Face card confusion


To be fair, in a small reading, cards can do double or even triple duty, with more than one meaning layered in. As an example, I did a 3 card Situation/Problem/Solution reading for myself this morning, and the Queen of Swords was in the Solution position.

The Q/Swords is quite often my signifcator, and, well, I am the main part of this solution, like it or not. It's also a reminder to channel Q/Swords energies here because this is what the situation requires; to look at the situation dispassionately, to cut through both emotions and bull**** with that sword of clarity. And in this case, it was also a nudge to consult with another person familiar with the problem who is also a Q/Swords, because she may have insight or ideas to contribute that I personally haven't come up with.

So, one card, three layers of meaning. Court cards can equal people, they can equal energies, and they can do both at once. They can even represent more than one person at a time, in my experience. It doesn't have to be an either/or thing.


Amanda that was my exact thought on it. She's looking at the emperor , waiting on him presently. The queen is showing him she's calm and collective, drama doesn't follow her anymore.
With that I see the emperor as it may or may not happen but if it does it must have authority and rules, and it's all in his hands. What you think?
Jolie _amethyst that's my exact point. It can mean so many things. Sometimes big spreads are overwhelming. I understand intuition is the best. When I got the cards last night I couldn't put a place the card was to represent but after a lot of thinking and reading them intuitively I understand what she was saying in that lay out. It may not be what others get out of it but intuition is the key to this.


Amanda that was my exact thought on it. She's looking at the emperor , waiting on him presently. The queen is showing him she's calm and collective, drama doesn't follow her anymore.
With that I see the emperor as it may or may not happen but if it does it must have authority and rules, and it's all in his hands. What you think?

That sounds like a perfect explanation to me. You thought it was a person, go with your instinct.

I tend to regard the courts as specific people. If they aren't people, they're showing an action (in my experience) so focus on the body language and what they are doing or which way they are looking. Rarely, they are places but Knights are more likely to be circumstances changing.


Thank you! So much to learn. I appreciate any new things to put in my journal and that note on the knight will go in it. But did you mean ming because we were speaking of kings?


Thank you! So much to learn. I appreciate any new things to put in my journal and that note on the knight will go in it. But did you mean ming because we were speaking of kings?

What do you mean exactly?

Here's another note for you: Swords-people tend to come up (for me) to represent an 'ex'.


Ming I don't know why it wrote that [emoji4]
Above you said Knights are circumstances changing I didn't know if you meant queen because we were speaking about the queen.


Ming I don't know why it wrote that [emoji4]
Above you said Knights are circumstances changing I didn't know if you meant queen because we were speaking about the queen.

Ah, okay! :)
No I meant the Knights for changing circumstances -- Queens and Kings are more 'set' in their situations, but the body language will help you figure out what they are saying exactly.


Thank you for the words Amanda


When ever I get court cards I lay down three card to explain to me more about them cuz at times they can he right tricky...also if you read your intuition right as soon as you see the court card you can feel exactly who...what ...or how it fits in the situation.


Thank you tamieya I will try the 3 card the next time. I was trying to stay away from clarifying cards but some circumstances they are needed.