendars say and everything. Who.. who I ask is translating them. It was the same with 2000, just a bunch of hype.

If you say something long enough people believe it that's all. If it did happen what can you do about it anyway ? So just carry on, be happy and don't let others fear contaminate your Peace.

Mayan. The 2012 thing is MAYAN, not Incan! Yeesh.

Also, the Mayans never said the world would end in 2012. Their calendar came to an END at 2012. Big, huge difference there. ^_^ It's modern types, who think that the end of the calendar must translate to the end of the world, who came up with that interpretation. But the only thing that's definite is that 2012 marked the end of a Mayan CYCLE. NOTHING suggests that things won't merely start over.

Briar Rose

The Mathemagician said:
No. I don't think the world will end in 2012.

Ha! I must relate a bit of a story however. In the constellation Orion is a star, Betelgeuse. Seems it's been out of hydrogen for some time, and is burning helium, "burning" being nuclear fusion. Stellar progression is: hydrogen; helium; carbon; oxygen; silicon; and finally iron. A star can reach iron if it's sufficiently massive; Betelgeuse qualifies for that.

If/when Betelgeuse reaches iron, fusion ends, and it will collapse on itself. Boom. Supernova. At ~427 light years away, when its time is up we'll see it in a big way.

Someone I know from Mensa who has a Ph.D. in chemistry theorizes that the neutrino release from a Betelgeuse supernova event would be sufficient to fluoresce the atmosphere from Earth. It's a minority view. He also offered the offhand suggestion that 2012 could be when it all ends. Will it? Who knows?

Plan for tomorrow, but live today as if it's your last. :D

You all scare me to death!

I don't have any ideas about what will happen. I am not feeling anything yet. However, my dog will still be alive in 2012, and I hope that if anything bad happens I am with her, and we can hold on tight to each other, and die together.


WhiteBirchWoman said:
Also, the Mayans never said the world would end in 2012. Their calendar came to an END at 2012. Big, huge difference there. ^_^ It's modern types, who think that the end of the calendar must translate to the end of the world, who came up with that interpretation. But the only thing that's definite is that 2012 marked the end of a Mayan CYCLE. NOTHING suggests that things won't merely start over.
I like it ! A world with no calendar. I never know what day it is anyway, so no loss there !


I don't think anyone can really say whether anything will happen or not. Life is full of many unexpected twists and turns, so no one can really predict anything!

I personally am inclined to believe that it's a bunch of utter codswallop...just another load of hype. Mind you, it works - this thread has frightened me! :(

I sincerely hope that the world doesn't end so soon. I've only just started learning to truly live and enjoy life once again after some dark years. I'd like to enjoy it all a bit longer than 5 years, obviously! There's so much I've yet to do in life! :D


Is Nibiru Approaching?
Also known as The Twelfth Planet or Planet X, some are warning that this wandering body is quickly nearing the Earth - and could cause global devastation. Should you worry?

Nibiru's orbit around the Sun is highly elliptical, according to Sitchin's books, taking it out beyond the orbit of Pluto at its farthest point and bringing it as close to the Sun as the far side of the asteroid belt (a ring of asteroids that is known to occupy a band of space between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter). It takes Nibiru 3,600 years to complete one orbital journey, and it was last in this vicinity around 160 B.C.E. As you can imagine, the gravitational effects of a sizable planet moving close to the inner solar system, as it is claimed for Nibiru, could wreak havoc on the orbits of other planets, disrupt the asteroid belt and spell big trouble for planet Earth.

this is the planet that may be very near us around this time. It wont hit us but come close enought to cause major damage.

Hope its a myth..........


What a shame

What a shame that an astrological forum would talk and talk and nobody would actually cite the Mayan calendar's planetary positions in 2012 or note the actual ephemeris positions or even cast a chart for Jan 1, 2012. Hasn't anyone looked at the the planets in the heavens for 2012?

Planets note observable to the Mayans:
** Pluto, wandering between 7 and 9 degrees Capricorn.
** Neptune, wandering between 28 Aquarius and 3 Pisces.
** Uranus, moving between 0 and 7 Aries. (Uranus is sometimes faintly visible during a small portion of its orbit)

Planets observable to the Mayans:
** Saturn, 28 Libra to 9 Scropio.
** Jupiter, 0 Taurus to 7 Gemini.
** Mars moves from 20 Virgo all the way to 4 Aquarius during 2012.
** The Moon's North Node moves from 13 Sag back to 25 Scorpio.

This is what astrologers have to work with. The reference to Nibiru in a previous post has to be treated as suspect for now. A 3600 year orbit means that this planet might have been seen and recorded once in recorded history and possibly once more by legend over 7000 years ago. We have found planets of small sizes in our greater solar system over the past several years, as well as planets about other Sun's many, many light years away. If a giant planet with an orbital period of 3600 years was approaching us such that it was pass as close as its orbit allowed within 5 years, it would already be within our outer planetary boundary. Given that its elliptical orbit would circle the Sun as close as the asteroid belt, it would still be far beyond our orbit and would likely have a very minimal gravitational effect on the Earth, certainly not much more effect than Jupiter (just beyond the asteroid belt). Only disruptions of other orbiting bodies in the asteroid belt or a chance comet could unleash a potential problem --- and that cannot be predicted by cyclic studies as that is a random occurrence.

So, what facts are the basis for anyone's concerns and fears? Dave.


I think that something Massive will happen like a nuclear explosion or mother nature going out of whack and throwing us fires followed by flood. Nostradamus said it would be December something in 2012 and that it would be by fire. There are other indications that it will happen in 12 of 2012. What a Christmas that will be...


dadsnook2000 said:
The reference to Nibiru in a previous post has to be treated as suspect for now. A 3600 year orbit means that this planet might have been seen and recorded once in recorded history and possibly once more by legend over 7000 years ago. We have found planets of small sizes in our greater solar system over the past several years, as well as planets about other Sun's many, many light years away. If a giant planet with an orbital period of 3600 years was approaching us such that it was pass as close as its orbit allowed within 5 years, it would already be within our outer planetary boundary. Given that its elliptical orbit would circle the Sun as close as the asteroid belt, it would still be far beyond our orbit and would likely have a very minimal gravitational effect on the Earth, certainly not much more effect than Jupiter (just beyond the asteroid belt). Only disruptions of other orbiting bodies in the asteroid belt or a chance comet could unleash a potential problem --- and that cannot be predicted by cyclic studies as that is a random occurrence.

So, what facts are the basis for anyone's concerns and fears? Dave.

Bravo. I also read your other post and i think you are right on the money. I remember people saying that world ending in 2000...but are still here, aren't we?

We should be much more concerned about how we are destroying our world - because that's how the world will end. Before any size XG planet crashes against the earth, humans will have already sucked all they could from Gaia, making it a dead planet. We should beware of your habits, of the changes that will turn into catastrophes soon...not worrying about a calendar that probably ended in 2012 because the Mayans decided they could finish it later. Only they didn't survive the Spanish invasion so they couldn't keep uptading the calendar with new predictions.

I don't know, there's so many things we can do now. Not in five years - now. Now it the time to live, to love, to help the planet and the others, to cry and to laugh. :)

Indigo Rose

miss_yuko said:
I don't know, there's so many things we can do now. Not in five years - now. Now it the time to live, to love, to help the planet and the others, to cry and to laugh. :)

I agree. :love:

Who knows? Maybe all the changes that are coming are just that....people LOVING and coming together. Maybe the end is really just the BEginning!!!

Keep watching......



Hi! I agree

GoddessArtemis said:
From what I was told by this well-known psychic...the earth's axis will shift, moving everything further down towards the, for example, the U.S. would go further down on the globe...getting closer to the equator...Alaska will be in warmer climate, etc. That will throw off the eco-system and there will be a lot of earth-related changes, which will create havoc. Also, there will be a huge war in 2012 (perhaps WWIII, he said), but the world will not will just drastically change from what we know it.

His prediction gave me visions of Star Trek: Next Generation - First Contact...but as it was on earth. We have four more I guess we'll see.


I believe that their will be a shift where the north pole axis will shift. I believe this is also be a part of entering into the new age of aquarius. I believe we shouldn't live in fear over this. If we do right to love one another as we love ourselves and live right then we should not fear end of time because we lived our life to it's fullest.